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andreabedini committed Nov 21, 2022
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,079 additions and 137 deletions.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions doc/adr/0014-marconi-query-interface.rst
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ADR 14: Marconi Query Interface

Date: 2022-10-27


Kayvan Kazeminejad <>




`Marconi <>`_ provides a general solution for indexing the blockchain data. The query interface adds reporting capabilities on top of Marconi for both Haskell and non-Haskell applications.


- We will build the interface on top of the Marconi indexer with minimal impact on the Marconi infrastructure

- The query interface may be used both as an executable or a Haskell library

- The query interface supports `JSON-RPC 2.0 <>`_ on top of HTTP

- The query interface provides reporting of both memory and disk storage of indexers as described in `Marconi implementation <>`_


- No changes to the marconi infrastructure

- we will remain with `SQLite <>`_ as our storage engine
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/adr/index.rst
Expand Up @@ -43,3 +43,4 @@ The general process for creating an ADR is:
157 changes: 126 additions & 31 deletions marconi-mamba/
@@ -1,78 +1,173 @@

This is an initial draft for the Marconi Mamba README file. Going forward, we will need to discuss and refine this document and/or the implementation so that they match.
# Marconi-Mamba

## Description
marconi-mamba is a [JSON-RPC]( HTTP server on top of the [marconi](../marconi/
Marconi-Mamba is a lightweight, customizable chain follower application and library for the Mamba project to index and query specific information from the Cardano blockchain.
## Purpose

## Playing with the JSON-RPC
There is an example client/server JSON-RPC to experiment with the JSON-RPC clien/server. Here are the steps to build and execute the examples:
The purpose of Marconi-Mamba is to make the core Marconi APIs available to non-Haskell applications.

#### Build the project
## Interface

``` sh
cabal build all
cd marconi-mamba
cabal build
The interface for Marconi-Mamba uses [JSON-RPC]( over HTTP built on top of [Marconi](../marconi/

Running on a single machine Internet
| | +-------------+
| +----------------+ +-----------+ | | |
| | | node-to-client | | | JSON-RPC | mamba |
| | cardano-node +----------------+ marconi +--+------------------+ application |
| | | IPC | mamba | | HTTP | |
| +----------------+ +----+------+ | +------------ +
| | |
| | |
| +---+----+ |
| | SQLite | |
| +--------+ |
| |

#### Execute the JSON-RPC server example
## Requirements
* Local instance of a compatible version of [cardano-node](
* [Nix]( the package manager
* Enable [IOHK's binary cache](

## Building from source
To build Marconi-Mamba from the source files, use the following commands:

``` sh
cd ./marconi-mamba/examples
git clone
cabal clean
cabal update
cabal build marconi-mamba
Note that the example json-rpc-server relies on test data which may change in future.

#### Execute the JSON-RPC client example
The above process will build the executable in your local environment at this location:

``` sh
$(cabal exec -- which examples-jsonrpc-client)
cabal exec -- which marconi-mamba

## Experimenting with marconi-mamba
## Command line summary

Use the CLI to configure the runtime time environment. To get a list of available options:
The following is a general synopsis of the command line options:

``` sh
$(cabal exec -- which marconi-mamba) --help
marconi-mamba - Cardano blockchain indexer

Usage: marconi-mamba --socket-path FILE --utxo-db FILE [--http-port HTTP-PORT]
(--mainnet | --testnet-magic NATURAL)
(--addresses-to-index ARG)

Available options:
--socket-path FILE Socket path to node
--socket-path FILE Socket path to node.
--utxo-db FILE Path to the utxo database.
--http-port HTTP-PORT JSON-RPC http port number, default is port 3000.
--http-port HTTP-PORT JSON-RPC http port number. Default is port 3000.
--mainnet Use the mainnet magic id.
--testnet-magic NATURAL Specify a testnet magic id.
--addresses-to-index ARG Becch32 Shelley addresses to index. i.e
--addresses-to-index ARG Becch32 Shelley addresses to index, i.e.,
"--address-to-index address-1 --address-to-index
address-2 ..."
-h,--help Show this help text

## Example of using Marconi-Mamba

To use Marconi-Mamba, follow these steps:
1. Invoke the JSON-RPC server
2. Interrogate the JSON-RPC endpoints
3. Interrogate the REST endpoints

These steps are described in more detail below.

