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Plutus report: Describe plutus app concurrency (#2810)
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Co-authored-by: Michael Peyton Jones <>
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j-mueller and michaelpj committed Mar 4, 2021
1 parent 6b62342 commit 0d870cd
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218 changes: 212 additions & 6 deletions notes/plutus-report/applications.tex
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Expand Up @@ -201,13 +201,16 @@ \subsubsection{\Glsentrytext{wallet-backend} client}
However, transactions made by the \gls{pab} will likely use outputs ``owned'' by the \gls{wallet-backend} (e.g. those selected by coin selection from the user's outputs).
Hence it is important that the \gls{wallet-backend} knows about such outputs, so that it does not attempt to spend them somewhere else.

\subsubsection{Event system}

The \gls{pab} needs to handle incoming events from a number of sources concurrently, so we need some kind of message bus.
In addition, the persistence story for \glspl{app-inst} involves persisting their incoming events, so this is a good fit.
\glspl{app-inst} managed by the \gls{pab} spend most of their time waiting for changes to the blockchain, user input, or the passage of time.
When they are not waiting, they are making requests to services managed by the \gls{pab}, for example the \gls{chain-index} or the \gls{wallet-backend}.

% In addition, the persistence story for \glspl{app-inst} involves persisting their incoming events, so this is a good fit.

We are currently using an event-sourced architecture here.
We hope that this will make backups and synchronization easier (\cref{req:app-backups,req:app-synch}).
However, we plan to switch to a simpler database model.
% We hope that this will make backups and synchronization easier (\cref{req:app-backups,req:app-synch}).

\subsubsection{Application management}

Expand All @@ -217,8 +220,8 @@ \subsubsection{Application management}
\item Create \glspl{app-inst}
\item Instantiate and run \glspl{app-exe} in a sandbox
\item Handle communication with the \gls{app-exe}
\item Handle own message queue (``mailbox'') for each \gls{app-inst}
\item Manage/dump/load \glspl{app-inst}
\item Mediate requests to \glspl{pab-services} by the \gls{app-inst}
\item Manage/dump/load \glspl{app-inst} state
\item Create/destroy \glspl{app-inst}
\item Handle rollbacks
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,3 +276,206 @@ \subsection{The \glsentrytext{plutus-playground}}
\subsection{Application design}

\todompj{Talk about state machines and our ideas for handling rollbacks.}

\subsection{Application concurrency model}

\glspl{app} react to events that happen either on the blockchain or outside the \gls{plutus-platform}.
The following types of events can be reacted to:
\item Wall clock time progresses.
\item The status of a transaction changes as a result of transaction validation or a rollback.
\item The set of unspent outputs at an address changes as a result of a transaction status change.
\item Input is provided to the \gls{app} from outside the system.

The meaning of these interactions is described by the following Petri nets.

\subsubsection{Slot change}

For each slot $s$ there is a place $p_s$.
A \emph{clock} transition $c_s$ takes a token from $p_s$ and places it in $p_{s+1}$ to signal that slot $s + 1$ has begun.
Any other transition that removes a token from $p_s$ is expected to put it back immediately, so that there is always exactly one token in $p_s$ after it has been filled for the first time. See \ref{fig:petri-net-time} for an illustration.

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.3cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45,auto]
% Styles are from
\tikzstyle{place-time}=[circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=7mm]
fill=black!20,minimum size=4mm]

\node [place-time,tokens=1] (p1) [label=above:$p_1$] {};
\node [transition] (t1) [right of=p1,label=above:$c_1$] {};
\node [place-time] (p2) [right of=t1,tokens=0,label=above:$p_2$] {};
\node [transition] (t2) [right of=p2,label=$c_2$] {};
\node [place-time] (pn) [right of=t2,tokens=0,label=above:$p_n$] {};

\path (p1) edge [->] (t1);
\path (t1) edge [->] (p2);
\path (p2) edge [->] (t2);
\path (t2) edge [->,dashed] (pn);

\caption{Petri net modeling the passage of time as observed by \glspl{app}}

\subsubsection{Transaction status change}

The status of a transaction changes multiple times after it has been sent to the node.
Transactions start out in the node's \emph{mempool}.
Then their status changes to \emph{tentatively confirmed} or to \emph{rejected}.
Finally, a transaction that is tentatively confirmed can revert back to \emph{mempool} or it can become \emph{permantently confirmed} when enough blocks have been added to make it irreversible.

