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Kevin Strasser edited this page May 24, 2018 · 7 revisions

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##Commit Template:

Summary of the patch.

Description of the fix.

Jira: (Link to Jira)

Test: (What tests are expected to pass).

Signed-off-by: <Author/Contributor> Tracking temporary patches

In case the commit is a work around for a known issue which needs more time to be properly fixed, the commit should have a tag -

REVERTME: Summary of the workaround

Coding style

Ensure that your change conforms with the Google C++ style guide. Running the following command before commit will show you if any changes are needed:

git diff | clang-format-diff-3.5 -p 1 -style=file

If you are happy with the changes, running following command will apply the changes:

git diff | clang-format-diff-3.5 -p 1 -style=file -i

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