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File metadata and controls

122 lines (87 loc) · 4.5 KB

FSGC - Filesystem Garbage Collector

Build Status

FSGC cleans directories according to some rules you provide.

Use Case

Want to clean some directory periodically but you want to be smart about it? FSGC is made to solve that problem.

FSGC itself is not a daemon or anything, it's just one executable with no dependencies; you are expected to use it from a task scheduler like cron or, on Windows, the Task Scheduler.

How to Install

Grab a binary for your platform on the releases page or build it yourself.

Building From Source

You need the typical rust language setup, read here for more.

Once that's ready, gaze upon the following lines:

git clone
cd fsgc
git checkout main # sometimes required
cargo install --locked --path .
# If above does not work, please add `--target <MY_TARGET>` to the command
# You can also use this one-liner:
# cargo install --locked --branch main --git


The usage is very simple: fsgc [path/to/config]

You don't have to specify the config file location from the command line, you can just set FSGC_CONFIG_PATH env variable to the full path of your config file.

If you don't specify a config file either from the command line or from your env, these locations will be assumed:

  • On Windows: C:\programdata\fsgc.toml
  • Any OS but Windows: /etc/fsgc/fsgc.toml

Now, invoking fsgc will evaluate your config file and delete files that need deleting.

Configuration File and Format

FSGC uses the TOML format for its configuration.

Configuration Sections (Tables)

The [options] Section

This table is used for general options and all keys are optional:

  • log-file: String; A Full path to a file for fsgc logs. If set, every logging goes to this file and not the standard error stream.
  • header: String; The banner printed before each invocation of FSGC. This field supports date and time specifiers, more on that below.
  • èrror-prefix: String; A string that will be printed in front of any error in the logs. This field also supports date and time format specifiers.
  • òverwrite-logs: Bool; If set to true and there's a log file, the file will be overwritten each time FSGC is invoked.

The [rules] Section

This table is where you configure files/ directories and how they should be handled. Each entry in this table is in the form

"path" = <rule>

Paths may contain spaces or otherwise illegal characters, but make sure to quote them. Paths may also contain glob patterns in the style of bash.

The rule can be specified in two ways:

  • Detailed: "path" = { age = "duration", created = true, modified = true, accessed = false }. Anything but the age can be omitted, in which case the defaults are as shown above.
  • Simple: "path" = "duration". This is equivalent to "path" = { age = "duration", created = true, modified = true, accessed = false }`.

Example Config File

log-file = 'D:\home\.config\fsgc\fsgc.log'
header = "# RUN %B %d - %H:%M"
error-prefix = "- "
overwrite-logs = false


'D:\home\downloads\*' = "1d" # Delete files older than 1 day.
'D:\home\tmp\*' = { age = "2d", accessed = true } # Delete files older than 2 days but also consider access times to refresh the age.

Duration Format

The age field in the rule object is a string with the following format:

<number> <unit>

The whitespace are ignored and more than one duration can be specified, in which case the values add up:

  • "1d": 1 day.
  • "1w 3d 5m": 1 week, 3 days and 1 minute.
  • "2 days 12 hours": 2 days and 12 hours.

Duration Units

  • "ns" | "nanos" | "nanoseconds" | "nanosecond": Nanoseconds.
  • "µs" | "micros" | "microseconds" | "microsecond": Microseconds.
  • "ms" | "millis" | "milliseconds" | "millisecond": Milliseconds.
  • "s" | "sec" | "secs" | "seconds" | "second": Seconds.
  • "m" | "min" | "minute" | "minutes" | "mins": Minutes.
  • "h" | "hr" | "hours" | "hour": Hours.
  • "d" | "day" | "days": Days.
  • "w" | "week" | "weeks": Weeks.
  • "y" | "yr" | "years" | "year": Years.

Units are case insensitive.

Time Format Specifiers

You can use GNU-style time format specifiers in your header or error-prefix.

Please visit this page for the full reference.