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WIP: SCB: Improved visual feedback as websockets data is being refres…
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Kris Jenkins authored and krisajenkins committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent bea04b5 commit 9641345
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Showing 9 changed files with 500 additions and 150 deletions.
55 changes: 28 additions & 27 deletions plutus-scb-client/src/MainFrame.purs
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState)
import Control.Monad.State.Extra (zoomStateT)
import Data.Array (filter, find)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Lens (_1, _2, assign, modifying, to, use, view)
import Data.Lens.At (at)
Expand All @@ -37,8 +38,9 @@ import Ledger.Ada (Ada(..))
import Ledger.Extra (adaToValue)
import Ledger.Value (Value)
import MonadApp (class MonadApp, activateContract, getFullReport, invokeEndpoint, log, runHalogenApp)
import Network.RemoteData (RemoteData(..), _Success)
import Network.RemoteData (RemoteData(..))
import Network.RemoteData as RemoteData
import Network.StreamData as Stream
import Playground.Lenses (_endpointDescription, _schema)
import Playground.Types (FunctionSchema(..), _FunctionSchema)
import Plutus.SCB.Events.Contract (ContractInstanceState(..))
Expand All @@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ import Schema (FormSchema)
import Schema.Types (formArgumentToJson, toArgument)
import Schema.Types as Schema
import Servant.PureScript.Settings (SPSettings_, defaultSettings)
import Types (EndpointForm, HAction(..), Output, Query(..), State(..), View(..), WebData, _annotatedBlockchain, _chainReport, _chainState, _contractActiveEndpoints, _contractReport, _contractSignatures, _contractStates, _crActiveContractStates, _crAvailableContracts, _csContract, _csCurrentState, _currentView, _events, _webSocketMessage)
import Types (ContractSignatures, EndpointForm, HAction(..), Output, Query(..), State(..), StreamError(..), View(..), WebStreamData, _annotatedBlockchain, _chainReport, _chainState, _contractActiveEndpoints, _contractReport, _contractSignatures, _contractStates, _crActiveContractStates, _crAvailableContracts, _csContract, _csCurrentState, _currentView, _events, _webSocketMessage, fromWebData)
import Validation (_argument)
import View as View
import WebSocket.Support as WS
Expand All @@ -62,12 +64,12 @@ initialState :: State
initialState =
{ currentView: ActiveContracts
, contractSignatures: NotAsked
, contractSignatures: Stream.NotAsked
, chainReport: NotAsked
, events: NotAsked
, chainState: Chain.initialState
, contractStates: Map.empty
, webSocketMessage: NotAsked
, webSocketMessage: Stream.NotAsked

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,15 +105,15 @@ handleQuery ::
Query a -> m (Maybe a)
handleQuery (ReceiveWebSocketMessage (WS.ReceiveMessage msg) next) = do
case msg of
Right (NewChainReport report) -> assign (_chainReport <<< _Success) report
Right (NewChainReport report) -> assign (_chainReport <<< RemoteData._Success) report
Right (NewContractReport report) -> do
assign (_contractSignatures <<< _Success) (view _crAvailableContracts report)
assign (_contractSignatures <<< Stream._Success) (view _crAvailableContracts report)
traverse_ updateFormsForContractInstance
(view _crActiveContractStates report)
Right (NewChainEvents events) -> assign (_events <<< _Success) events
Right (ErrorResponse _) -> pure unit
Left err -> pure unit
assign _webSocketMessage $ RemoteData.fromEither msg
Right (NewChainEvents events) -> assign (_events <<< RemoteData._Success) events
Right (ErrorResponse err) -> pure unit
Left err -> assign _webSocketMessage $ Stream.Failure $ DecodingError err
assign _webSocketMessage $ lmap DecodingError $ Stream.fromEither msg
pure $ Just next

handleQuery (ReceiveWebSocketMessage WS.WebSocketClosed next) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,14 +143,15 @@ handleAction LoadFullReport = do
(view (_contractReport <<< _crActiveContractStates) report)
assignFullReportData v = do
assign _contractSignatures (view (_contractReport <<< _crAvailableContracts) <$> v)
assign _chainReport (view _chainReport <$> v)
assign _events (view _events <$> v)
assignFullReportData value = do
assign _contractSignatures
(fromWebData (view (_contractReport <<< _crAvailableContracts) <$> value))
assign _chainReport (view _chainReport <$> value)
assign _events (view _events <$> value)

