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File metadata and controls

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OMMProtocol input files

OMMProtocol is designed with a strong focus on reproducibility. As a result, the input file contains all the necessary details to run a whole simulation. OMMProtocol input files are written with Jinja-enhanced YAML files and look like this:

# Protocol for implicit solvent (implicit.yaml)

# input
topology: example.pdb
forcefield: [amber99sbildn.xml, amber99_obc.xml] # only for PDB

# output
project_name: sys
outputpath: output
report: True
report_every: 1000
trajectory: DCD
trajectory_every: 2000
trajectory_new_every: 1e6
restart: rs
restart_every: 1e6
save_state_at_end: True

# hardware
platform: CUDA
    Precision: mixed

# conditions
integrator: LangevinIntegrator
temperature: 300
friction: 0.1
timestep: 1.0
barostat: False
pressure: 1.01325
barostat_interval: 100
minimization_max_iterations: 1000

# OpenMM system options
nonbondedMethod: CutoffNonPeriodic
nonbondedCutoff: 1.0 # nm
constraints: HBonds
rigidWater: True
    implicitSolvent: GBn2

-   name: implicit
    temperature: 300 # K
    minimization: True
    md_steps: 250e6
    trajectory: DCD
    trajectory_step: 2000

There's two main parts in these files:

  • Top-level parameters: listed in next section, they are common for all stages
  • stages: Contains a list with all the stages to be simulated in the requested order. Each stage can override one or more global parameter(s), if needed.

Provided examples

OMMProtocol ships with some ready-to-use example protocols, which can be used as a template to create a custom one. Most of the time you will only need to change the topology and positions keys, detailed in the next section. Available examples:

  • standard.yaml: The protocol used in most of our solvated protein simulations, such as in [Lur]. It includes a progressive solvent relaxation step, followed by a simulated annealing from 100 to 300K, ending with a long production stage.
  • standard_jinja.yaml: Same as previous one, but the simulated annealing stages are described with a Jinja loop for a cleaner result.
  • implicit.yaml: Same parameters as standard.yaml, but optimized for implicit solvent conditions in a single stage (no need for solvent relaxation).
  • test.yaml: Protocol meant to debug a problematic simulation (those that end in Particle position is NaN, for example) by dumping states and trajectories every 10 steps. It runs very slow and consumes lots of disk space!
  • simple.yaml: Toy example to show the simplest protocol implementable in OMMProtocol.

Default behaviour

In principle, OMMProtocol input files can be as simple as:

topology: output.pdb
- minimization: True
  steps: 100000

This is possible due to the chosen default values for almost every key. Specific details for each key are provided below, but globally this results in the following behaviour:

  • OMMProtocol will report the simulation progress to the standard output and create an Amber NetCDF checkpoint file every 1,000,000 steps. If an error occurs during the simulation, it will attempt to save a OpenMM XML file with the current state of the simulation, which, if lucky, can be used to restart the simulation or, at least, to debug the problem that could lead to that error.
  • If PDB files are being used as topology sources and no forcefield is provided and, it will default to amber99sbildn.xml and tip3p.xml.

Top-level parameters

All the parameters are optional except stated otherwise.

Input options

  • topology: Main input file. Should contain, at least, the topology, but it can also contain positions, velocities, PBC vectors, forcefields... Required. Supports PDB/PDBx, Mol2, Amber's PRMTOP, Charmm's PSF, Gromacs' TOP, Desmond's DMS.
  • positions: File with the initial coordinates of the system. Overrides those in topology, if needed. Required if the topology does not provide positions. If the file is a trajectory, a frame must be specified with a list: [ path_to_trajectory.dcd, 1044]. Supports PDB, COOR, INPCRD, CRD, GRO, DCD.
  • velocities: File containing the initial velocities of this stage. If not set, they will be set to the requested temperature. Supports PDB, VEL.
  • box_vectors: File with replacement periodic box vectors, instead of those in the topology or positions file. If the file is a trajectory, a frame must be specified with a list: [ path_to_trajectory.dcd, 1044]. Supports XSC, CSV, PDB, GRO, INPCRD, DCD.
  • checkpoint: Restart simulation from this file. It can provide one or more of the options above. Supports STATE.XML, RS.
  • forcefield: Which forcefields should be used, if not provided in topology. Required for PDB topologies. More details on forcefields.
  • charmm_parameters: CHARMM forcefield. Required for PSF topologies.

