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SCP-2377: Add placeholders for contracts/transactions while waiting c…
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…onfirmation (part 1 of 2). (#3365)

* WIP adding contract placeholders

* Adding placeholder for pending transaction.

* Review comments.
  • Loading branch information
merivale committed Jun 16, 2021
1 parent 3bc9731 commit ebb852a
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Showing 13 changed files with 257 additions and 108 deletions.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/Capability/Marlowe.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Capability.Marlowe
( class ManageMarlowe
, createWallet
, followContract
, createPendingFollowerApp
, followContractWithPendingFollowerApp
, createContract
, applyTransactionInput
, redeem
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +77,8 @@ class
(MainFrameLoop m, ManageContract m, ManageMarloweStorage m, ManageWallet m, ManageWebsocket m) <= ManageMarlowe m where
createWallet :: m (AjaxResponse WalletDetails)
followContract :: WalletDetails -> MarloweParams -> m (DecodedAjaxResponse (Tuple PlutusAppId ContractHistory))
createPendingFollowerApp :: WalletDetails -> m (AjaxResponse PlutusAppId)
followContractWithPendingFollowerApp :: WalletDetails -> MarloweParams -> PlutusAppId -> m (DecodedAjaxResponse (Tuple PlutusAppId ContractHistory))
createContract :: WalletDetails -> Map TokenName PubKeyHash -> Contract -> m (AjaxResponse Unit)
applyTransactionInput :: WalletDetails -> MarloweParams -> TransactionInput -> m (AjaxResponse Unit)
redeem :: WalletDetails -> MarloweParams -> TokenName -> m (AjaxResponse Unit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +117,7 @@ instance monadMarloweAppM :: ManageMarlowe AppM where
, marloweAppId
, walletInfo
, assets
, previousCompanionAppState: Nothing
pure $ createWalletDetails <$> ajaxCompanionAppId <*> ajaxMarloweAppId <*> ajaxAssets
LocalStorage -> do
Expand All @@ -136,6 +141,7 @@ instance monadMarloweAppM :: ManageMarlowe AppM where
, marloweAppId: PlutusAppId uuid
, walletInfo
, assets
, previousCompanionAppState: Nothing
pure $ Right walletDetails
-- create a MarloweFollower to follow a Marlowe contract on the blockchain, and return its instance ID and initial state
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,6 +175,37 @@ instance monadMarloweAppM :: ManageMarlowe AppM where

