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Add transactions to the indexer.
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raduom committed Aug 8, 2022
1 parent 5c8a56f commit 620e29f
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Showing 2 changed files with 29 additions and 10 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
module Marconi.Index.TxConfirmationStatus
( -- * UtxoIndex
, Event(..)
, Depth(..)
, open
, Ix.insert
Expand Down
38 changes: 28 additions & 10 deletions plutus-pab/src/Plutus/PAB/Core/ContractInstance/BlockchainEnv.hs
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Cardano.Protocol.Socket.Client qualified as Client
import Cardano.Protocol.Socket.Mock.Client qualified as MockClient
import Control.Lens.Operators
import Data.FingerTree qualified as FT
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,12 +142,13 @@ processChainSyncEvent utxoIx instancesState blockchainEnv event = do
RollForward (BlockInMode (C.Block header transactions) era) _ ->
withIsCardanoEra era (processBlock utxoIx instancesState header blockchainEnv transactions era)
RollBackward chainPoint _ -> do
ix' <- readIORef utxoIx
-- Rollback the index
ix' <- readIORef utxoIx
events <- Ix.getEvents (ix' ^.
-- TODO: Stop ignoring errors.
let nextIx = fromMaybe ix' $ do
slot <- chainPointToSlotNo chainPoint
offset <- findIndex undefined events
offset <- findIndex (\(Ix.Event _ _ sn) -> sn < slot) events
Ix.rewind offset ix'
writeIORef utxoIx nextIx

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,25 +197,41 @@ processBlock :: forall era. C.IsCardanoEra era
-> [C.Tx era]
-> C.EraInMode era C.CardanoMode
-> IO (Either SyncActionFailure (Slot, BlockNumber))
processBlock _ instancesState header env transactions era = do
processBlock utxoIx instancesState header env transactions era = do
let C.BlockHeader (C.SlotNo slot) _ _ = header
STM.atomically $ do
tip = fromCardanoBlockHeader header
-- We ignore cardano transactions that we couldn't convert to
-- our 'ChainIndexTx'.
ciTxs = catMaybes (either (const Nothing) Just . fromCardanoTx era <$> transactions)

stmResult <- STM.atomically $ do
STM.writeTVar (beLastSyncedBlockSlot env) (fromIntegral slot)
if null transactions
then Right <$> blockAndSlot env
else do
let tip = fromCardanoBlockHeader header
-- We ignore cardano transactions that we couldn't convert to
-- our 'ChainIndexTx'.
ciTxs = catMaybes (either (const Nothing) Just . fromCardanoTx era <$> transactions)

instEnv <- S.instancesClientEnv instancesState
updateInstances (indexBlock ciTxs) instEnv

r <- updateEmulatorTransactionState tip env (txEvent <$> ciTxs)
STM.writeTVar (beTxChanges env) FT.empty
pure r

ix' <- readIORef utxoIx
nextIx <- foldlM (\ix'' e -> Ix.insert e ix'') ix' $
mkEvent tip <$> ciTxs
writeIORef utxoIx nextIx
pure stmResult

mkEvent :: Tip -> ChainIndexTx -> Ix.Event
mkEvent TipAtGenesis tx =
Ix.Event { Ix.txId = _citxTxId tx
, Ix.slotNumber = fromIntegral (0 :: Int)
, Ix.blockNumber = fromIntegral (0 :: Int)
mkEvent (Tip sn _ bn) tx =
Ix.Event { Ix.txId = _citxTxId tx
, Ix.slotNumber = fromIntegral sn
, Ix.blockNumber = bn

-- | For the given transactions, perform the updates in the 'TxIdState', and
-- also record that a new block has been processed.
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