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File metadata and controls

1104 lines (812 loc) · 35.4 KB

Form fields

When you create a new Form, the most important part is defining its fields. Each field has custom validation logic, along with a few other hooks.

Although the primary way you'll use a Field is in a Form, you can also instantiate them and use them directly to get a better idea of how they work. Each Field instance has a clean() method, which takes a single argument and either throws a forms.ValidationError or returns the clean value:

var f = forms.EmailField()
// =>
try {
  f.clean('invalid email address')
catch (e) {
// => ["Enter a valid email address."]

Core field arguments


By default, each Field assumes the value is required, so if you pass an empty value -- undefined, null or the empty string ('') -- then clean() will throw a ValidationError.

To specify that a field is not required, pass required: false to the Field constructor:

var f = forms.CharField({required: false})

If a Field has required: false and you pass clean() an empty value, then clean() will return a normalised empty value rather than throwing a ValidationError. For CharField, this will be an empty string. For another Field type, it might be null (This varies from field to field.).


The label argument lets you specify the "human-friendly" label for this field. This is used when the Field is displayed in a Form.


The initial argument lets you specify the initial value to use when rendering this Field in an unbound Form.

To specify dynamic initial data, see the initial <ref-dynamic-initial-values> option.


The widget argument lets you specify a Widget to use when rendering this Field. You can pass either an instance or a Widget constructor. See widgets for more information.


The helpText argument lets you specify descriptive text for this Field. If you provide helpText, it will be displayed next to the Field when the Field is rendered by one the default rending components.

To render raw HTML in help text, specify it using the React convention for raw HTML, which is as an object with an __html property.


The errorMessages argument lets you override the default messages that the field will throw. Pass in an object with properties matching the error messages you want to override. For example, here is the default error message:

var generic = forms.CharField()
try {
catch (e) {
// => ["This field is required."]

And here is a custom error message:

var name = forms.CharField({errorMessages: {required: 'Please enter your name.'}})
try {
catch (e) {
// => ["Please enter your name."]

The error message codes used by fields are defined below.


The validators argument lets you provide a list of additional validation functions for this field.



The widgetAttrs argument lets you specify additional attributes for the field's Widget without having to specify a new Widget from scratch using the widget argument.

This provides a more convenient way to add attributes like autoFocus, className or data- attributes to the field's default Widget but has the lowest priority when determining final widget attributes.

For example, you can't override an Input-based widget's type attribute using widgetAttrs, as type is set in that widget's render() method based on the specific widget constructor being used.

However, :jsTextInput treats the type attribute specially, to allow you to override the rendered type when creating an instance:

TextInput({attrs: {type: 'tel'}})

Or you can extend TextInput to create your own widget constructor:

var TelInput = TextInput.extend({
  inputType: 'tel'

Providing choices

Fields and Widgets which take a choices argument expect to be given a list containing any of the following:

Choice pairs

A choice pair is a list containing exactly 2 elements, which correspond to:

  1. the value to be submitted/returned when the choice is selected.
  2. the value to be displayed to the user for selection.

For example:

  ['S', 'Scoped']
, ['D', 'Defined']
, ['P', 'In-Progress']
, ['C', 'Completed']
, ['A', 'Accepted']
print(reactHTML(forms.Select().render('state', null, {choices: STATE_CHOICES})))
/* =>
<select name="state">
<option value="S">Scoped</option>
<option value="D">Defined</option>
<option value="P">In-Progress</option>
<option value="C">Completed</option>
<option value="A">Accepted</option>
Grouped lists of choice pairs

A list containing exactly 2 elements, which correspond to:

  1. A group label
  2. A list of choice pairs, as described above
  ['Cheap', [
      [1, 'White Lightning']
    , [2, 'Buckfast']
    , [3, 'Tesco Gin']
, ['Expensive', [
      [4, 'Vieille Bon Secours Ale']
    , [5, 'Château d’Yquem']
    , [6, 'Armand de Brignac Midas']
, [7, 'Beer']
print(reactHTML(forms.Select().render('drink', null, {choices: DRINK_CHOICES})))
/* =>
<select name="drink">
<optgroup label="Cheap">
<option value="1">White Lightning</option>
<option value="2">Buckfast</option>
<option value="3">Tesco Gin</option>
<optgroup label="Expensive">
<option value="4">Vieille Bon Secours Ale</option>
<option value="5">Château d’Yquem</option>
<option value="6">Armand de Brignac Midas</option>
<option value="7">Beer</option>

As you can see from the 'Beer' example above, grouped pairs can be mixed with ungrouped pairs within the list of choices.

