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SCB: Improved formatting of active endpoint hooks.
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Kris Jenkins authored and krisajenkins committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent f6dd2d5 commit d472600
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Showing 3 changed files with 116 additions and 34 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion plutus-scb-client/src/View/Contracts.purs
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Plutus.SCB.Types (ContractExe)
import Schema.Types (FormEvent)
import Types (EndpointForm, HAction(..), WebData, _contractInstanceIdString, _contractPath, _csContract, _csCurrentState, _hooks)
import Validation (_argument)
import View.Pretty (pretty)
import View.Utils (webDataPane)

installedContractsPane ::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ contractRequestView contractInstance =
[ td_ [ text $ show itID ]
, td_ [ text $ show rqID ]
, td_ [ text $ show rqRequest ]
, td_ [ pretty rqRequest ]

hasActiveRequests :: forall t. ContractInstanceState t -> Boolean
Expand Down
141 changes: 108 additions & 33 deletions plutus-scb-client/src/View/Pretty.purs
@@ -1,48 +1,49 @@
module View.Pretty where

import Data.Lens (toArrayOf, view)
import Halogen.HTML (HTML, b_, div_, span_, text)
import Language.Plutus.Contract.Effects.ExposeEndpoint (EndpointDescription)
import Playground.Lenses (_endpointValue, _getEndpointDescription, _txConfirmed, _txId)
import Plutus.SCB.Events (ChainEvent(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Events.Contract (ContractEvent(..), ContractInstanceState(..), ContractResponse(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Events.User (UserEvent(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Types (ContractExe(..))
import Types (_contractActiveEndpoints, _contractInstanceIdString)
import Prelude
import Bootstrap (alertDanger_, nbsp)
import Data.Array (length)
import Prelude
import Data.Lens (toArrayOf, view)
import Data.Lens.Iso.Newtype (_Newtype)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Halogen.HTML (HTML, b_, div_, span_, text)
import Language.Plutus.Contract.Effects.ExposeEndpoint (ActiveEndpoint, EndpointDescription)
import Language.Plutus.Contract.Effects.WriteTx (WriteTxResponse(..))
import Language.Plutus.Contract.Resumable (Response(..))
import Ledger.Constraints.OffChain (UnbalancedTx(..))
import Ledger.Tx (Tx(..))
import Playground.Lenses (_aeDescription, _endpointValue, _getEndpointDescription, _txConfirmed, _txId)
import Plutus.SCB.Events (ChainEvent(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Events.Contract (ContractEvent(..), ContractInstanceState(..), ContractResponse(..), ContractSCBRequest(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Events.Node (NodeEvent(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Events.User (UserEvent(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Events.Wallet (WalletEvent(..))
import Plutus.SCB.Types (ContractExe(..))
import Types (_contractActiveEndpoints, _contractInstanceIdString)

class Pretty a where
pretty :: forall p i. a -> HTML p i

instance prettyChainEvent :: Pretty t => Pretty (ChainEvent t) where
pretty (ContractEvent subevent) = eventWithPrefix "Contract" $ pretty subevent
pretty (UserEvent subevent) = eventWithPrefix "User" $ pretty subevent
pretty (WalletEvent subevent) = eventWithPrefix "Wallet" $ pretty subevent
pretty (NodeEvent subevent) = eventWithPrefix "Node" $ pretty subevent
pretty (ContractEvent subevent) = withHeading "Contract" subevent
pretty (UserEvent subevent) = withHeading "User" subevent
pretty (WalletEvent subevent) = withHeading "Wallet" subevent
pretty (NodeEvent subevent) = withHeading "Node" subevent

eventWithPrefix :: forall i p. String -> HTML p i -> HTML p i
eventWithPrefix prefix content =
withHeading :: forall i p a. Pretty a => String -> a -> HTML p i
withHeading prefix content =
[ b_
[ text prefix
, text ":"
, nbsp
, content
, pretty content

instance prettyUserEvent :: Pretty t => Pretty (UserEvent t) where
pretty (InstallContract contract) = span_ [ text $ "Install", nbsp, pretty contract ]
pretty (InstallContract contract) = span_ [ text $ "Install:", nbsp, pretty contract ]

instance prettyContractExe :: Pretty ContractExe where
pretty ((ContractExe { contractPath })) = text contractPath
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ instance prettyContractInstanceState :: Pretty t => Pretty (ContractInstanceStat
instance prettyNodeEvent :: Pretty NodeEvent where
pretty event@(SubmittedTx tx) =
[ text "SubmittedTx"
[ text "SubmittedTx:"
, nbsp
, pretty tx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,74 +103,148 @@ instance prettyResponse :: Pretty a => Pretty (Response a) where
instance prettyContractResponse :: Pretty ContractResponse where
pretty (AwaitSlotResponse slot) =
[ text "AwaitSlotResponse"
[ text "AwaitSlotResponse:"
, nbsp
, text $ show slot
pretty (AwaitTxConfirmedResponse txConfirmed) =
[ text "AwaitTxConfirmedResponse Confirmed:"
[ text "AwaitTxConfirmedResponse:"
, nbsp
, text $ view (_txConfirmed <<< _txId) txConfirmed
pretty (UserEndpointResponse endpointDescription endpointValue) =
[ text "UserEndpointResponse"
[ text "UserEndpointResponse:"
, nbsp
, pretty endpointDescription
, nbsp
, text $ view (_endpointValue <<< _Newtype) endpointValue
pretty (OwnPubkeyResponse pubKey) =
[ text "OwnPubkeyResponse"
[ text "OwnPubkeyResponse:"
, nbsp
, text $ show pubKey
pretty (UtxoAtResponse utxoAtAddress) =
[ text "UtxoAtResponse"
[ text "UtxoAtResponse:"
, nbsp
, text $ show utxoAtAddress
pretty (NextTxAtResponse addressChangeResponse) =
[ text "NextTxAtResponse"
[ text "NextTxAtResponse:"
, nbsp
, text $ show addressChangeResponse
pretty (WriteTxResponse writeTxResponse) =
[ text "WriteTxResponse"
[ text "WriteTxResponse:"
, nbsp
, pretty writeTxResponse