observableState = { chParams: Nothing, chHistory: mempty }
pure $ Right $ followAppId /\ observableState
createPendingFollowerApp walletDetails = do
{ dataProvider } <- ask
case dataProvider of
PAB pabType -> do
wallet = view (_walletInfo <<< _wallet) walletDetails
case pabType of
Plain -> Contract.activateContract (plutusAppPath MarloweFollower) wallet
WithMarloweContracts -> Contract.activateContract MarloweFollower wallet
LocalStorage -> do
uuid <- liftEffect genUUID
pure $ Right $ PlutusAppId uuid
followContractWithPendingFollowerApp walletDetails marloweParams followAppId = do
{ dataProvider } <- ask
case dataProvider of
PAB pabType ->
runExceptT do
wallet = view (_walletInfo <<< _wallet) walletDetails
void $ withExceptT Left $ ExceptT
$ case pabType of
Plain -> Contract.invokeEndpoint (plutusAppPath MarloweFollower) followAppId "follow" marloweParams
WithMarloweContracts -> Contract.invokeEndpoint MarloweFollower followAppId "follow" marloweParams
observableStateJson <-
withExceptT Left $ ExceptT
$ case pabType of
Plain -> Contract.getContractInstanceObservableState (plutusAppPath MarloweFollower) followAppId
WithMarloweContracts -> Contract.getContractInstanceObservableState MarloweFollower followAppId
observableState <- mapExceptT (pure <<< lmap Right <<< unwrap) $ decodeJSON $ unwrap observableStateJson
pure $ followAppId /\ observableState
LocalStorage -> pure $ Right $ followAppId /\ { chParams: Nothing, chHistory: mempty }
-- "create" a Marlowe contract on the blockchain
-- FIXME: if we want users to be able to follow contracts that they don't have roles in, we need this function
-- to return the MarloweParams of the created contract - but this isn't currently possible in the PAB
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +336,7 @@ instance monadMarloweAppM :: ManageMarlowe AppM where
, marloweAppId: toFront $ view _cicContract marloweApp
, walletInfo
, assets
, previousCompanionAppState: Nothing
Nothing -> except $ Left $ AjaxError { request: defaultRequest, description: NotFound }
_ -> except $ Left $ AjaxError { request: defaultRequest, description: NotFound }
Expand All @@ -323,6 +361,7 @@ instance monadMarloweAppM :: ManageMarlowe AppM where
, marloweAppId: toFront $ view _cicContract marloweApp
, walletInfo
, assets
, previousCompanionAppState: Nothing
Nothing -> except $ Left $ AjaxError { request: defaultRequest, description: NotFound }
_ -> except $ Left $ AjaxError { request: defaultRequest, description: NotFound }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,6 +458,8 @@ instance monadMarloweAppM :: ManageMarlowe AppM where
instance monadMarloweHalogenM :: (ManageMarlowe m, ManageWebsocket m) => ManageMarlowe (HalogenM state action slots Msg m) where
createWallet = lift createWallet
followContract walletDetails marloweParams = lift $ followContract walletDetails marloweParams
createPendingFollowerApp = lift <<< createPendingFollowerApp
followContractWithPendingFollowerApp walletDetails marloweParams followAppId = lift $ followContractWithPendingFollowerApp walletDetails marloweParams followAppId
createContract walletDetails roles contract = do
result <- lift $ createContract walletDetails roles contract
callMainFrameAction $ PlayAction $ Play.UpdateFromStorage
Expand Down
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/Contract/Lenses.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module Contract.Lenses
( _tab
, _executionState
, _pendingTransaction
, _previousSteps
, _marloweParams
, _mMarloweParams
, _followerAppId
, _selectedStep
, _metadata
Expand All @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Marlowe.Execution.Types (ExecutionState, NamedAction)
import Marlowe.Extended.Metadata (MetaData)
import Marlowe.PAB (PlutusAppId, MarloweParams)
import Marlowe.Semantics as Semantic
import Marlowe.Semantics (Party, TransactionInput)
import WalletData.Types (WalletNickname)

_tab :: forall a. Lens' { tab :: Tab | a } Tab
Expand All @@ -30,11 +31,14 @@ _tab = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "tab")
_executionState :: Lens' State ExecutionState
_executionState = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "executionState")

_pendingTransaction :: Lens' State (Maybe TransactionInput)
_pendingTransaction = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "pendingTransaction")

_previousSteps :: Lens' State (Array PreviousStep)
_previousSteps = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "previousSteps")

_marloweParams :: Lens' State MarloweParams
_marloweParams = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "marloweParams")
_mMarloweParams :: Lens' State (Maybe MarloweParams)
_mMarloweParams = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "mMarloweParams")

_followerAppId :: Lens' State PlutusAppId
_followerAppId = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "followerAppId")
Expand All @@ -45,10 +49,10 @@ _selectedStep = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "selectedStep")
_metadata :: Lens' State MetaData
_metadata = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "metadata")

_participants :: Lens' State (Map Semantic.Party (Maybe WalletNickname))
_participants :: Lens' State (Map Party (Maybe WalletNickname))
_participants = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "participants")

_userParties :: Lens' State (Set Semantic.Party)
_userParties :: Lens' State (Set Party)
_userParties = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "userParties")

