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Direct decoder for plutus data (#3309)
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This decoder also adds the following restrictions:

- integers cannot be more than 64 bytes.
- constructor tags are nonnegative 64 bit values.
  • Loading branch information
redxaxder committed Jun 8, 2021
1 parent 26449c6 commit b96cecd
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 38 deletions.
117 changes: 79 additions & 38 deletions plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Data.hs
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,15 @@

module PlutusTx.Data (Data (..)) where

import Codec.CBOR.Decoding (Decoder)
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Decoding as CBOR
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Term as CBOR
import Codec.Serialise (Serialise (..))
import Codec.Serialise (Serialise (decode, encode))
import Codec.Serialise.Decoding (decodeSequenceLenIndef, decodeSequenceLenN)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,11 +53,7 @@ more structured representation, which is a lot easier.
instance Serialise Data where
-- See Note [Encoding via Term]
encode = CBOR.encodeTerm . toTerm
decode = do
t <- CBOR.decodeTerm
case fromTerm t of
Right d -> pure d
Left e -> fail e
decode = decodeData

{- Note [CBOR alternative tags]
We've proposed to add additional tags to the CBOR standard to cover (essentially) sum types.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,34 +88,77 @@ the indefinite kinds.

-- | Turn a CBOR Term into Data if possible.
fromTerm :: CBOR.Term -> Either String Data
fromTerm = \case
-- See Note [CBOR alternative tags]
CBOR.TTagged t (CBOR.TList ds)
| 121 <= t && t < 128 -> Constr (fromIntegral t - 121) <$> traverse fromTerm ds
CBOR.TTagged t (CBOR.TList ds)
| 1280 <= t && t < 1401 -> Constr ((fromIntegral t - 1280) + 7) <$> traverse fromTerm ds
CBOR.TTagged t (CBOR.TList (i:ds))
| t == 102, Just actualTag <- asInt i -> Constr actualTag <$> traverse fromTerm ds
CBOR.TTagged _ _ -> throwError "Couldn't interpret tag as constructor tag"
-- See Note [Definite and indefinite forms of CBOR]
CBOR.TMap es -> Map <$> traverse (\(t1, t2) -> (,) <$> fromTerm t1 <*> fromTerm t2) es
CBOR.TMapI es -> Map <$> traverse (\(t1, t2) -> (,) <$> fromTerm t1 <*> fromTerm t2) es
CBOR.TList l -> List <$> traverse fromTerm l
CBOR.TListI l -> List <$> traverse fromTerm l
CBOR.TInteger i -> pure $ I i
CBOR.TInt i -> pure $ I $ fromIntegral i
CBOR.TBytes b -> if BS.length b <= 64
then pure $ B b
else throwError "ByteString exceeds 64"
CBOR.TBytesI b -> if BSL.length b <= 64
then pure $ B $ BSL.toStrict b
else throwError "ByteString exceeds 64"
_ -> throwError "Unsupported kind of CBOR"

-- See Note [Definite and indefinite forms of CBOR]
-- | View a CBOR Term as an Integer if possible.
asInt :: CBOR.Term -> Maybe Integer
asInt (CBOR.TInteger i) = Just i
asInt (CBOR.TInt i) = Just $ fromIntegral i
asInt _ = Nothing
decodeData :: forall s. Decoder s Data
decodeData = CBOR.peekTokenType >>= \case
CBOR.TypeUInt -> I <$> CBOR.decodeInteger
CBOR.TypeUInt64 -> I <$> CBOR.decodeInteger
CBOR.TypeNInt -> I <$> CBOR.decodeInteger
CBOR.TypeNInt64 -> I <$> CBOR.decodeInteger
CBOR.TypeInteger -> decodeBoundedInteger

CBOR.TypeBytes -> decodeBoundedBytes
CBOR.TypeBytesIndef -> decodeBoundedBytes

CBOR.TypeListLen -> decodeList
CBOR.TypeListLen64 -> decodeList
CBOR.TypeListLenIndef -> decodeList

CBOR.TypeMapLen -> decodeMap
CBOR.TypeMapLen64 -> decodeMap
CBOR.TypeMapLenIndef -> decodeMap

CBOR.TypeTag -> decodeConstr
CBOR.TypeTag64 -> decodeConstr

t -> fail ("Unrecognized value of type " ++ show t)

decodeBoundedInteger :: Decoder s Data
decodeBoundedInteger = do
i <- CBOR.decodeInteger
unless (inBounds i) $ fail "Integer exceeds 64 bytes"
pure $ I i
bound :: Integer
-- The maximum value of a 64 byte unsigned integer
bound = 2 ^ (64 * 8 :: Integer) - 1
inBounds x = (x <= bound) && (x >= -1 - bound)

decodeBoundedBytes :: Decoder s Data
decodeBoundedBytes = do
b <- CBOR.decodeBytes
if BS.length b <= 64
then pure $ B b
else fail $ "ByteString exceeds 64 bytes"

decodeList :: Decoder s Data
decodeList = List <$> decodeListOf decodeData

decodeListOf :: Decoder s x -> Decoder s [x]
decodeListOf decoder = CBOR.decodeListLenOrIndef >>= \case
Nothing -> decodeSequenceLenIndef (flip (:)) [] reverse decoder
Just n -> decodeSequenceLenN (flip (:)) [] reverse n decoder

decodeMap :: Decoder s Data
decodeMap = CBOR.decodeMapLenOrIndef >>= \case
Nothing -> Map <$> decodeSequenceLenIndef (flip (:)) [] reverse decodePair
Just n -> Map <$> decodeSequenceLenN (flip (:)) [] reverse n decodePair
decodePair = (,) <$> decodeData <*> decodeData

-- See note [CBOR alternative tags] for the encoding scheme.
decodeConstr :: Decoder s Data
decodeConstr = CBOR.decodeTag64 >>= \case
102 -> decodeConstrExtended
t | 121 <= t && t < 128 ->
Constr (fromIntegral t - 121) <$> decodeListOf decodeData
t | 1280 <= t && t < 1401 ->
Constr ((fromIntegral t - 1280) + 7) <$> decodeListOf decodeData
t -> fail ("Unrecognized tag " ++ show t)
decodeConstrExtended = do
lenOrIndef <- CBOR.decodeListLenOrIndef
i <- CBOR.decodeWord64
xs <- case lenOrIndef of
Nothing -> decodeSequenceLenIndef (flip (:)) [] reverse decodeData
Just n -> decodeSequenceLenN (flip (:)) [] reverse (n-1) decodeData
pure $ Constr (fromIntegral i) xs

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