Here is a sample invocation :
## Invoking the JSON-RPC server

The following is an example shell script for executing Marconi-Mamba in [preview-testnet](

### Requirement

Compatible version of [cardano-node]( must be running with the socket-path as outlined below:

``` sh
#!/usr/bin/env sh



mkdir -p $DB

$(cabal exec -- which marconi-mamba) \
--testnet-magic 2 \
--socket-path "$CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH" \
--utxo-db "$DB/utxo-db" \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vpfwv0ezc5g8a4mkku8hhy3y3vp92t7s3ul8g778g5yegsgalc6gc \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vp8cprhse9pnnv7f4l3n6pj0afq2hjm6f7r2205dz0583egagfjah \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1wpzvcmq8yuqnnzerzv0u862hmc4tc8xlm74wtsqmh56tgpc3pvx0f \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vrvf7yfr2h79mtzqrpcn0ql98xrhs63k85w64u8py7709zsm6tsr6 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1wrn2wfykuhswv4km08w0zcl5apmnqha0j24fa287vueknasq6t4hc \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qr30nkfx28r452r3006kytnpvn39zv7c2m5uqt4zrg35mly35pesdyk43wnxk3edkkw74ak56n4zh67reqjhcfp3mm7qtyekt4 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1wr9gquc23wc7h8k4chyaad268mjft7t0c08wqertwms70sc0fvx8w \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vqeux7xwusdju9dvsj8h7mca9aup2k439kfmwy773xxc2hcu7zy99
A suitable version of cardano-node is running and the environment variable `CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH` is set.

#### Test with the rest-client
## Interrogating the JSON-RPC endpoints

``` sh
| HTTP Verb | Endpoints | RPC method | Description |
| POST | json-rpc | addresseesBech32Report | Retrieves user provided addresses |
| POST | json-rpc | utxoReport | Retrieves TxRefs for an address |
| POST | json-rpc | utxoReportx | Retrieves TxRefs for all provided addresses |
| POST | JSON-rpc | echo | echo's user input to console |
## Interrogating the REST endpoints
``` sh
| HTTP Verb | Endpoints | Description |
| GET | addresses | Retrieves user provided addresses |
| GET | time | current local time |
## Examples
Here is a curl script to exploit the JSON-RPC server:
``` sh
curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0" , "method": "utxoTxOutReport" , "params": "addr_test1vpfwv0ezc5g8a4mkku8hhy3y3vp92t7s3ul8g778g5yegsgalc6gc" , "id": 12}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:3000/json-rpc
"id": 12,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"bech32Address": "addr_test1vpfwv0ezc5g8a4mkku8hhy3y3vp92t7s3ul8g778g5yegsgalc6gc",
"txOutRefs": [
To test with the [rest-client](
- execute the JSON-RPC server example as outlined above
- execute the invidual tests in [test-with-rest-client.http](./examples/test-with-rest-client.http)
[test-json-rpc.http](./examples/test-json-rpc.http) contains additional example usage.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions marconi-mamba/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
## Marconi-Mamba examples

This library demonstrates end-to-end examples of creating and executing a sample JSON-RPC server and client.

### Example JSON-RPC server

The main purpose of this example is to run Marconi-Mamba in isolation without a need for cardano-node.