_namedActions :: Lens' State (Array NamedAction)
Expand Down
126 changes: 90 additions & 36 deletions marlowe-dashboard-client/src/Contract/State.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Contract.State
( dummyState
, mkPlaceholderState
, mkInitialState
, updateState
, handleAction
Expand All @@ -12,16 +13,17 @@ module Contract.State
import Prelude
import Capability.Marlowe (class ManageMarlowe, applyTransactionInput)
import Capability.Toast (class Toast, addToast)
import Contract.Lenses (_executionState, _marloweParams, _namedActions, _previousSteps, _selectedStep, _tab)
import Contract.Lenses (_executionState, _mMarloweParams, _namedActions, _pendingTransaction, _previousSteps, _selectedStep, _tab, _userParties)
import Contract.Types (Action(..), Input, PreviousStep, PreviousStepState(..), State, Tab(..), scrollContainerRef)
import Control.Monad.Reader (class MonadAsk, asks)
import Data.Array (difference, filter, foldl, index, length, mapMaybe, modifyAt)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap, for_)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldlWithIndex)
import Data.Lens (assign, modifying, over, to, toArrayOf, traversed, use, view, (^.))
import Data.Lens (assign, modifying, over, set, to, toArrayOf, traversed, use, view, (^.))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isNothing)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Ord (abs)
import Data.Set (Set)
Expand All @@ -35,24 +37,23 @@ import Effect.Aff.AVar as AVar
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Effect.Exception.Unsafe (unsafeThrow)
import Env (Env)
import Halogen (HalogenM, getHTMLElementRef, gets, liftEffect, subscribe, unsubscribe)
import Halogen (HalogenM, getHTMLElementRef, liftEffect, subscribe, unsubscribe)
import Halogen.Query.EventSource (EventSource)
import Halogen.Query.EventSource as EventSource
import MainFrame.Types (ChildSlots, Msg)
import Marlowe.Deinstantiate (findTemplate)
import Marlowe.Execution.Lenses (_currentContract, _currentState, _pendingTimeouts, _previousState, _previousTransactions)
import Marlowe.Execution.State (expandBalances, extractNamedActions, initExecution, isClosed, mkTx, nextState, timeoutState)
import Marlowe.Execution.Types (ExecutionState, NamedAction(..), PreviousState)
import Marlowe.Extended.Metadata (emptyContractMetadata)
import Marlowe.Extended.Metadata (MetaData, emptyContractMetadata)
import Marlowe.HasParties (getParties)
import Marlowe.PAB (ContractHistory, PlutusAppId(..), MarloweParams)
import Marlowe.Semantics (Contract(..), Party(..), Slot, SlotInterval(..), TransactionInput(..), _minSlot)
import Marlowe.Semantics (Input(..), State(..)) as Semantic
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value (CurrencySymbol(..))
import Toast.Types (ajaxErrorToast, successToast)
import WalletData.Lenses (_assets, _pubKeyHash, _walletInfo)
import WalletData.State (adaToken)
import WalletData.Types (WalletDetails)
import WalletData.Types (WalletDetails, WalletNickname)
import Web.DOM.Element (getElementsByClassName)
import Web.DOM.HTMLCollection as HTMLCollection
import Web.Dom.ElementExtra (Alignment(..), ScrollBehavior(..), debouncedOnScroll, scrollIntoView, throttledOnScroll)
Expand All @@ -65,8 +66,9 @@ dummyState :: State
dummyState =
{ tab: Tasks
, executionState: initExecution zero contract
, pendingTransaction: Nothing
, previousSteps: mempty
, marloweParams: emptyMarloweParams
, mMarloweParams: Nothing
, followerAppId: emptyPlutusAppId
, selectedStep: 0
, metadata: emptyContractMetadata
Expand All @@ -79,12 +81,30 @@ dummyState =

emptyPlutusAppId = PlutusAppId UUID.emptyUUID

emptyMarloweParams = { rolePayoutValidatorHash: mempty, rolesCurrency: CurrencySymbol { unCurrencySymbol: "" } }

emptyMarloweData = { marloweContract: contract, marloweState: emptyMarloweState }

emptyMarloweState = Semantic.State { accounts: mempty, choices: mempty, boundValues: mempty, minSlot: zero }