For each of the four states of a transaction there is one place in the petri net, as shown in \ref{fig:petri-net-txn}.
% TODO: Should probably use colored tokens here for different transactions that we can distinguish.

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.3cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45,auto]
% Styles are from
\tikzstyle{place-status}=[circle,thick,draw=red!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=7mm]
fill=black!20,minimum size=4mm]

\node [place-status,tokens=1] (mempool) [label=left:$\mathsf{mempool}$] {};
\node [transition] (confirm) [below right of=mempool] {};
\node [transition] (rollback) [above right of=mempool,label=above:$\mathsf{rollback}$] {};
\node [place-status] (confirmed) [below right of=rollback,tokens=0,label=below right:$\mathsf{confirmed}$] {};
\node [transition] (commit) [right of=confirmed] {};
\node [place-status] (committed) [right of=commit,tokens=0,label=above:$\mathsf{committed}$] {};
\node [transition] (reject) [below of=mempool] {};
\node [place-status] (invalid) [left of=reject,label=$\mathsf{invalid}$] {};

\path (mempool) edge [->] (confirm);
\path (confirm) edge [->] (confirmed);
\path (confirmed) edge [->] (rollback);
\path (rollback) edge [->] (mempool);
\path (confirmed) edge [->] (commit);
\path (commit) edge [->] (committed);
\path (mempool) edge [->] (reject);
\path (reject) edge [->] (invalid);

\caption{Petri net for the status of transactions}

\subsubsection{Address change}

The set of unspent outputs at an address is modified by transactions that spend and produce outputs.
Therefore, whenever the status of a transaction changes, the status of its inputs and outputs changes also.

We represent the outputs at each address with two petri nets, one for unspent outputs and one for spent outputs.
There is one place each for outputs that are in the mempool, tentatively confirmed, permantently confirmed, rejected.

% TODO: Think about how to do it properly. What level of detail do we need here? Maybe we don't need an extra petri net (address change is just a function of tx change). Or maybe we should include tx dependencies via their outputs as well.


Users and other applications may call endpoints on the \gls{app}.
Endpoints are places $e_1, \ldots, e_n$ in the petri net (see \ref{fig:petri-net-endpoint}).

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.3cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45,auto]
% Styles are from
\tikzstyle{place-endpoint}=[circle,thick,draw=yellow!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=7mm]
fill=black!20,minimum size=4mm]

\node [place-endpoint,tokens=1] (ep1) [label=left:$e_1$] {};
\node [place-endpoint] (ep2) [right of=ep1,label=below right:$e_2$] {};

\caption{Petri net for endpoints. The token in $e_1$ signifies that input is available to be consumed by this contract.}


Given the places for time, transaction status and endpoints we can describe \glspl{app} as sequences of transitions.
The states of the app are represented by places.
\ref{fig:plutus-app-net} shows a \gls{app} with three possible state, $s_1$, $s_2$ and $s_3$.
As soon as a transaction is confirmed, the state can progress from $s_1$ to $s_2$.

After that, endpoint $e_1$ becomes \emph{active}, meaning that the app can make progress as soon as input is provided. The next state depends on which of two possible events happens first: The endpoint being called by the user, or the clock reaching slot ten.

The app transitions (green) involve queries to the chain index, transaction submission, etc.
These requests are not shown in the petri net.
We still record their responses however, in order to meet the replayability requirements (see \ref{req:app-synch} and \ref{req:app-reproducibility}).