#### Usage

``` sh
$(cabal exec -- which examples-json-rpc-server) --help
Usage: examples-json-rpc-server [-d|--utxo-db FILENAME]
(--addresses-to-index ARG)

Available options:
-d,--utxo-db FILENAME Path to the utxo database.
(default: "./.marconidb/4/utxo-db")
--addresses-to-index ARG Becch32 Shelley addresses to index. i.e
"--address-to-index address-1 --address-to-index
address-2 ..."
-h,--help Show this help text

### Assumption

The --utxo-db points to a file that already contains utxo data.
42 changes: 17 additions & 25 deletions marconi-mamba/examples/json-rpc-server/src/Main.hs
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
-- Sample JSON-RPC server program
-- Often we need to test the JSON-RPC http server without the cermony of marconi, or marconi mamba.
-- The purpose of this exampl JSON-RPC server is to test the cold-store, SQLite, flow.
-- The assumption is that at some point in the past marconi had been executed and there is SQLite databse available
-- The server uses CLI parameters to connect to SQLite
-- See `` for detail
module Main where

import Cardano.Api (NetworkId (Mainnet))
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race_)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, putTMVar, takeTMVar, tryReadTMVar)
import Control.Exception (bracket_)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, putTMVar)
import Control.Lens.Operators ((^.))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Options.Applicative (Parser, execParser, help, helper, info, long, metavar, short, showDefault, strOption, value,
import Options.Applicative (Parser, execParser, help, helper, info, long, metavar, short, strOption, (<**>))

import Marconi.Api.Types (DBQueryEnv, HasDBQueryEnv (queryComm), HasJsonRpcEnv (queryEnv),
HasUtxoQueryComm (indexer, queryReq), TargetAddresses)
import Marconi.Api.Types (DBQueryEnv, HasDBQueryEnv (queryTMVar), HasJsonRpcEnv (queryEnv), TargetAddresses,
import Marconi.Bootstrap (bootstrapHttp, bootstrapJsonRpc)
import Marconi.CLI (multiString)
import Marconi.Index.Utxo (Depth (Depth), open)

defaultDbpath :: FilePath
defaultDbpath = "./.marconidb/4/utxo-db"

data CliOptions = CliOptions
{ _utxoPath :: FilePath -- ^ path to utxo sqlite database
, _addresses :: TargetAddresses
Expand All @@ -34,9 +33,7 @@ cliParser = CliOptions
<$> strOption (long "utxo-db"
<> short 'd'
<> metavar "FILENAME"
<> showDefault
<> value defaultDbpath
<> help "Path to the utxo database.")
<> help "Path to the utxo SQLite database.")
<*> multiString (long "addresses-to-index"
<> help ("Becch32 Shelley addresses to index."
<> " i.e \"--address-to-index address-1 --address-to-index address-2 ...\"" ) )
Expand All @@ -52,17 +49,12 @@ main = do
env <- bootstrapJsonRpc dbpath Nothing addresses Mainnet
race_ (bootstrapHttp env) (mocUtxoIndexer (env ^. queryEnv) )

-- | moc marconi utxo indexer.
-- This will allow us to use the UtxoIndexer query interface without having cardano-node or marconi online
-- Effectively we are going to query SQLite only
mocUtxoIndexer :: DBQueryEnv -> IO ()
mocUtxoIndexer env = open "" (Depth 4) >>= innerLoop
mocUtxoIndexer env =
open "" (Depth 4) >>= atomically . (putTMVar utxoIndexer) >> innerLoop
utxoIndexer = env ^. queryComm . indexer
qreq = env ^. queryComm . queryReq
innerLoop ix = do
isquery <- atomically $ tryReadTMVar qreq
unless (null isquery) $ bracket_
(atomically (takeTMVar qreq ) )
(atomically (takeTMVar qreq ) )
(atomically (putTMVar utxoIndexer ix) )

threadDelay 10 -- inserts to sqlite
(innerLoop ix)
utxoIndexer = unUtxoIndex $ env ^. queryTMVar
innerLoop = threadDelay 1000 >> innerLoop
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions marconi-mamba/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh


mkdir -p $DB
ls -la $DB

## Noes
## We use db-utils-exe/exe/Main.hs to get a list of most re occuring addresses from utxo-db
## Therefor these addresses my not always be the best addresses to use.
cabal run examples-json-rpc-server -- \
--utxo-db "$DB/utxo-db" \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qqwh05w69g95065zlr4fef4yfpjkv8r3dr9h3pu0egy5n7pwhxp4f95svdjr9dmtqumqcs6v49s6pe7ap4h2nv8rcaasgrkndk \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1wr9gquc23wc7h8k4chyaad268mjft7t0c08wqertwms70sc0fvx8w \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qpp0xdvdexl4t3ur4svdkv3jjs2gy8fu6h9mrrsgvm7r20cmrhy4p5ukjknv23jy95nhsjsnud6fxkjqxp5ehvn8h0es2su3gt \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qzu6at6s7r7yzpvw3mm2tsas34mc9nzrhda89w59wd78lfaw8084xldqyrvxe38z4wxqqdr9h86t8ruut8rrfezdftpstsnrd8 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vqslp49gcrvah8c9vjpxm4x9j7s2m4zw0gkscqh0pqjg4wcjzvcfr \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1wrn2wfykuhswv4km08w0zcl5apmnqha0j24fa287vueknasq6t4hc \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qr30nkfx28r452r3006kytnpvn39zv7c2m5uqt4zrg35mly35pesdyk43wnxk3edkkw74ak56n4zh67reqjhcfp3mm7qtyekt4 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qrr6urmwy2nle3xppnjg9xcukasrwfyfjv9eqh97km84ra53q4hau90tjeldx0mv9eka2z73t9727xl8jny3cy8zetqsdjctpd \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vpfwv0ezc5g8a4mkku8hhy3y3vp92t7s3ul8g778g5yegsgalc6gc \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1wz3937ykmlcaqxkf4z7stxpsfwfn4re7ncy48yu8vutcpxgnj28k0 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vqeux7xwusdju9dvsj8h7mca9aup2k439kfmwy773xxc2hcu7zy99 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qpxtftdcvh55twn2lum4uylxshzls6489q89pft3feesq2m8an0x234jtsqra93hcefmut6cyd6cdn535nkjukhph47ql6uvg7 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qz8q8ymsty33sw7mh4s2wxj2pe4mcrlchxxa37z70l348cyjd3dlf08q9usapw5gt5t8cp8lju7wtwqzk5cj0gxaxyss6w8n66 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vrvf7yfr2h79mtzqrpcn0ql98xrhs63k85w64u8py7709zsm6tsr6 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1vz8q8ymsty33sw7mh4s2wxj2pe4mcrlchxxa37z70l348cqk95hdw \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1wqgden0j2d7pkqy3hu6kcj32swazzy6wg93a8c46pndptncdmz6tq \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qpe6s9amgfwtu9u6lqj998vke6uncswr4dg88qqft5d7f67kfjf77qy57hqhnefcqyy7hmhsygj9j38rj984hn9r57fswc4wg0 \
--addresses-to-index addr_test1qz4ll7yrah8h5t3cv2qptn4mw22judsm9j9zychhmtuuzmszd3hm6w02uxx6h0s3qgd4hxgpvd0qzklnmahcx7v0mcysptyj8l

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