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Testing is an essential component of software development that is often neglected in the data and ETL world. Pemi was designed to fill that gap, and facilitate writing expressive data transformation tests. Pemi tests run on top of the popular Python testing framework Pytest.

The concepts involved in testing Pemi pipes include

  • A Scenario describes the transformation that is being tested (a Pemi pipe), and the data sources and targets that are the subject of the test. Scenarios are composed of one more Cases.
  • A Case is a set of Conditions and Expectations that describe how the pipe is supposed to function.
  • A Condition describes how the data for a particular case is to be initialized -- e.g., "when the field 'name' has the value 'Xander'".
  • An Expectation describes the expected result, after the pipe has been executed -- e.g., "then the field 'salutation' has the value 'Hello Xander'".

To see these concepts play out in an example, let's write a simple test for our HelloNamePipe. In this README, we'll talk through it in stages, but the full example can be found in tests/

To aid with grouping cases into distinct scenarios, scenarios are defined using a context-manager pattern. So if we want to build a scenario called "Testing HelloNamePipe", we set that up like:

import pemi.testing as pt

with pt.Scenario(
    name='Testing HelloNamePipe',
        'scooby': KeyFactory
        'input': lambda pipe: pipe.sources['input']
        'output': lambda pipe: pipe.targets['output']
        'output': pt.CaseCollector(subject_field='id', factory='scooby', factory_field='scooby_id')
) as scenario:
    #.... cases will go here ....

Let's quickly review the parameters of Scenario (see :doc:`testing` for more details):

  • name - The name of the scenario.
  • pipe - An instance of the pipe to be tested.
  • factories - A dictionary containing key factories (more on this below).
  • sources/targets - These are the sources/targets that will be the subject of testing. Defined as a dictionary, the keys are a short-hand for referencing the specific data subjects indicated in the values.
  • target_case_collectors - Every target needs to have a case collector. The case collector links the field in a particular target to the field in the factory in which it was generated.

With testing, we're specifying how a data transformation is supposed to behave under certain conditions. Typically, we're focused on how subtle variations in the values of fields in the sources affect the values of fields in the targets. Each of these subtle variations defines a Case that was mentioned above. Now, it would be possible to have the tester execute the pipe for every case that needed to be tested. However, this could result in exceedingly slow tests, particularly when the overhead of loading data and executing a process is high (like it is for in-database transformations, and even more so for Apache Spark). Therefore, Pemi testing was built to only execute the pipe once for each scenario, regardless of how many cases are defined. This can only work if the records of the targets can be associated with a particular case in which the conditions and expectations are defined.

This brings us to Factories and Case Collectors. A Factory is a way of generating data used for testing. Pemi uses Factory Boy to generate keys for data records so that a record in a source table can be connected to a target record. In the HelloNamePipe example, we can define a Factory Boy key factory as:

class KeyFactory(factory.Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = dict
    id = factory.Sequence('scooby-{}'.format)

Every time a new instance of KeyFactory is created, the id column is given a new value:

>>> KeyFactory() #=> {'id': 'scooby-0'}
>>> KeyFactory() #=> {'id': 'scooby-1'}
>>> KeyFactory() #=> {'id': 'scooby-2'}

In the arguments of the Scenario class above, we see that a factory with the name of scooby is defined to use the KeyFactory class. Internally, the Scenario instance uses this factory to generate records, and keeps track of the case in which the factory instances were created. When the expectations of a case are asserted, the testing suite collects all of the ids in a target field and groups the target records into the specific cases. In the example above, the target case collector named output specifies that the target field id is generated from the id field via the factory called scooby. Note that there is no need for the field names to be the same. We'll see more about how this works below.

Column-Oriented Tests

With the hard part out of the way, we can now define our first test case. Cases are also defined using a context-manager pattern. To test that the salutations are behaving correctly we could write:

with'Populating salutation') as case:
            {'id': scenario.factories['scooby']['id']}
        pt.when.source_field_has_value(scenario.sources['input'], 'name', 'Dawn')
        pt.then.target_field_has_value(scenario.targets['output'], 'salutation', 'Hello Dawn')

The conditions set up the data to be tested:

  • pt.when.source_conforms_to_schema - loads dummy data into the source called 'input', and uses the schema to determine the valid values that can be used. It also specifies that the id field on the source should come from the id field of the scenario's factory called scooby.
  • pt.when.source_field_has_value - sets up the name field of the source data to have the value Dawn.

The expectations are then:

  • pt.then.target_field_has_value - the target field salutations on the output has the value Hello Dawn. If we were to modify this value to be Goodbye Dawn, don't let any vampires bite you neck, then the test would fail.

This style of testing is referred to as "Column-Oriented" because we're only focused on the values of particular columns. We do not care about how the individual records are ordered or related to one another.

Row-Oriented Tests

Column-oriented tests are not always sufficient to describe data transformations. Sometimes we care about how rows are related. For example, we might need to describe how to drop duplicate records, or how to join two data sources together. To that end, we can write "Row-Oriented" tests. While the example we are working with here doesn't have any row operations, we can still write a test case that highlights how it can work.

with'Dealing with many records') as case:
    ex_input =
        | id       | name  |
        | -        | -     |
        | {sid[1]} | Spike |
        | {sid[2]} | Angel |

    ex_output =
        | id       | salutation  |
        | -        | -           |
        | {sid[1]} | Hello Spike |
        | {sid[2]} | Hello Angel |

        pt.when.example_for_source(scenario.sources['input'], ex_input)
        pt.then.target_matches_example(scenario.targets['output'], ex_output)

In this case, we set up two data tables to show how the output records are related to the input records. Using examples built with, we can focus the test case on just those fields that we care about. If we had a source that had 80 fields in it, we would only need to define those that we care about for this particular test. Pemi will use the schema defined for that source to fill in the other fields with dummy data.

In this example, we use scenario.factories['scooby']['id'] to generate ids for each record that will ensure that the ids created when defining the source data can be tied to records that are output in the target data. In ex_input, {sid[1]} will evaluate to some value generated by the factory (e.g., scooby-9 or scooby-12, etc.). However, when {sid[1]} is referenced in the ex_output, it will use the same value that was generated for the ex_input.

A complete version of this test can be found in tests/

Running Tests

Pemi tests require that the pytest package be installed in your project. Furthermore, you'll need to tell pytest that you want to use pemi tests by added the following to your

import pemi
pytest_plugins = ['pemi.pytest']