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Adding wireframe contract setup workflow. (#2773)
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* Adding wireframe contract setup workflow.

* Responding to review comments and adding enhanced contract metadata.
  • Loading branch information
merivale committed Feb 25, 2021
1 parent c930c81 commit 68ff8a8
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Showing 19 changed files with 808 additions and 148 deletions.
21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/Contract/State.purs
@@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
module Contract.State where
module Contract.State
( defaultState
, mkInitialState
, handleQuery
, handleAction
) where

import Prelude
import Contract.Types (Action(..), Query(..), Side(..), State, Tab(..), _confirmation, _executionState, _side, _step, _tab)
import Data.Lens (assign, modifying, use)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Unfoldable as Unfoldable
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen (HalogenM, raise)
import MainFrame.Types (ChildSlots, Msg(..))
import Halogen (HalogenM)
import MainFrame.Types (ChildSlots, Msg)
import Marlowe.Execution (NamedAction(..), _namedActions, _state, initExecution, merge, mkTx, nextState)
import Marlowe.Semantics (Contract, Slot, _minSlot)
import Plutus.PAB.Webserver.Types (StreamToServer(..))
import Marlowe.Semantics (Contract(..), Slot, _minSlot)

initialState :: Slot -> Contract -> State
initialState slot contract =
defaultState :: State
defaultState = mkInitialState zero Close

mkInitialState :: Slot -> Contract -> State
mkInitialState slot contract =
{ tab: Tasks
, executionState: initExecution slot contract
, side: Overview
Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/Contract/View.purs
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ module Contract.View
) where

import Prelude hiding (div)
import Contract.Types (Action(..))
import Css (classNames)
import Contract.Types (Action(..), State)
import Data.Foldable (foldr)
import Data.Lens (view)
import Data.Map (Map)
Expand All @@ -15,17 +14,16 @@ import Halogen.HTML (HTML, button, div, div_, h2_, text)
import Halogen.HTML.Events (onClick)
import MainFrame.Types (ContractStatus)
import Marlowe.Execution (ExecutionStep, NamedAction(..))
import Marlowe.Semantics (Accounts, ChoiceId(..), Contract, Input(..), Party, TransactionInput(..), _accounts)
import Marlowe.Semantics (Accounts, ChoiceId(..), Input(..), Party, TransactionInput(..), _accounts)

contractsScreen :: forall p. ContractStatus -> HTML p Action
contractsScreen contractStatus =
[ classNames [ "p-1" ] ]
[ h2_
[ text "Dashboard home" ]

contractDetailsCard :: forall p. Contract -> HTML p Action
contractDetailsCard :: forall p. State -> HTML p Action
contractDetailsCard contractInstance =
[ h2_
Expand Down
27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/MainFrame/Lenses.purs
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ module MainFrame.Lenses
, _subState
, _pickupState
, _walletState
, _contractState
, _screen
, _card
, _wallet
, _menuOpen
, _webSocketStatus
, _templateState
, _contractState
) where

import Prelude
Expand All @@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ import Data.Lens.Record (prop)
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import MainFrame.Types (PickupState, State, WalletState, WebSocketStatus)
import Marlowe.Semantics (PubKey)
import Template.Types (Template)
import Template.Types (State, Template) as Template
import WalletData.Types (WalletLibrary, WalletNicknameKey)

_wallets :: Lens' State WalletLibrary
Expand All @@ -31,28 +32,22 @@ _wallets = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "wallets")
_newWalletNicknameKey :: Lens' State WalletNicknameKey
_newWalletNicknameKey = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "newWalletNicknameKey")

_templates :: Lens' State (Array Template)
_templates :: Lens' State (Array Template.Template)
_templates = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "templates")

_subState :: Lens' State (Either PickupState WalletState)
_subState = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "subState")

-- This isn't a Traversal' in any meaningful sense (that I can see), but a Traversal'
-- is a Strong Choice Profunctor, so this is a neat type for the occasion.
-- Alternatively: forall a. Strong a => Choice a => Optic' a State PickupState
_webSocketStatus :: Lens' State WebSocketStatus
_webSocketStatus = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "webSocketStatus")

_pickupState :: Traversal' State PickupState
_pickupState = _subState <<< _Left

-- As above.
_walletState :: Traversal' State WalletState
_walletState = _subState <<< _Right

_contractState :: Lens' State Contract.State
_contractState = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "contractState")

_webSocketStatus :: Lens' State WebSocketStatus
_webSocketStatus = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "webSocketStatus")

_screen :: forall s b. Lens' { screen :: s | b } s
_screen = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "screen")
Expand All @@ -66,3 +61,9 @@ _wallet = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "wallet")