Flat choices


If a non-array value is provided where newforms expects to see a choice pair, it will be normalised to a choice pair using the same value for submission and display.

This allows you to pass a flat list of choices when that's all you need:

var VOWEL_CHOICES = ['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U']
var f = forms.ChoiceField({choices: VOWEL_CHOICES})
// => [['A', 'A'], ['E', 'E'], ['I', 'I'], ['O', 'O'], ['U', 'U']]

  ['Numbers', [1, 2,]]
, ['Letters', ['A', 'B']]
// => [['Numbers', [[1, 1], [2, 2]]], ['Letters', [['A', 'A'], ['B', 'B']]]]

Dynamic choices

A common pattern for providing dynamic choices (or indeed, dynamic anything) is to provide your own form constructor and pass in whatever data is required to make changes to form.fields as the form is being instantiated.

Newforms provides a :jsutil.makeChoices helper function for creating choice pairs from a list of objects using named properties:

var ProjectBookingForm = forms.Form.extend({
  project: forms.ChoiceField(),
  hours: forms.DecimalField({minValue: 0, maxValue: 24, maxdigits: 4, decimalPlaces: 2}),
  date: forms.DateField(),

  constructor: function(projects, kwargs) {
    // Call the constructor of whichever form you're extending so that the
    // forms.Form constructor eventually gets called - this.fields doesn't
    // exist until this happens., kwargs)

    // Now that this.fields is a thing, make whatever changes you need to -
    // in this case, we're going to creata a list of pairs of project ids
    // and names to set as the project field's choices.
    this.fields.project.setChoices(forms.util.makeChoices(projects, 'id', 'name'))

var projects = [
  {id: 1, name: 'Project 1'}
, {id: 2, name: 'Project 2'}
, {id: 3, name: 'Project 3'}
var form = new ProjectBookingForm(projects, {autoId: false})
/* =>
<select name=\"project\">
<option value=\"1\">Project 1</option>
<option value=\"2\">Project 2</option>
<option value=\"3\">Project 3</option>

Server-side example of using a form with dynamic choices:

// Users are assigned to projects and they're booking time, so we need to:
// 1. Display choices for the projects they're assigned to
// 2. Validate that the submitted project id is one they've been assigned to
var form
var display = function() { res.render('book_time', {form: form}) }
req.user.getProjects(function(err, projects) {
  if (err) { return next(err) }
  if (req.method == 'POST') {
    form = new ProjectBookingForm(projects, {data: req.body})
    if (form.isValid()) {
      return ProjectService.saveHours(user, form.cleanedData, function(err) {
        if (err) { return next(err) }
        return res.redirect('/time/book/')
  else {
    form = new ProjectBookingForm(projects)

Built-in Field types

newforms comes with a set of Field types that represent common validation eeds. This section documents each built-in field.

For each field, we describe the default widget used if you don't specify widget. We also specify the value returned when you provide an empty value (see the section on required above to understand what that means).

Built-in Field type hierarchy

  • Field
    • BaseTemporalField
      • DateField <ref-fields-DateField>
      • DateTimeField <ref-fields-DateTimeField>
      • TimeField <ref-fields-TimeField>
    • :ref:BooleanField <ref-fields-BooleanField>
      • NullBooleanField <ref-fields-NullBooleanField>
    • :ref:CharField <ref-fields-CharField>
      • EmailField <ref-fields-EmailField>
      • GenericIPAddressField <ref-fields-GenericIPAddressField>
      • IPAddressField <ref-fields-IPAddressField>
      • RegexField <ref-fields-RegexField>
      • SlugField <ref-fields-SlugField>
      • URLField <ref-fields-URLField>
    • :ref:ChoiceField <ref-fields-ChoiceField>
      • FilePathField <ref-fields-FilePathField>
      • MultipleChoiceField <ref-fields-MultipleChoiceField>
        • TypedMultipleChoiceField <ref-fields-TypedMultipleChoiceField>
      • TypedChoiceField <ref-fields-TypedChoiceField>
    • :ref:ComboField <ref-fields-ComboField>
    • :ref:IntegerField <ref-fields-IntegerField>
      • DecimalField <ref-fields-DecimalField>
      • FloatField <ref-fields-FloatField>
    • :ref:FileField <ref-fields-FileField>
      • ImageField <ref-fields-ImageField>
      • MultipleFileField <ref-fields-MultipleFileField>
    • :ref:MultiValueField <ref-fields-MultiValueField>
      • SplitDateTimeField <ref-fields-SplitDateTimeField>

Build-in Fields (A-Z)


  • Default widget: :jsCheckboxInput
  • Empty value: false
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript true or false value.
  • Validates that the value is true (e.g. the check box is checked) if the field has required: true.
  • Error message keys: required


Since all Field types have required: true by default, the validation condition here is important. If you want to include a boolean in your form that can be either true or false (e.g. a checked or unchecked checkbox), you must remember to pass in required: false when creating the BooleanField.