handleAction (ChainAction subaction) = do
mAnnotatedBlockchain <-
peruse (_chainReport <<< _Success <<< _annotatedBlockchain <<< to AnnotatedBlockchain)
peruse (_chainReport <<< RemoteData._Success <<< _annotatedBlockchain <<< to AnnotatedBlockchain)
wrapper ::
Warn (Text "The question, 'Should we animate this?' feels like it belongs in the Chain module. Not here.") =>
Expand All @@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ handleAction (ChangeContractEndpointCall contractInstanceId endpointIndex subact
( _contractStates
<<< ix contractInstanceId
<<< _Success
<<< Stream._Success
<<< _2
<<< ix endpointIndex
<<< _argument
Expand All @@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ handleAction (InvokeContractEndpoint contractInstanceId endpointForm) = do
encodedForm = RawJson <<< encodeJSON <$> formArgumentToJson (view _argument endpointForm)
for_ encodedForm
$ \argument -> do
assign (_contractStates <<< at contractInstanceId) (Just Loading)
assign (_contractStates <<< at contractInstanceId) (Just Stream.Loading)
invokeEndpoint argument contractInstanceId endpointDescription

updateFormsForContractInstance ::
Expand All @@ -194,28 +197,26 @@ updateFormsForContractInstance newContractInstance = do
( _contractStates
<<< ix csContractId
<<< _Success
<<< Stream._Success
<<< _1
when (oldContractInstance /= Just newContractInstance)
$ do
contractSignatures <- use _contractSignatures
contractSignatures :: WebStreamData ContractSignatures <- use _contractSignatures
newForms :: Maybe (WebData (Array EndpointForm))
newForms :: Maybe (WebStreamData (Array EndpointForm))
newForms = sequence $ createNewEndpointForms <$> contractSignatures <*> pure newContractInstance
assign (_contractStates <<< at csContractId)
(map (Tuple newContractInstance) <$> newForms)

createNewEndpointForms ::
Array (ContractSignatureResponse ContractExe) ->
ContractSignatures ->
ContractInstanceState ContractExe ->
Maybe (Array EndpointForm)
createNewEndpointForms contractSignatures instanceState =
matchingSignature :: Maybe (ContractSignatureResponse ContractExe)
matchingSignature = getMatchingSignature instanceState contractSignatures
createEndpointForms instanceState <$> matchingSignature
createNewEndpointForms contractSignatures instanceState = createEndpointForms instanceState <$> matchingSignature
matchingSignature :: Maybe (ContractSignatureResponse ContractExe)
matchingSignature = getMatchingSignature instanceState contractSignatures

createEndpointForms ::
forall t.
Expand Down
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions plutus-scb-client/src/Network/StreamData.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
module Network.StreamData where

import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError, class MonadThrow)
import Data.Bifunctor (class Bifunctor)
import Data.Bitraversable (class Bifoldable, class Bitraversable, bifoldlDefault, bifoldrDefault, bisequenceDefault)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Lens (Prism', prism)
import Data.Traversable (class Foldable, class Traversable, foldlDefault, foldrDefault, sequenceDefault)
import Network.RemoteData (RemoteData)
import Network.RemoteData as Remote

data StreamData e a
= NotAsked
| Loading
| Failure e
| Success a
| Refreshing a

derive instance genericStreamData :: Generic (StreamData e a) _

derive instance eqStreamData :: (Eq e, Eq a) => Eq (StreamData e a)

derive instance functorStreamData :: Functor (StreamData e)

instance showStreamData :: (Show e, Show a) => Show (StreamData e a) where
show NotAsked = "StreamData.NotAsked"
show Loading = "StreamData.Loading"
show (Failure err) = "StreamData.Failure " <> show err
show (Success value) = "StreamData.Success " <> show value
show (Refreshing value) = "StreamData.Refreshing " <> show value

-- | Maps functions to the `Failure` and `Success` values.
instance bifunctorStreamData :: Bifunctor StreamData where
bimap _ _ NotAsked = NotAsked
bimap _ _ Loading = Loading
bimap f _ (Failure err) = Failure (f err)
bimap _ g (Success value) = Success (g value)
bimap _ g (Refreshing value) = Refreshing (g value)

-- | If both values are `Success`, the result is `Success`.
-- | If one is `Success` and the other is `Refreshing`, the result is `Refreshing`.
-- | If both are `Refreshing`, the result is `Refreshing`.
-- | If both are `Failure`, the first failure is returned.
instance applyStreamData :: Apply (StreamData e) where
apply (Success f) (Success value) = Success (f value)
apply (Refreshing f) (Success value) = Refreshing (f value)
apply (Success f) (Refreshing value) = Refreshing (f value)
apply (Refreshing f) (Refreshing value) = Refreshing (f value)
apply (Failure err) _ = Failure err
apply _ (Failure err) = Failure err
apply NotAsked _ = NotAsked
apply _ NotAsked = NotAsked
apply Loading _ = Loading
apply _ Loading = Loading

