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Add helper functions and rewrite commute fn.
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thealmarty committed May 30, 2023
1 parent b065041 commit a02d956
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 18 deletions.
104 changes: 86 additions & 18 deletions plutus-core/plutus-ir/src/PlutusIR/Transform/CommuteConst.hs
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module PlutusIR.Transform.CommuteConst (commuteConst) where

import Data.Typeable
import PlutusCore qualified as PLC
import PlutusIR
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, eqT)
import PlutusCore.Default
import PlutusIR.Core (Term (Apply, Builtin, Constant))

{- | Commute such that constants are the first arguments. Consider:
Expand All @@ -28,28 +29,95 @@ invocations of `equalsInteger`. So the second one is harder to share, which is w
So commuting `equalsInteger` so that it has the constant first both a) makes various occurrences of
`equalsInteger` more likely to look similar, and b) gives us a maximally-shareable node for CSE.
This applies to any commutative builtin function, although we might expect that `equalsInteger` is
the one that will benefit the most. Plutonomy only commutes `EqualsInteger`.
This applies to any commutative builtin function that takes constants as arguments, although we
might expect that `equalsInteger` is the one that will benefit the most.
Plutonomy only commutes `EqualsInteger` in their `commEquals`.

isConstant :: Term tyname name uni fun a -> Bool
isConstant Constant{} = True
isConstant _ = False

commuteConstDefault ::
forall tyname name uni a.
Term tyname name uni PLC.DefaultFun a ->
Term tyname name uni PLC.DefaultFun a
commuteConstDefault (Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.EqualsInteger) (Apply ann1 x y@(Constant{}))) =
Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.EqualsInteger) (Apply ann1 y x)
commuteConstDefault (Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.EqualsByteString) (Apply ann1 x y@(Constant{}))) =
Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.EqualsByteString) (Apply ann1 y x)
commuteConstDefault (Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.EqualsString) (Apply ann1 x y@(Constant{}))) =
Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.EqualsString) (Apply ann1 y x)
commuteConstDefault (Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.AddInteger) (Apply ann1 x y@(Constant{}))) =
Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.AddInteger) (Apply ann1 y x)
commuteConstDefault (Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.MultiplyInteger) (Apply ann1 x y@(Constant{}))) =
Apply ann (Builtin annB PLC.MultiplyInteger) (Apply ann1 y x)
Term tyname name uni DefaultFun a ->
Term tyname name uni DefaultFun a
commuteConstDefault tm@(Apply ann (Apply ann1 (Builtin annB fun) x) y) =
case (isCommutativeWithConstant fun, isConstant x, isConstant y) of
(True, False, True) -> Apply ann (Apply ann1 (Builtin annB fun) y) x
_ -> tm
commuteConstDefault tm = tm

commuteConst :: forall tyname name uni fun a. Typeable fun =>
Term tyname name uni fun a -> Term tyname name uni fun a
commuteConst = case eqT @fun @PLC.DefaultFun of
commuteConst = case eqT @fun @DefaultFun of
Just Refl -> commuteConstDefault
Nothing -> id

-- | Returns whether a `DefaultFun` is commutative with `Constant`'s as arguments. Not using
-- catchall to make sure that this function catches newly added `DefaultFun`.
isCommutativeWithConstant :: DefaultFun -> Bool
isCommutativeWithConstant = \case
AddInteger -> False
SubtractInteger -> False
MultiplyInteger -> True
DivideInteger -> False
QuotientInteger -> False
RemainderInteger -> False
ModInteger -> False
EqualsInteger -> True
LessThanInteger -> False
LessThanEqualsInteger -> False
-- Bytestrings
AppendByteString -> False
ConsByteString -> False
SliceByteString -> False
LengthOfByteString -> False
IndexByteString -> False
EqualsByteString -> True
LessThanByteString -> False
LessThanEqualsByteString -> False
-- Cryptography and hashes
Sha2_256 -> False
Sha3_256 -> False
Blake2b_256 -> False
VerifyEd25519Signature -> False
VerifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature -> False
VerifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature -> False
-- Strings
AppendString -> False
EqualsString -> True
EncodeUtf8 -> False
DecodeUtf8 -> False
-- Bool
IfThenElse -> False
-- Unit
ChooseUnit -> False
-- Tracing
Trace -> False
-- Pairs
FstPair -> False
SndPair -> False
-- Lists
ChooseList -> False
MkCons -> False
HeadList -> False
TailList -> False
NullList -> False
-- Data
ChooseData -> False
ConstrData -> False
MapData -> False
ListData -> False
IData -> False
BData -> False
UnConstrData -> False
UnMapData -> False
UnListData -> False
UnIData -> False
UnBData -> False
EqualsData -> False -- doesn't take constant
SerialiseData -> False
MkPairData -> False
MkNilData -> False
MkNilPairData -> False

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