_menuOpen :: Lens' WalletState Boolean
_menuOpen = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "menuOpen")

_templateState :: Lens' WalletState Template.State
_templateState = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "templateState")

_contractState :: Lens' WalletState Contract.State
_contractState = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "contractState")
70 changes: 56 additions & 14 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/MainFrame/State.purs
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
module MainFrame.State (mkMainFrame) where

import Prelude
import Contract.State (handleAction, initialState) as Contract
import Contract.Types (Action(..)) as Contract
import Contract.State (handleAction, defaultState) as Contract
import Contract.Types (_executionState)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Lens (assign, modifying, over, set, use)
import Data.Lens (Traversal', assign, modifying, over, set, use, view)
import Data.Lens.Extra (peruse)
import Data.Map (empty, insert, member)
import Data.Map.Extra (findIndex)
Expand All @@ -17,17 +16,21 @@ import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect.Random (random)
import Foreign.Generic (decodeJSON, encodeJSON)
import Halogen (Component, HalogenM, liftEffect, mkComponent, mkEval, modify_)
import Halogen.Extra (mapSubmodule)
import Halogen.Extra (mapMaybeSubmodule)
import Halogen.HTML (HTML)
import LocalStorage (getItem, removeItem, setItem)
import MainFrame.Lenses (_card, _contractState, _menuOpen, _newWalletNicknameKey, _pickupState, _screen, _subState, _templates, _walletState, _wallets, _webSocketStatus)
import MainFrame.Types (Action(..), ChildSlots, ContractStatus(..), Msg, PickupCard(..), PickupScreen(..), PickupState, Query(..), Screen(..), State, WalletState, WebSocketStatus(..))
import MainFrame.Lenses (_card, _contractState, _menuOpen, _newWalletNicknameKey, _pickupState, _screen, _templateState, _subState, _templates, _walletState, _wallets, _webSocketStatus)
import MainFrame.Types (Action(..), Card(..), ChildSlots, ContractStatus(..), Msg, PickupCard(..), PickupScreen(..), PickupState, Query(..), Screen(..), State, WalletState, WebSocketStatus(..))
import MainFrame.View (render)
import Marlowe.Execution (_contract)
import Marlowe.Semantics (Contract(..), PubKey)
import Marlowe.Extended (fillTemplate, toCore)
import Marlowe.Semantics (PubKey)
import Plutus.PAB.Webserver.Types (StreamToClient(..))
import StaticData (walletLocalStorageKey, walletsLocalStorageKey)
import Template.Lenses (_extendedContract, _template, _templateContent)
import Template.Library (templates)
import Template.State (defaultState, handleAction, mkInitialState) as Template
import Template.Types (ContractSetupScreen(..))
import WalletData.Lenses (_key, _nickname)
import WalletData.Types (WalletDetails)
import WebSocket.Support as WS
Expand All @@ -53,7 +56,6 @@ initialState =
, newWalletNicknameKey: mempty
, templates: mempty
, subState: Left initialPickupState
, contractState: Contract.initialState zero Close
, webSocketStatus: WebSocketClosed Nothing

Expand All @@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ mkWalletState pubKeyHash =
, menuOpen: false
, screen: ContractsScreen Running
, card: Nothing
, templateState: Template.defaultState
, contractState: Contract.defaultState

defaultWalletDetails :: WalletDetails
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,10 +181,48 @@ handleAction AddNewWallet = do
newWallets <- use _wallets
liftEffect $ setItem walletsLocalStorageKey $ encodeJSON newWallets

-- contract actions
handleAction (ContractAction contractAction) = do
case contractAction of
Contract.ClosePanel -> pure unit
action -> mapSubmodule _contractState ContractAction $ Contract.handleAction action
-- template actions
handleAction (SetTemplate template) = do
mCurrentTemplate <- peruse (_walletState <<< _templateState <<< _template)
when (mCurrentTemplate /= Just template) $ assign (_walletState <<< _templateState) $ Template.mkInitialState template
handleAction $ SetScreen $ ContractSetupScreen ContractRolesScreen

handleAction (TemplateAction templateAction) = Template.handleAction templateAction

handleAction (StartContract contract) = assign (_contractState <<< _executionState <<< _contract) contract
-- contract actions
handleAction StartContract = do
mTemplateState <- peruse (_walletState <<< _templateState)
for_ mTemplateState \templateState ->
extendedContract = view (_template <<< _extendedContract) templateState

templateContent = view _templateContent templateState

mContract = toCore $ fillTemplate templateContent extendedContract
for_ mContract \contract -> do
assign (_walletState <<< _contractState <<< _executionState <<< _contract) contract
handleAction $ SetScreen $ ContractsScreen Running
handleAction $ ToggleCard ContractCard

handleAction (ContractAction contractAction) = handleSubAction (_walletState <<< _contractState) ContractAction Contract.defaultState (Contract.handleAction contractAction)