Since several types of files can provide the same type of data (positions, vectors...), there is an established order of precedence. topology < checkpoint < positions & velocities < box. The only keys out of this chain areforcefield and charmm_parameters, which are only required for the specified types of topology.

topology  <---------| forcefield (PDB only)
^                   | charmm_parameters (PSF only)
positions (required if not provided above), [velocities]

Output options

  • project_name: Name for this simulation. Optional. Defaults to a random 5-character string.
  • outputpath: Path to output folder. If relative, it'll be relative to input file. Optional. Defaults to . (directory where the input file is located).
  • report: True for live report of progress. Defaults to True.
  • report_every: Update interval of live progress reports. Defaults to 1000 steps.
  • trajectory: Output format of trajectory file, if desired. Defaults to None (no trajectory will be written).
  • trajectory_every: Write trajectory every n steps. Defaults to 2000 steps.
  • trajectory_new_every: Create a new file for trajectory every n steps. Defaults to 1,000,000 steps.
  • restart: Output format for restart/checkpoint files, if desired. Defaults to None (no checkpoint will be generated).
  • restart_every: Write restart format every n steps. Defaults to 1,000,000 steps.
  • save_state_at_end: Whether to save the state of the simulation at the end of every stage. Defaults to True.
  • attempt_rescue: Try to dump the simulation state into a file if an exception occurs. Defaults to True.

General conditions of simulation

  • minimization: If True, minimize before simulating a MD stage. Defaults to False.
  • steps: Number of MD steps to simulate. If 0, no MD will take place. Defaults to 0.
  • timestep: Integration timestep, in fs. Defaults to 1.0.
  • temperature: In Kelvin. Defaults to 300.
  • barostat: True for NPT, False for NVT. Defaults to False.
  • pressure: In bar. Only used if barostat is True. Defaults to 1.01325.
  • barostat_interval: Update interval of barostat, in steps. Defaults to 25.
  • restrained_atoms: Parts of the system that should remain restrained (a k*((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2+(z-z0)^2) force is applied to minimize movement) during the simulation. Supports mdtraj's DSL queries (like not protein) or a list of 0-based atom indices (like [0, 1, 40, 55, 67]). Default to None (no freezing).
  • restraint_strength: If restraints are in use, the strength of the applied force in kJ/mol. Defaults to 5.0.
  • distance_restrained_atoms: Pairs of atoms whose distance should remain constant. Must be specified with a list 2-tuples, with each item being the atom index or a DSL query that returns a single atom. For example, [[0, 1], [5,2]], [['resid 58 and name OE1', 'resid 43 and name HE1']].
  • distance_restraint_length: Equilibrium distance for each pair of distance_restrained_atoms. A list of target values must be provided, one for each pair. If only one value is provided, the same will be used for all pairs. It accepts a positive float (ie, 0.3) in nm, or the keyword initial (to use the starting distance of that pair).
  • distance_restraint_strength: Force constant for each restrained pair. A list of target values must be provided, one for each pair. If only one value is provided, the same will be used for all pairs. It accepts a positive float (ie, 0.3) in kcal per mole per squared angstrom.
  • constrained_atoms: Parts of the system that should remain constrained (no movement at all) during the simulation. Supports mdtraj's DSL queries (like not protein) or a list of 0-based atom indices (like [0, 1, 40, 55, 67]). Default to None (no freezing).
  • integrator: Which integrator should be used. Langevin by default.
  • friction: Friction coefficient for integrator, if needed. In 1/ps. Defaults to 1.0.
  • minimization_tolerance: Threshold value minimization should converge to. Defaults to 10 kJ/mole.
  • minimization_max_iterations: Limit minimization iterations up to this value. If zero, don't limit. Defaults to 10000.

OpenMM system parameters

These parameters directly correspond to those used in OpenMM. Their default values will be inherited as a result. For example, if the topology chose is PDB, the system will be created out of the forcefield object, whose default values are stated here. For other topologies, check the loaders here.

Most common parameters are summarized here.

  • nonbondedMethod: The method to use for nonbonded interactions. Choose between NoCutoff (default), CutoffNonPeriodic, CutoffPeriodic, Ewald, PME.
  • nonbondedCutoff: The cutoff distance to use for nonbonded interactions, in nm. Defaults to 1.0.
  • constraints: Specifies which bonds angles should be implemented with constraints. Choose between None (default), HBonds, AllBonds, HAngles.
  • rigidWater: If True (default), water molecules will be fully rigid regardless of the value passed for the constraints argument
  • removeCMMotion: Whether to remove center of mass motion during simulation. Defaults to True.
  • extra_system_options: A sub-dict with additional keywords that might be supported by the .createSystem method of the topology in use. Check the OpenMM docs to know which ones to use.

Hardware options

  • platform: Which platform to use: CPU, CUDA, OpenCL. If not set, OpenMM will choose the fastest available.
  • platform_properties: A sub-dict of keyworkds to configure the chosen platform. Check the OpenMM docs to know the supported values. Please notice all values must be strings, even booleans and ints; as a result, you should quote the values like this 'true'.