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.8cm,>=stealth',bend angle=45,auto]
% Styles are from
\tikzstyle{place-endpoint}=[circle,thick,draw=yellow!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=7mm]
\tikzstyle{place-status}=[circle,thick,draw=red!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=7mm]
\tikzstyle{place-time}=[circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=7mm]
\tikzstyle{place-app}=[circle,thick,draw=green!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=7mm]
\tikzstyle{place-writer}=[circle,thick,draw=black!50,fill=black!10,minimum size=4mm]
\tikzstyle{transition-app}=[rectangle,thick,draw=green!75,fill=green!20,minimum size=4mm]

\node [place-status] (confirmed) [label=above:$\mathsf{confirmed}$] {};
\node [place-app] (s1) [below of=confirmed,tokens=1,label=below:$s_1$] {};
\node [transition-app] (t1) [above right of=s1] {};
\node [place-writer] (w1) [below=0.5cm of t1] {\code{w}};

\path (confirmed) edge [->,bend right] (t1);
\coordinate[yshift=0,left=1cm of confirmed.west] (aux1);
\path (aux1) edge [->,dashed] (confirmed);
\path (t1) edge [->,bend right] (confirmed);
\path (s1) edge [->] (t1);
\path (t1) edge [->] (w1);

\node [place-app] (s2) [right of=t1,label=below:$s_2$] {};
\path (t1) edge [->] (s2);
\node [transition-app] (t2) [above right of=s2] {};
\node [place-writer] (w2) [below=0.5cm of t2] {\code{w}};
\path (t2) edge [->] (w2);

\node [transition-app] (t3) [below right of=s2] {};
\node [place-writer] (w3) [below=1.2cm of t3] {\code{w}};
\path (t3) edge [->] (w3);

\node [place-app] (s3) [right of=t2,label=below:$s_3$] {};
\path (s2) edge [->] (t2);
\path (t2) edge [->] (s3);

\node [place-endpoint] (e1) [above left of=t2,label=above:$e_1$] {};
\coordinate[yshift=0,left=1cm of e1.west] (aux2);
\path (aux2) edge [->,dashed] (e1);
\path (e1) edge [->, bend right] (t2);
\path (t2) edge [->, bend right] (e1);

\node [place-app] (s4) [right of=t3,label=below:$s_4$] {};
\path (s2) edge [->] (t3);
\path (t3) edge [->] (s4);

\node [place-time] (p10) [below left of=t3,tokens=0,label=below:$p_{10}$] {};
\coordinate[yshift=0,left=1cm of p10.west] (aux3);
\coordinate[yshift=0,right=1cm of p10.east] (aux4);
\path (aux3) edge [->,dashed] (p10);
\path (p10) edge [->, bend right] (t3);
\path (t3) edge [->, bend right] (p10);
Petri net for an \gls{app} (green) that waits for a transaction to be confirmed and then waits for slot number ten to begin, or for user input.
The app emits values of type \code{w} on every transition.

\subsubsection{Observable state}

\glspl{app} need to be able to notify the outside world of changes.
To this end, the application can emit values of some user-defined type \code{w} whenever one of its transition fires.
In the Haskell library, this is realised using the \code{Writer w} effect, with \code{Monoid w} constraint.
Clients of the \gls{app} can subscribe to receive updates whenever the accumulated total of all values changes.

\subsubsection{Multiple instances, on-chain state}

There are some possible extensions of the basic model of apps and events.
For example, we could model an on-chain state machine (in a Plutus script) as a petri net.
Then we could describe the interactions of multiple \glspl{app-inst} interacting with that state machine, including possible race conditions.
The petri net model is simple, but it scales easily over multiple machines and contracts.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions notes/plutus-report/glossary.tex
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Expand Up @@ -327,6 +327,13 @@
The part of an \gls{app}'s code which runs on the chain (i.e. as scripts).
{ name={\gls{pab} services},
Services used by \glspl{app} that the \gls{pab} knows how to connect to.
The services are \gls{chain-index}, \gls{wallet-backend} and \gls{node}.
The component which manages \glspl{app} run on users' machines.
See \cref{sec:pab}.
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions notes/plutus-report/plutus.tex
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Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
% Smaller margins are nicer for this kind of content, I think.


% TODO: better style
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