instance prettyContractSCBRequest :: Pretty ContractSCBRequest where
pretty (AwaitSlotRequest slot) =
[ text "AwaitSlotRequest:"
, nbsp
, text $ show slot
pretty (AwaitTxConfirmedRequest txId) =
[ text "AwaitTxConfirmedRequest:"
, nbsp
, text $ view _txId txId
pretty (UserEndpointRequest activeEndpoint) =
[ text "UserEndpointRequest:"
, nbsp
, pretty activeEndpoint
pretty (OwnPubkeyRequest pubKey) =
[ text "OwnPubkeyRequest:"
, nbsp
, text $ show pubKey
pretty (UtxoAtRequest utxoAtAddress) =
[ text "UtxoAtRequest:"
, nbsp
, text $ show utxoAtAddress
pretty (NextTxAtRequest addressChangeRequest) =
[ text "NextTxAtRequest:"
, nbsp
, text $ show addressChangeRequest
pretty (WriteTxRequest writeTxRequest) =
[ text "WriteTxRequest:"
, nbsp
, pretty writeTxRequest

instance prettyWriteTxResponse :: Pretty WriteTxResponse where
pretty (WriteTxSuccess tx) = span_ [ text "WriteTxSuccess", nbsp, pretty tx ]
pretty (WriteTxSuccess tx) = span_ [ text "WriteTxSuccess:", nbsp, pretty tx ]
pretty (WriteTxFailed error) =
[ text "WriteTxFailed"
[ text "WriteTxFailed:"
, nbsp
, text $ show error

instance prettyUnbalancedTx :: Pretty UnbalancedTx where
pretty (UnbalancedTx { unBalancedTxTx: (Tx { txInputs, txOutputs, txSignatures }) }) =
[ text "UnbalancedTx:"
, nbsp
, withBasicPlural (length txInputs) "input"
, text ", "
, withBasicPlural (length txOutputs) "output"
, text ", "
, withBasicPlural (Map.size (unwrap txSignatures)) "signature"
, text "."

instance prettyTx :: Pretty Tx where
pretty (Tx { txInputs, txOutputs, txSignatures }) =
[ text "Tx: "
, text $ show (length txInputs) <> " inputs, "
, text $ show (length txOutputs) <> " outputs, "
, text $ show (Map.size (unwrap txSignatures)) <> " signatures."
[ text "Tx:"
, nbsp
, withBasicPlural (length txInputs) "input"
, text ", "
, withBasicPlural (length txOutputs) "output"
, text ", "
, withBasicPlural (Map.size (unwrap txSignatures)) "signature"
, text "."

instance prettyWalletEvent :: Pretty WalletEvent where
pretty (BalancedTx tx) =
[ text "BalancedTx"
[ text "BalancedTx:"
, nbsp
, pretty tx

instance prettyActiveEndpoint :: Pretty ActiveEndpoint where
pretty endpoint = pretty $ view _aeDescription endpoint

instance prettyEndpointDescription :: Pretty EndpointDescription where
pretty description = text $ show $ view _getEndpointDescription description

-- | Yes, this is dumb and only handles _most_ English words, but it's and better than saying '1 input(s)'.
-- And hey, "most English words" is still a lot of words.
withBasicPlural :: forall p i. Int -> String -> HTML p i
withBasicPlural n name =
[ text $ show n
, nbsp
, text $ name <> (if n == 1 then "" else "s")
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions web-common/src/Playground/Lenses.purs
Expand Up @@ -46,3 +46,9 @@ _txId = _Newtype <<< prop (SProxy :: SProxy "getTxId")

_utxoIndexEntries :: Lens' UtxoIndex (Map TxOutRef TxOut)
_utxoIndexEntries = _UtxoIndex <<< prop (SProxy :: SProxy "getIndex") <<< _JsonMap

_aeDescription :: forall s r a. Newtype s { aeDescription :: a | r } => Lens' s a
_aeDescription = _Newtype <<< prop (SProxy :: SProxy "aeDescription")

_aeMetadata :: forall s r a. Newtype s { aeMetadata :: a | r } => Lens' s a
_aeMetadata = _Newtype <<< prop (SProxy :: SProxy "aeMetadata")

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