  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates maxLength or minLength, if they are provided. Otherwise, all inputs are valid.
  • Error message keys: required, maxLength, minLength

Has two optional arguments for validation:

  • maxLength
  • minLength

If provided, these arguments ensure that the string is at most or at least the given length.


  • Default widget: :jsSelect
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates that the given value exists in the list of choices.
  • Error message keys: required, invalidChoice

The invalidChoice error message may contain {value}, which will be replaced with the selected choice.

Takes one extra argument:

  • choices

    A list of pairs (2 item lists) to use as choices for this field. See Providing choices for more details.


Just like a :jsChoiceField, except :jsTypedChoiceField takes two extra arguments, coerce and emptyValue.

  • Default widget: :jsSelect
  • Empty value: Whatever you've given as emptyValue
  • Normalises to: A value of the type provided by the coerce argument.
  • Validates that the given value exists in the list of choices and can be coerced.
  • Error message keys: required, invalidChoice

Takes extra arguments:

  • coerce

    A function that takes one argument and returns a coerced value. Examples include the built-in Number, Boolean and other types. Defaults to an identity function. Note that coercion happens after input validation, so it is possible to coerce to a value not present in choices.

  • emptyValue

    The value to use to represent "empty." Defaults to the empty string; null is another common choice here. Note that this value will not be coerced by the function given in the coerce argument, so choose it accordingly.


  • Default widget: :jsDateInput
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript Date object, with its time fields set to zero.
  • Validates that the given value is either a Date, or string formatted in a particular date format.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

Takes one optional argument:

  • inputFormats

    A list of format strings used to attempt to convert a string to a valid Date object.

If no inputFormats argument is provided, the default input formats are:

  '%Y-%m-%d'              // '2006-10-25'
, '%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%y'  // '10/25/2006', '10/25/06'
, '%b %d %Y', '%b %d, %Y' // 'Oct 25 2006', 'Oct 25, 2006'
, '%d %b %Y', '%d %b, %Y' // '25 Oct 2006', '25 Oct, 2006'
, '%B %d %Y', '%B %d, %Y' // 'October 25 2006', 'October 25, 2006'
, '%d %B %Y', '%d %B, %Y' // '25 October 2006', '25 October, 2006'


  • Default widget: :jsDateTimeInput
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript Date object.
  • Validates that the given value is either a Date or string formatted in a particular datetime format.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

Takes one optional argument:

  • inputFormats

    A list of format strings used to attempt to convert a string to a valid Date object.

If no inputFormats argument is provided, the default input formats are:

  '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' // '2006-10-25 14:30:59'
, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'    // '2006-10-25 14:30'
, '%Y-%m-%d'          // '2006-10-25'
, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S' // '10/25/2006 14:30:59'
, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'    // '10/25/2006 14:30'
, '%m/%d/%Y'          // '10/25/2006'
, '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S' // '10/25/06 14:30:59'
, '%m/%d/%y %H:%M'    // '10/25/06 14:30'
, '%m/%d/%y'          // '10/25/06'


  • Default widget: :jsNumberInput.
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A string (since JavaScript doesn't have built-in Decimal type).
  • Validates that the given value is a decimal. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, maxValue, minValue, maxDigits, maxDecimalPlaces, maxWholeDigits

The maxValue and minValue error messages may contain {limitValue}, which will be substituted by the appropriate limit.

Similarly, the maxDigits, maxDecimalPlaces and maxWholeDigits error messages may contain {max}.

Takes four optional arguments:

  • maxValue
  • minValue

    These control the range of values permitted in the field.

  • maxDigits

    The maximum number of digits (those before the decimal point plus those after the decimal point, with leading zeros stripped) permitted in the value.

  • decimalDlaces

    The maximum number of decimal places permitted.


  • Default widget: :jsEmailInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates that the given value is a valid email address, using a moderately complex regular expression.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

Has two optional arguments for validation, maxLength and minLength. If provided, these arguments ensure that the string is at most or at least the given length.


  • Default widget: :jsClearableFileInput
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to:
    • Client: a native File object, when supported by the browser, otherwise the value of the <input type="file">.
    • Server: the given object in files - this field just validates what's there and leaves the rest up to you.
  • Can validate that non-empty file data has been bound to the form.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, missing, empty, maxLength

Has two optional arguments for validation, maxLength and allowEmptyFile. If provided, these ensure that the file name is at most the given length, and that validation will succeed even if the file content is empty.