instance bindStreamData :: Bind (StreamData e) where
bind NotAsked _ = NotAsked
bind Loading _ = Loading
bind (Failure err) _ = (Failure err)
bind (Success value) f = f value
bind (Refreshing value) f = f value

instance applicativeStreamData :: Applicative (StreamData e) where
pure value = Success value

instance monadStreamData :: Monad (StreamData e)

instance monadThrowStreamData :: MonadThrow e (StreamData e) where
throwError = Failure

instance monadErrorStreamData :: MonadError e (StreamData e) where
catchError (Failure e) f = f e
catchError (Success value) _ = Success value
catchError (Refreshing value) _ = Refreshing value
catchError NotAsked _ = NotAsked
catchError Loading _ = Loading

instance foldableStreamData :: Foldable (StreamData e) where
foldMap f (Success a) = f a
foldMap f (Refreshing a) = f a
foldMap _ (Failure e) = mempty
foldMap _ NotAsked = mempty
foldMap _ Loading = mempty
foldr f = foldrDefault f
foldl f = foldlDefault f

instance traversableStreamData :: Traversable (StreamData e) where
traverse f (Success a) = Success <$> f a
traverse f (Refreshing a) = Refreshing <$> f a
traverse f (Failure e) = pure (Failure e)
traverse _ NotAsked = pure NotAsked
traverse _ Loading = pure Loading
sequence = sequenceDefault

instance bifoldableStreamData :: Bifoldable StreamData where
bifoldMap _ f (Success a) = f a
bifoldMap _ f (Refreshing a) = f a
bifoldMap f _ (Failure e) = f e
bifoldMap _ _ Loading = mempty
bifoldMap _ _ NotAsked = mempty
bifoldr f = bifoldrDefault f
bifoldl f = bifoldlDefault f

instance bitraversableStreamData :: Bitraversable StreamData where
bitraverse _ f (Success a) = Success <$> f a
bitraverse _ f (Refreshing a) = Refreshing <$> f a
bitraverse f _ (Failure e) = Failure <$> f e
bitraverse _ _ NotAsked = pure NotAsked
bitraverse _ _ Loading = pure Loading
bisequence = bisequenceDefault

-- | Convert an `Either` to `StreamData`
fromEither :: forall e a. Either e a -> StreamData e a
fromEither (Left err) = Failure err

fromEither (Right value) = Success value

-- | Modifies any `Success a` to be `Refreshing a`.
refreshing :: forall e a. StreamData e a -> StreamData e a
refreshing (Success a) = Refreshing a

refreshing NotAsked = Loading

refreshing other = other

-- | Modifies any `Refreshing a` to be a `Success a`.
refreshed :: forall e a. StreamData e a -> StreamData e a
refreshed (Refreshing a) = Success a

refreshed other = other

-- Prisms & Lenses (oh my!)
_NotAsked :: forall a e. Prism' (StreamData e a) Unit
_NotAsked = prism (const NotAsked) unwrap
unwrap NotAsked = Right unit

unwrap y = Left y

_Loading :: forall a e. Prism' (StreamData e a) Unit
_Loading = prism (const Loading) unwrap
unwrap Loading = Right unit

unwrap y = Left y

_Failure :: forall a e. Prism' (StreamData e a) e
_Failure = prism Failure unwrap
unwrap (Failure x) = Right x

unwrap y = Left y

_Refreshing :: forall a e. Prism' (StreamData e a) a
_Refreshing = prism Refreshing unwrap
unwrap (Refreshing x) = Right x

unwrap y = Left y

_Success :: forall a e. Prism' (StreamData e a) a
_Success = prism Success unwrap
unwrap (Success x) = Right x

unwrap y = Left y

fromRemoteData :: forall e a. RemoteData e a -> StreamData e a
fromRemoteData (Remote.Success a) = Success a

fromRemoteData (Remote.Failure e) = Failure e

fromRemoteData Remote.Loading = Loading

fromRemoteData Remote.NotAsked = NotAsked

toRemoteData :: forall e a. StreamData e a -> RemoteData e a
toRemoteData (Success a) = Remote.Success a

toRemoteData (Refreshing a) = Remote.Success a

toRemoteData (Failure e) = Remote.Failure e

toRemoteData Loading = Remote.Loading

toRemoteData NotAsked = Remote.NotAsked

isAvailable :: forall e a. StreamData e a -> Boolean
isAvailable (Success _) = true

isAvailable (Refreshing _) = true

isAvailable _ = false

isExpected :: forall e a. StreamData e a -> Boolean
isExpected (Refreshing _) = true

isExpected Loading = true

isExpected _ = false

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