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Advanced vocabulary management

Sometimes as developers we need to work extensively with already published vocabularies. For example, cherry-picking just a select few terms from extensive vocabularies like, or regularly adding new terms to existing shared vocabularies (such as a company-wide 'Common Terms' vocabulary, or company glossary or acronym vocabularies).

In these scenarios, it would be very tedious and time-consuming if we had to make PRs to the remotely managed vocabularies every time we wanted a change, as we'd have to wait for our PRs to be reviewed, merging, and then new generated artifacts re-published containing the updates we require.

The Inrupt vocab scripts

To greatly ease this process for developers, Inrupt provides a set of sophisticated bash scripts. One of these scripts automatically allows to us clone any remote vocabulary repository and then executes Inrupt's Artifact Generator (AG) (that the script also clones down if necessary), and run that generator locally on that locally cloned vocabulary repository to generate local artifacts for the developer.

This script also automatically updates the local package.json to depend on the local artifact instead of the remotely published version. The script can also use the AG's ability to run file watchers that detect edits to any local copies of the individual vocabulary files, and that then automatically kicks off re-generation of the corresponding artifacts.

This means developers can now make as many local edits as they like to these vocabularies, and see the effects immediately in their IDE's and code, thereby massively improving the experience of working with shared remote vocabularies.

These bash scripts are fully open-source, and available here: @inrupt/solid-common-vocab-script, and can simply be cloned and run.

Push changes upstream

Of course, developers need to make sure that they occasionally create PRs back to the upstream vocabulary repositories if they want their local changes to be reflecting in that shared repository, and thereby reusable by all other users of those vocabularies.

Sharing local updates within a development team

It's good to remember that the AG is capable of publishing to many different repositories, and so if a team of developers wish to collaborate on team-only changes to remote vocabularies (but without yet sharing their changes more broadly by pushing those changes back up to the upstream), they can easily share their changes just within that team by only publishing to an internal, team-access-only repository, such as a team Verdaccio server, or a team Maven repository.

Using the script

The most powerful of the vocabulary management scripts is, which carries out all the actions described above, specifically:

  • Cloning locally a remote vocabulary repository.
  • Cloning and installing the Artifact Generator (AG).
  • Selecting a specific vocabulary bundle (from GitHub repositories that provide multiple bundles of vocabularies (e.g., Inrupt's @inrupt/solid-common-vocab-rdf repository provides 3 separate bundles (one for over 40 common RDF vocabularies, one for all the Solid-specific vocabularies, and one for all the Inrupt-specific vocabularies).
  • Running the AG on an individual vocabulary bundle to generate artifacts locally.
  • Updating the local package.json to depend on a specific local artifact.
  • (Optionally) running the AG in watcher mode to automatically re-generate those local artifacts on every edit to any of the individual RDF vocabulary files that make up that bundle.
  • Finally, if run in watcher mode, the script will also generate a local bash script that allows re-running just the watcher component (convenient when you re-boot your machine and simply want to continue watching the local RDF vocabularies for changes). This script will be named:

For example, to do all this for Inrupt's bundle of common RDF vocabularies (say we wish to cherry-pick multiple new terms from, simply run this command (assuming you cloned the script repository into a sibling directory of the current directory):

../solid-common-vocab-script/ -r -m @inrupt/vocab-common-rdf -i common-rdf -l -w

You can repeat running this script for any additional vocabulary bundles you wish to work with locally. Note: if running multiple times, you can add the -x switch to prevent attempting to clone or update the AG each time (as it only needs to be cloned and installed once).

Also, if you don't want the AG to run in watcher mode (but to only run once to generate, or re-generate, the local artifact), simply remove the -w switch.