When you use a FileField in a form, you must also remember to bind the file data to the form <ref-binding-uploaded-files>.

The maxLength error refers to the length of the filename. In the error message for that key, {max} will be replaced with the maximum filename length and {length} will be replaced with the current filename length.


  • Default widget: :jsSelect
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A string
  • Validates that the selected choice exists in the list of choices.
  • Error message keys: required, invalidChoice

The field allows choosing from files inside a certain directory. It takes three extra arguments; only path is required:

  • path

    The absolute path to the directory whose contents you want listed. This directory must exist.

  • recursive

    If false (the default) only the direct contents of path will be offered as choices. If true, the directory will be descended into recursively and all descendants will be listed as choices.

  • match

    A regular expression pattern; only files with names matching this expression will be allowed as choices.

  • allowFiles

    Optional. Either true or false. Default is true. Specifies whether files in the specified location should be included. Either this or allowFolders must be true.

  • allowFolders

    Optional. Either true or false. Default is false. Specifies whether folders in the specified location should be included. Either this or allowFiles must be true.


  • Default widget: :jsNumberInput.
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript Number.
  • Validates that the given value is a float. Leading and trailing whitespace is allowed.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, maxValue, minValue

Takes two optional arguments for validation, maxValue and minValue. These control the range of values permitted in the field.


  • Default widget: :jsClearableFileInput
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: The given object in files - this field just validates what's there and leaves the rest up to you.
  • Validates that file data has been bound to the form, and that the file is of an image format.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, missing, empty, invalidImage


Server-side image validation isn't implemented yet.

When you use a ImageField in a form, you must also remember to bind the file data to the form <ref-binding-uploaded-files>.


  • Default widget: :jsNumberInput.
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript Number.
  • Validates that the given value is an integer. Leading and trailing whitespace is allowed.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, maxValue, minValue

The maxValue and minValue error messages may contain {limitValue}, which will be substituted by the appropriate limit.

Takes two optional arguments for validation:

  • maxValue
  • minValue

    These control the range of values permitted in the field.


0.5 This field has been deprecated in favour of :jsGenericIPAddressField.

  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates that the given value is a valid IPv4 address, using a regular expression.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid


A field containing either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.

  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string. IPv6 addresses are normalised as described below.
  • Validates that the given value is a valid IP address.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

The IPv6 address normalisation follows 4291#section-2.2 section 2.2, including using the IPv4 format suggested in paragraph 3 of that section, like ::ffff: For example, 2001:0::0:01 would be normalised to 2001::1, and ::ffff:0a0a:0a0a to ::ffff: All characters are converted to lowercase.

Takes two optional arguments:

  • protocol

    Limits valid inputs to the specified protocol. Accepted values are both (default), ipv4 or ipv6. Matching is case insensitive.

  • unpackIPv4

    Unpacks IPv4 mapped addresses like ::ffff: If this option is enabled that address would be unpacked to Default is disabled. Can only be used when protocol is set to 'both'.


  • Default widget: :jsSelectMultiple
  • Empty value: [] (an empty list)
  • Normalises to: A list of strings.
  • Validates that every value in the given list of values exists in the list of choices.
  • Error message keys: required, invalidChoice, invalidList

The invalidChoice error message may contain {value}, which will be replaced with the selected choice.

Takes one extra required argument, choices, as for ChoiceField.



  • Default widget: :jsFileInput with multiple attribute
  • Empty value: [] (an empty list)
  • Normalises to:
    • Client: a list of File objects, when supported by the browser, otherwise the value of the <input type="file" multiple>.
    • Server: the given object in files - this field just validates what's there and leaves the rest up to you.
  • Can validate that non-empty file data has been bound to the form.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, missing, empty, maxLength

The empty and maxLength error messages may contain {name}, which will be replaced with the name of the file which failed validation.

Has two optional arguments for validation, maxLength and allowEmptyFile as for FileField.


Just like a :jsMultipleChoiceField, except :jsTypedMultipleChoiceField takes two extra arguments, coerce and emptyValue.

  • Default widget: :jsSelectMultiple
  • Empty value: Whatever you've given as emptyValue
  • Normalises to: A list of values of the type provided by the coerce argument.
  • Validates that the given values exists in the list of choices and can be coerced.
  • Error message keys: required, invalidChoice

The invalidChoice error message may contain {value}, which will be replaced with the selected choice.

Takes two extra arguments, coerce and emptyValue, as for TypedChoiceField.


  • Default widget: :jsNullBooleanSelect
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript true, false or null value.
  • Validates nothing (i.e., it never raises a ValidationError).


