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* If a contract is inside a When that has a Notify and that Notify evaluates to true then an input button "Notify" should be displayed.
* If we pass over a timeout by progressing the slot number, an empty transaction should be submitted automatically
* It should not possible to submit a transaction that causes an error

Note that this is for the simulation tab only and the wallets simulation remains unchanged
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shmish111 committed Aug 13, 2020
1 parent 0bd8412 commit 6b29529
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Showing 8 changed files with 209 additions and 254 deletions.
51 changes: 34 additions & 17 deletions marlowe-playground-client/src/Marlowe/Semantics.purs
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ module Marlowe.Semantics where

import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Except (mapExcept, runExcept)
import Data.Array (catMaybes)
import Data.BigInteger (BigInteger, fromInt, quot, rem)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, any, foldl)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, any, foldl, minimum)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldMapWithIndex)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1188,14 +1189,15 @@ computeTransaction tx state contract =
extractRequiredActionsWithTxs :: TransactionInput -> State -> Contract -> Tuple State (Array Action)
extractRequiredActionsWithTxs txInput state contract = case computeTransaction txInput state contract of
TransactionOutput { txOutContract, txOutState } -> Tuple txOutState (extractRequiredActions txOutContract)
-- in error cases or where the contract is not reduced, the actions remain unchanged
_ ->
if not (emptyInput txInput) then
Tuple state []
Tuple state (extractRequiredActions contract)
else case fixInterval (unwrap txInput).interval state of
IntervalTrimmed env fixState -> case reduceContractUntilQuiescent env fixState contract of
(ContractQuiescent _ _ _ reducedContract) -> Tuple fixState (extractRequiredActions reducedContract)
_ -> Tuple state []
_ -> Tuple state []
_ -> Tuple state (extractRequiredActions contract)
_ -> Tuple state (extractRequiredActions contract)
emptyInput (TransactionInput { inputs }) = null inputs

Expand All @@ -1210,26 +1212,41 @@ moneyInContract state =
(\(Tuple _ (Token cur tok)) balance -> asset cur tok balance)
(unwrap state).accounts

class HasMaxTime a where
maxTime :: a -> Timeout
class HasTimeout a where
timeouts :: a -> { maxTime :: Timeout, minTime :: Maybe Timeout }

instance hasMaxTimeContract :: HasMaxTime Contract where
maxTime Close = zero
maxTime (Pay _ _ _ _ contract) = maxTime contract
maxTime (If _ contractTrue contractFalse) = maxOf [ maxTime contractTrue, maxTime contractFalse ]
maxTime (When cases timeout contract) = maxOf [ maxTime cases, timeout, maxTime contract ]
maxTime (Let _ _ contract) = maxTime contract
maxTime (Assert _ contract) = maxTime contract
instance hasTimeoutContract :: HasTimeout Contract where
timeouts Close = { maxTime: zero, minTime: Nothing }
timeouts (Pay _ _ _ _ contract) = timeouts contract
timeouts (If _ contractTrue contractFalse) =
ts = [ timeouts contractTrue, timeouts contractFalse ]
{ maxTime: maxOf (map _.maxTime ts), minTime: minOf (map _.minTime ts) }
timeouts (When cases timeout contract) =
ts = [ timeouts cases, { maxTime: timeout, minTime: Just timeout }, timeouts contract ]
{ maxTime: maxOf (map _.maxTime ts), minTime: minOf (map _.minTime ts) }
timeouts (Let _ _ contract) = timeouts contract
timeouts (Assert _ contract) = timeouts contract

instance hasMaxTimeCase :: HasMaxTime Case where
maxTime (Case _ contract) = maxTime contract
instance hasTimeoutCase :: HasTimeout Case where
timeouts (Case _ contract) = timeouts contract

instance hasMaxTimeArray :: HasMaxTime a => HasMaxTime (Array a) where
maxTime = maxOf <<< map maxTime
instance hasTimeoutArray :: HasTimeout a => HasTimeout (Array a) where
timeouts vs =
ts = map timeouts vs
{ maxTime: maxOf (map _.maxTime ts), minTime: minOf (map _.minTime ts) }

maxOf :: Array Timeout -> Timeout
maxOf = foldl max zero

minOf :: Array (Maybe Timeout) -> Maybe Timeout
minOf as = minimum $ catMaybes as

aesonCompatibleOptions :: Options
aesonCompatibleOptions =
Expand Down

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