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Use a vector based sqlite index.
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raduom committed May 23, 2022
1 parent e4b8b9d commit dc26cd4
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Showing 5 changed files with 23 additions and 19 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cabal.project
Expand Up @@ -304,4 +304,4 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: 01fcf5cd9e8b89c1089dc4bb753bf007aca7f8d0
tag: e30c0f8e6e86e6f57249aa4437ac8cadc0d49420
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion nix/pkgs/haskell/sha256map.nix
Expand Up @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@
""."44e7cacf109f84984cd99cd3faf185d161826963" = "10pb0yfp80jhb9ryn65a4rha2lxzsn2vlhcc6xphrrkf4x5lhzqc";
""."3825d3abf75f83f406c1f7161883c438dac7277d" = "19wahfv726fa3mqajpqdqhnl9ica3xmf68i254q45iyjcpj1psqx";
""."ee59880f47ab835dbd73bea0847dab7869fc20d8" = "1lrzknw765pz2j97nvv9ip3l1mcpf2zr4n56hwlz0rk7wq7ls4cm";
""."01fcf5cd9e8b89c1089dc4bb753bf007aca7f8d0" = "0rfaww51jd0a2f2h2xp87bx6yikac9jfncyp8pfdri2l3dyzbd14";
""."e30c0f8e6e86e6f57249aa4437ac8cadc0d49420" = "1ayqxfk7d99mcir7syji2404vzz4s6yg56rmw9aj56djvd6804v2";
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions plutus-streaming/app/Main.hs
Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ import Cardano.Api.Extras ()
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
import Data.Aeson.Text qualified as Aeson
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL
import Index.Sqlite (SqliteIndex, insert)
import Index.TxIdStatus (TxStatusIndex, openIx)
import Ledger.TxId (TxId)
import Index.VSqlite (insert)
import Options.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>)), Parser, auto, execParser, flag', help, helper, info, long, metavar,
option, str, strOption, (<**>))
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Types (TxConfirmedState)
import Plutus.Streaming (ChainSyncEvent (RollBackward, RollForward), SimpleChainSyncEvent,
import Streaming.Prelude qualified as S
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions plutus-streaming/plutus-streaming.cabal
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ library
Expand All @@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ executable plutus-streaming-cli
import: lang
hs-source-dirs: app
main-is: Main.hs
base >=4.9 && <5,
Expand Down
31 changes: 17 additions & 14 deletions plutus-streaming/src/Index/TxIdStatus.hs
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Index.TxIdStatus where

import Cardano.Api (Block (Block), BlockHeader (BlockHeader), BlockInMode (BlockInMode), BlockNo (BlockNo), CardanoMode)
import Cardano.Api qualified as C
import Control.Lens.Operators
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
Expand All @@ -13,9 +14,9 @@ import Data.Monoid (Last (Last), Sum (Sum, getSum))
import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL (..))
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Database.SQLite.Simple (execute, execute_)
import Index.Split (SplitIndex (SplitIndex, siBuffered, siHandle))
import Index.Sqlite (SqliteIndex)
import Index.Sqlite qualified as Ix
import Index.VSplit (SplitIndex, getBuffer, handle, storage)
import Index.VSqlite (SqliteIndex)
import Index.VSqlite qualified as Ix
import Ledger.TxId (TxId)
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Tx (ChainIndexTx (_citxTxId))
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Types (BlockNumber (BlockNumber),
Expand All @@ -28,27 +29,29 @@ type TxStatusIndex = SqliteIndex SimpleChainSyncEvent () TxId (Maybe TxConfirmed

openIx :: FilePath -> IO TxStatusIndex
openIx path =
fromJust <$> query onInsert store 2000 path
fromJust <$> Ix.newBoxed query store onInsert 2000 2000 path

-- Ignore notifications for now
onInsert :: SimpleChainSyncEvent -> TxStatusIndex -> IO [()]
onInsert :: TxStatusIndex -> SimpleChainSyncEvent -> IO [()]
onInsert _ _ = pure []

-- No one will query this for now.
query :: TxStatusIndex -> TxId -> Seq SimpleChainSyncEvent -> IO (Maybe TxConfirmedState)
query :: TxStatusIndex -> TxId -> [SimpleChainSyncEvent] -> IO (Maybe TxConfirmedState)
query _ _ _ = pure Nothing

store :: TxStatusIndex -> IO ()
store SplitIndex{siHandle, siBuffered} = do
let bufferedTxs = foldTxs $ getTxs . getBlocks <$> siBuffered
execute_ siHandle "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tx_state (txid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, confirmations INTEGER)"
-- execute_ siHandle "BEGIN"
store ix = do
-- bufferedEvents <- getBuffer (ix ^. storage)
let c = ix ^. handle
-- bufferedTxs = foldTxs $ getTxs . getBlocks <$> bufferedEvents
execute_ c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tx_state (txid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, confirmations INTEGER)"
-- execute_ handle "BEGIN"
-- forM_ (Map.assocs bufferedTxs) $
-- \(txid, v) -> execute siHandle "INSERT INTO tx_state (txid, confirmations) VALUES (?, ?)" (show txid, getSum $ timesConfirmed v)
-- \(txid, v) -> execute handle "INSERT INTO tx_state (txid, confirmations) VALUES (?, ?)" (show txid, getSum $ timesConfirmed v)
-- This will really work your SSD to death, and it is not very useful, since
-- all txs that are persisted are settled.
-- execute siHandle "UPDATE tx_state SET confirmations = confirmations + ?" (Only $ Map.size bufferedTxs)
-- execute_ siHandle "COMMIT"
-- execute handle "UPDATE tx_state SET confirmations = confirmations + ?" (Only $ Map.size bufferedTxs)
-- execute_ handle "COMMIT"

getBlocks :: SimpleChainSyncEvent -> BlockInMode CardanoMode
getBlocks (RollForward block _tip) = block
Expand All @@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ getTxs (BlockInMode (Block header transactions) era) =
go (BlockHeader _ _ blockNo) txs era' =
(blockNo, _citxTxId <$> catMaybes (either (const Nothing) Just . fromCardanoTx era' <$> txs))

foldTxs :: Seq (BlockNo, [TxId]) -> Map TxId TxConfirmedState
foldTxs :: [(BlockNo, [TxId])] -> Map TxId TxConfirmedState
foldTxs bs = snd $ foldl go (0, Map.empty) bs
go :: (Int, Map TxId TxConfirmedState)
Expand Down

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