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michaelpj committed Jun 8, 2021
1 parent 7d7a8c3 commit 9e65c7c
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 14 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl -ddump-to-file -dsuppress-uniques -dsuppress-coercions -dsuppress-type-applications -dsuppress-unfoldings -dsuppress-idinfo -dumpdir /tmp/dumps #-}

module UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek.Internal
-- See Note [Compilation peculiarities].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -568,18 +569,21 @@ runCekM (MachineParameters costs runtime) (ExBudgetMode getExBudgetInfo) emittin
Just logsRef -> DList.toList <$> readSTRef logsRef
pure (errOrRes, st', logs)

--{-# INLINE extendEnv #-}
-- | Extend an environment with a variable name, the value the variable stands for
-- and the environment the value is defined in.
extendEnv :: Name -> CekValue uni fun -> CekValEnv uni fun -> CekValEnv uni fun
extendEnv = insertByName
extendEnv :: (GivenCekGEnv uni fun s) => GName Name -> CekValue uni fun -> CekValEnv uni fun -> CekM uni fun s (CekValEnv uni fun)
extendEnv (NName n) v e = pure $ insertByName n v e
extendEnv (GName n) v e = CekCarryingM $ STArray.writeArray ?cekGEnv n v >> pure e

--{-# INLINE lookupVarName #-}
-- | Look up a variable name in the environment.
lookupVarName :: forall uni fun s . (PrettyUni uni fun) => Name -> CekValEnv uni fun -> CekM uni fun s (CekValue uni fun)
lookupVarName varName varEnv =
case lookupName varName varEnv of
Nothing -> throwingWithCause _MachineError OpenTermEvaluatedMachineError $ Just var where
var = Var () (NName varName)
lookupVarName :: forall uni fun s . (PrettyUni uni fun, GivenCekGEnv uni fun s) => GName Name -> CekValEnv uni fun -> CekM uni fun s (CekValue uni fun)
lookupVarName v@(NName n) varEnv =
case lookupName n varEnv of
Nothing -> throwingWithCause _MachineError OpenTermEvaluatedMachineError $ Just (Var () v)
Just val -> pure val
lookupVarName (GName w) _ = CekCarryingM $ STArray.readArray ?cekGEnv w

-- | Take pieces of a possibly partial builtin application and either create a 'CekValue' using
-- 'makeKnown' or a partial builtin application depending on whether the built-in function is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,9 +627,7 @@ enterComputeCek = computeCek (toWordArray 0) where
-- s ; ρ ▻ {L A} ↦ s , {_ A} ; ρ ▻ L
computeCek !unbudgetedSteps ctx env (Var _ name) = do
!unbudgetedSteps' <- stepAndMaybeSpend BVar unbudgetedSteps
val <- case name of
NName n -> lookupVarName n env
GName w -> CekCarryingM $ STArray.readArray ?cekGEnv w
val <- lookupVarName name env
returnCek unbudgetedSteps' ctx val
computeCek !unbudgetedSteps ctx _ (Constant _ val) = do
!unbudgetedSteps' <- stepAndMaybeSpend BConst unbudgetedSteps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -722,10 +724,9 @@ enterComputeCek = computeCek (toWordArray 0) where
-> CekValue uni fun -- lhs of application
-> CekValue uni fun -- rhs of application
-> CekM uni fun s (Term (GName Name) uni fun ())
applyEvaluate !unbudgetedSteps ctx (VLamAbs (NName name) body env) arg = computeCek unbudgetedSteps ctx (extendEnv name arg env) body
applyEvaluate !unbudgetedSteps ctx (VLamAbs (GName name) body env) arg = do
CekCarryingM $ STArray.writeArray ?cekGEnv name arg
computeCek unbudgetedSteps ctx env body
applyEvaluate !unbudgetedSteps ctx (VLamAbs name body env) arg = do
env' <- extendEnv name arg env
computeCek unbudgetedSteps ctx env' body
-- TODO: check if annotating @f@ and @exF@ with bangs speeds anything up.
applyEvaluate !unbudgetedSteps ctx (VBuiltin fun term env (BuiltinRuntime sch f exF)) arg = do
let term' = Apply () term $ dischargeCekValue arg
Expand Down

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