-- there must be a nicer way to get the current state than by manually
-- piecing together each of its properties, but I haven't found it :(
handleSubAction ::
forall m state' action'.
MonadAff m =>
Traversal' State state' ->
(action' -> Action) ->
state' ->
HalogenM state' action' ChildSlots Msg m Unit ->
HalogenM State Action ChildSlots Msg m Unit
handleSubAction traversal wrapper submoduleInitialState submoduleHandleAction = do
wallets <- use _wallets
newWalletNicknameKey <- use _newWalletNicknameKey
templates <- use _templates
subState <- use _subState
webSocketStatus <- use _webSocketStatus
state = { wallets, newWalletNicknameKey, templates, subState, webSocketStatus }
mapMaybeSubmodule state traversal wrapper submoduleInitialState submoduleHandleAction
29 changes: 19 additions & 10 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/MainFrame/Types.purs
Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ import Contract.Types as Contract
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Marlowe.Semantics (Contract, PubKey)
import Marlowe.Semantics (PubKey)
import Plutus.PAB.Webserver.Types (StreamToClient, StreamToServer)
import Template.Types (Template)
import Template.Types (ContractSetupScreen, Template)
import Template.Types (Action, State) as Template
import WalletData.Types (WalletDetails, WalletLibrary, WalletNicknameKey)
import Web.Socket.Event.CloseEvent (CloseEvent, reason) as WS
import WebSocket.Support (FromSocket) as WS
Expand All @@ -37,10 +38,6 @@ type State
, newWalletNicknameKey :: WalletNicknameKey
, templates :: Array Template
, subState :: Either PickupState WalletState
-- TODO: (work out how to) move contract state into wallet state
-- (the puzzle is how to handle contract actions in the mainframe if the
-- submodule state is behind an `Either`... :thinking_face:)
, contractState :: Contract.State
, webSocketStatus :: WebSocketStatus

Expand All @@ -55,6 +52,7 @@ instance showWebSocketStatus :: Show WebSocketStatus where
show (WebSocketClosed Nothing) = "WebSocketClosed"
show (WebSocketClosed (Just closeEvent)) = "WebSocketClosed " <> WS.reason closeEvent

-- pickup state --------------------------------------------
type PickupState
= { screen :: PickupScreen
, card :: Maybe PickupCard
Expand All @@ -73,17 +71,20 @@ data PickupCard

derive instance eqPickupCard :: Eq PickupCard

-- wallet state --------------------------------------------
type WalletState
= { wallet :: PubKey
, menuOpen :: Boolean
, screen :: Screen
, card :: Maybe Card
, templateState :: Template.State
, contractState :: Contract.State

data Screen
= ContractsScreen ContractStatus
| WalletLibraryScreen
| ContractSetupScreen Template
| ContractSetupScreen ContractSetupScreen

derive instance eqScreen :: Eq Screen

Expand All @@ -92,7 +93,9 @@ data Card
| ViewWalletCard WalletNicknameKey WalletDetails
| PutdownWalletCard
| TemplateLibraryCard
| ContractCard Contract
| NewContractForRoleCard
| ContractSetupConfirmationCard
| ContractCard

derive instance eqCard :: Eq Card

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,9 +135,12 @@ data Action
| SetNewWalletNickname String
| SetNewWalletKey PubKey
| AddNewWallet
-- template actions
| SetTemplate Template
| TemplateAction Template.Action
-- contract actions
| StartContract
| ContractAction Contract.Action
| StartContract Contract

-- | Here we decide which top-level queries to track as GA events, and
-- how to classify them.
Expand All @@ -155,6 +161,9 @@ instance actionIsEvent :: IsEvent Action where
toEvent (SetNewWalletNickname _) = Nothing
toEvent (SetNewWalletKey _) = Nothing
toEvent AddNewWallet = Just $ defaultEvent "AddNewWallet"
-- template actions
toEvent (SetTemplate _) = Just $ defaultEvent "SetTemplate"
toEvent (TemplateAction templateAction) = toEvent templateAction
-- contract actions
toEvent StartContract = Just $ defaultEvent "StartContract"
toEvent (ContractAction contractAction) = toEvent contractAction
toEvent (StartContract _) = Just $ defaultEvent "StartContract"

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