  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates that the given value matches against a certain regular expression.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

Takes one required argument:

  • regex

    A regular expression specified either as a string or a compiled regular expression object.

Also takes maxLength and minLength, which work just as they do for CharField.


  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates that the given value contains only letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens.
  • Error messages: required, invalid


  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript Date object, with its date fields set to 1900-01-01.
  • Validates that the given value is either a Date or string formatted in a particular time format.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

Takes one optional argument:

  • inputFormats

    A list of format strings used to attempt to convert a string to a valid Date object.

If no inputFormats argument is provided, the default input formats are:

  '%H:%M:%S' // '14:30:59'
, '%H:%M'    // '14:30'


  • Default widget: :jsURLInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates that the given value is a valid URL.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

Takes the following optional arguments:

  • maxLength
  • minLength

These are the same as CharField.maxLength and CharField.minLength.

Slightly complex built-in Field types


  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: A string.
  • Validates that the given value against each of the fields specified as an argument to the ComboField.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid

Takes one extra argument:

  • fields

    The list of fields that should be used to validate the field's value (in the order in which they are provided):

    var f = forms.ComboField({fields: [
      forms.CharField({maxLength: 20}),
    // =>
    try {
    catch (e) {
    // => ['Ensure this value has at most 20 characters (it has 28).']


  • Default widget: :jsTextInput
  • Empty value: '' (an empty string)
  • Normalises to: the type returned by the compress method of the field.
  • Validates that the given value against each of the fields specified as an argument to the MultiValueField.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, incomplete

Aggregates the logic of multiple fields that together produce a single value.

This field is abstract and must be extended. In contrast with the single-value fields, fields which extend jsMultiValueField must not implement :jsBaseField#clean but instead - implement compress().

Takes one extra argument:

  • fields

    A list of fields whose values are cleaned and subsequently combined into a single value. Each value of the field is cleaned by the corresponding field in fields -- the first value is cleaned by the first field, the second value is cleaned by the second field, etc. Once all fields are cleaned, the list of clean values is combined into a single value by compress().

Also takes one extra optional argument:

  • requireAllFields


    Defaults to true, in which case a required validation error will be raised if no value is supplied for any field.

    When set to false, the Field.required attribute can be set to false for individual fields to make them optional. If no value is supplied for a required field, an incomplete validation error will be raised.

    A default incomplete error message can be defined on the :jsMultiValueField, or different messages can be defined on each individual field. For example:

    var RegexValidator = forms.validators.RegexValidator
    var PhoneField = forms.MultiValueField.extend({
      constructor: function(kwargs) {
        kwargs = kwargs || {}
         // Define one message for all fields
        kwargs.errorMessages = {
          incomplete: 'Enter a country code and phone number.'
        // Or define a different message for each field
        kwargs.fields = [
          forms.CharField({errorMessages: {incomplete: 'Enter a country code.'}, validators: [
            RegexValidator({regex: /^\d+$/, message: 'Enter a valid country code.'})
          forms.CharField({errorMessages: {incomplete: 'Enter a phone number.'}, validators: [
            RegexValidator({regex: /^\d+$/, message: 'Enter a valid phone number.'})
          forms.CharField({required: false, validators: [
            RegexValidator({regex: /^\d+$/, message: 'Enter a valid extension.'})
        ], kwargs)
  • MultiValueField.widget

    Must extend :jsMultiWidget. Default value is :jsTextInput, which probably is not very useful in this case. Have a nice day :)

  • compress(dataList)

    Takes a list of valid values and returns a "compressed" version of those values -- in a single value. For example, :jsSplitDateTimeField is a combines a time field and a date field into a Date object.

    This method must be implemented in the Field extending MultiValueField.


  • Default widget: :jsSplitDateTimeWidget
  • Empty value: null
  • Normalises to: A JavaScript datetime.datetime object.
  • Validates that the given value is a datetime.datetime or string formatted in a particular datetime format.
  • Error message keys: required, invalid, invalidDate, invalidTime

Takes two optional arguments:

  • inputDateFormats

    A list of format strings used to attempt to convert a string to a valid Date object with its time fields set to zero.

If no inputDateFormats argument is provided, the default input formats for DateField are used.

  • inputTimeFormats

    A list of format strings used to attempt to convert a string to a valid Date object with its date fields set to 1900-01-01.

If no inputTimeFormats argument is provided, the default input formats for TimeField are used.

Creating custom fields

If the built-in Field objects don't meet your needs, you can easily create custom Fields. To do this, just .extend() Field. Its only requirements are that it implement a clean() method and that its constructor() accepts the core arguments mentioned above (required, label, initial, widget, helpText) in an argument object.