-- this is for making a placeholder state for the user who created the contract, used for displaying
-- something before we get the MarloweParams back from the WalletCompanion app
mkPlaceholderState :: PlutusAppId -> MetaData -> Contract -> State
mkPlaceholderState followerAppId metaData contract =
{ tab: Tasks
, executionState: initExecution zero contract
, pendingTransaction: Nothing
, previousSteps: mempty
, mMarloweParams: Nothing
, followerAppId
, selectedStep: 0
, metadata: metaData
, participants: getParticipants contract
, userParties: mempty
, namedActions: mempty

-- this is for making a fully fleshed out state from nothing, used when someone who didn't create the
-- contract is given a role in it, and gets the MarloweParams at the same time as they hear about
-- everything else
mkInitialState :: WalletDetails -> Slot -> PlutusAppId -> ContractHistory -> Maybe State
mkInitialState walletDetails currentSlot followerAppId { chParams, chHistory } =
bind chParams \(marloweParams /\ marloweData) ->
Expand All @@ -99,26 +119,16 @@ mkInitialState walletDetails currentSlot followerAppId { chParams, chHistory } =
flip map mTemplate \template ->
isRoleParty party = case party of
Role _ -> true
_ -> false

-- Note we filter out PK parties here. This is because we don't have a design for displaying
-- them anywhere, and because we are currently only using one in a special case (in the Escrow
-- with Collateral contract), where it doesn't make much sense to show it to the user anyway.
-- If we ever want to use PK parties for other purposes, we will need to rethink this.
roleParties :: Array Party
roleParties = filter isRoleParty $ Set.toUnfoldable $ getParties contract

initialState =
{ tab: Tasks
, executionState: initialExecutionState
, pendingTransaction: Nothing
, previousSteps: mempty
, marloweParams
, mMarloweParams: Just marloweParams
, followerAppId
, selectedStep: 0
, metadata: template.metaData
, participants: Map.fromFoldable $ map (\x -> x /\ Nothing) roleParties
, participants: getParticipants contract
, userParties: getUserParties walletDetails marloweParams
, namedActions: mempty
Expand All @@ -130,16 +140,59 @@ mkInitialState walletDetails currentSlot followerAppId { chParams, chHistory } =
# regenerateStepCards currentSlot
# selectLastStep

updateState :: Slot -> Array TransactionInput -> State -> State
updateState currentSlot transactionInputs state =
-- Note 1: We filter out PK parties from the participants of the contract. This is because
-- we don't have a design for displaying them anywhere, and because we are currently only
-- using one in a special case (in the Escrow with Collateral contract), where it doesn't
-- make much sense to show it to the user anyway. If we ever want to use PK parties for
-- other purposes, we will need to rethink this.
-- Note 2: In general there is no way to map parties to wallet nicknames. It is possible
-- for the user who created the contract and distributed the role tokens, but this
-- information will be lost when the browser is closed. And other participants don't have
-- this information in the first place. Also, in the future it could be possible to give
-- role tokens to other wallets, and we wouldn't know about that either. Still, we're
-- keeping the `Maybe WalletNickname` in here for now, in case a way of making it generally
-- available (e.g. through the metadata server) ever becomes apparent.
getParticipants :: Contract -> Map Party (Maybe WalletNickname)
getParticipants contract = Map.fromFoldable $ map (\x -> x /\ Nothing) (getRoleParties contract)

getRoleParties :: Contract -> Array Party
getRoleParties contract = filter isRoleParty $ Set.toUnfoldable $ getParties contract
isRoleParty party = case party of
Role _ -> true
_ -> false

updateState :: WalletDetails -> MarloweParams -> Slot -> Array TransactionInput -> State -> State
updateState walletDetails marloweParams currentSlot transactionInputs state =
previousTransactionInputs = toArrayOf (_executionState <<< _previousTransactions) state

newTransactionInputs = difference transactionInputs previousTransactionInputs

-- If the `MarloweParams` are `Nothing`, that means this is the first update we've received for
-- a placeholder contract, and we'll need to set the `MarloweParams` now and also work out the
-- `userParties` (because these depend on the `MarloweParams`).
mSetParamsAndParties =
if isNothing $ state ^. _mMarloweParams then
set _mMarloweParams (Just marloweParams)
<<< set _userParties (getUserParties walletDetails marloweParams)

-- If there are new transaction inputs to apply, we need to clear the `pendingTransaction`. If
-- we wanted to be really careful, we could check that the new transaction input matches the
-- pending one, but I can't see how it wouldn't (and I don't think it matters anyway).
mClearPendingTransaction =
if newTransactionInputs /= mempty then
set _pendingTransaction Nothing

updateExecutionState = over _executionState (applyTransactionInputs newTransactionInputs)
# mSetParamsAndParties
# mClearPendingTransaction
# updateExecutionState
# regenerateStepCards currentSlot
# selectLastStep
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,18 +221,18 @@ handleAction ::
Input -> Action -> HalogenM State Action ChildSlots Msg m Unit
handleAction input@{ currentSlot, walletDetails } (ConfirmAction namedAction) = do
currentExeState <- use _executionState
marloweParams <- use _marloweParams
contractInput = toInput namedAction
mMarloweParams <- use _mMarloweParams
for_ mMarloweParams \marloweParams -> do
contractInput = toInput namedAction

txInput = mkTx currentSlot (currentExeState ^. _currentContract) (Unfoldable.fromMaybe contractInput)
ajaxApplyInputs <- applyTransactionInput walletDetails marloweParams txInput
case ajaxApplyInputs of
Left ajaxError -> addToast $ ajaxErrorToast "Failed to submit transaction." ajaxError
Right _ -> do
stepNumber <- gets currentStep
handleAction input (MoveToStep stepNumber)
addToast $ successToast "Payment received, step completed."
txInput = mkTx currentSlot (currentExeState ^. _currentContract) (Unfoldable.fromMaybe contractInput)
ajaxApplyInputs <- applyTransactionInput walletDetails marloweParams txInput
case ajaxApplyInputs of
Left ajaxError -> addToast $ ajaxErrorToast "Failed to submit transaction." ajaxError
Right _ -> do
assign _pendingTransaction $ Just txInput
addToast $ successToast "Transaction submitted, awating confirmation."

handleAction _ (ChangeChoice choiceId chosenNum) = modifying _namedActions (map changeChoice)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,6 +299,7 @@ applyTimeout currentSlot state =
updateExecutionState = over _executionState (timeoutState currentSlot)
# set _pendingTransaction Nothing
# updateExecutionState
# regenerateStepCards currentSlot
# selectLastStep
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion marlowe-dashboard-client/src/Contract/Types.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,9 +23,15 @@ import WalletData.Types (WalletDetails, WalletNickname)
type State
= { tab :: Tab -- this is the tab of the current (latest) step - previous steps have their own tabs
, executionState :: ExecutionState
-- When the user submits a transaction, we save it here until we get confirmation from the PAB and
-- can advance the contract. This enables us to show immediate feedback to the user while we wait.
, pendingTransaction :: Maybe TransactionInput
, previousSteps :: Array PreviousStep
, followerAppId :: PlutusAppId
, marloweParams :: MarloweParams
-- Every contract needs MarloweParams, but this is a Maybe because we want to create "placeholder"
-- contracts when a user creates a contract, to show on the page until the blockchain settles and
-- we get the MarloweParams back from the PAB (through the MarloweFollower app).
, mMarloweParams :: Maybe MarloweParams
-- Which step is selected. This index is 0 based and should be between [0, previousSteps.length]
-- (both sides inclusive). This is because the array represent the past steps and the
-- executionState has the current state and visually we can select any one of them.
Expand Down

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