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Copyright © 2023-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Khronos® is a registered trademark and SYCL™ and SPIR™ are trademarks of The Khronos Group Inc. OpenCL™ is a trademark of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos.


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This extension is written against the SYCL 2020 revision 8 specification. All references below to the "core SYCL specification" or to section numbers in the SYCL specification refer to that revision.

This extension also depends on the following other SYCL extensions:


This is an experimental extension specification, intended to provide early access to features and gather community feedback. Interfaces defined in this specification are implemented in DPC, but they are not finalized and may change incompatibly in future versions of DPC without prior notice. Shipping software products should not rely on APIs defined in this specification.


This extension adds APIs that allow the application to dynamically generate the source code for a kernel, which it can then compile and enqueue to a device. The APIs allow a kernel to be written in any of several possible languages, where support for each of these languages is defined by a separate extension. As a result, this extension provides a framework of APIs for online compilation of kernels, but it does not define the details for any specific kernel language. These details are provided by other extensions.

The new APIs added by this extension are an expansion of the existing kernel_bundle capabilities. Thus, an application can create a kernel bundle from a source string and then build the bundle into "executable" bundle state. Once the application obtains a kernel object, it can use existing APIs from the core SYCL specification to set the value of kernel arguments and enqueue the kernel to a device.


Feature test macro

This extension provides a feature-test macro as described in the core SYCL specification. An implementation supporting this extension must predefine the macro SYCL_EXT_ONEAPI_KERNEL_COMPILER to one of the values defined in the table below. Applications can test for the existence of this macro to determine if the implementation supports this feature, or applications can test the macro’s value to determine which of the extension’s features the implementation supports.

Value Description


The APIs of this experimental extension are not versioned, so the feature-test macro always has this value.

New kernel bundle state

This extension adds the ext_oneapi_source enumerator to sycl::bundle_state to identify a kernel bundle that is represented as a source code string.

namespace sycl {

enum class bundle_state : /*unspecified*/ {
  // ...

} // namespace sycl

New enumerator of kernel source languages

This extension adds the source_language enumeration, which identifies possible languages for a kernel bundle that is in ext_oneapi_source state:

namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental {

enum class source_language : /*unspecified*/ {
  // see below

} // namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental

However, there are no enumerators defined by this extension. Instead, this enumeration is an extension point for other extensions, which can specify the exact semantics of each possible kernel language.

New member functions for the device class

This extension adds the following new member functions to the device class:

class device {

bool ext_oneapi_can_compile(ext::oneapi::experimental::source_language lang);


Returns: The value true only if the device supports kernel bundles written in the source language lang.

New free functions to create and build kernel bundles

This extension adds the following new free functions to create and build a kernel bundle in ext_oneapi_source state.

namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental {

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source> create_kernel_bundle_from_source(
  const context& ctxt,
  source_language lang,
  const std::string& source)

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source> create_kernel_bundle_from_source(
  const context& ctxt,
  source_language lang,
  const std::vector<std::byte>& bytes)

} // namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental

Preconditions: There are two overloads of this function: one that reads the source code of the kernel from a std::string, and one that reads the source code of the kernel from a std::vector of std::byte. Each source language lang specifies whether the language is text format or binary format, and the application must use the overload that corresponds to that format.

Effects: Creates a new kernel bundle that represents a kernel written in the source language lang, where the source code is contained either by source (if the source language is a text format) or by bytes (if the source language is binary format). The bundle is associated with the context ctxt, and kernels from this bundle may only be submitted to a queue that shares the same context. The bundle’s set of associated devices is the set of devices contained in ctxt.

Returns: The newly created kernel bundle, which has ext_oneapi_source state.


  • An exception with the errc::invalid error code if the source language lang is not supported by any device contained by the context ctxt.

[Note: Calling this function does not attempt to compile the source code. As a result, syntactic errors in the source code string are not diagnosed by this function.

This function succeeds even if some devices in ctxt do not support the source language lang. However, the build function fails unless all of its devices support lang. Therefore, applications should take care to omit devices that do not support lang when calling build. — end note]

namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental {

template<typename PropertyListT = empty_properties_t>                 (1)
kernel_bundle<bundle_state::executable> build(
  const kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source>& sourceBundle,
  const std::vector<device> &devs,
  PropertyListT props = {})

template<typename PropertyListT = empty_properties_t>                 (2)
kernel_bundle<bundle_state::executable> build(
  const kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source>& sourceBundle,
  PropertyListT props = {})

} // namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental

Constraints: Available only when PropertyListT is an instance of sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::properties which contains no properties other than those listed below in the section "New properties".

Effects (1): The source code from sourceBundle is translated into one or more device images of state bundle_state::executable, and a new kernel bundle is created to contain these device images. The new bundle represents all of the kernels in sourceBundle that are compatible with at least one of the devices in devs. Any remaining kernels (those that are not compatible with any of the devices in devs) are not represented in the new kernel bundle.

The new bundle has the same associated context as sourceBundle, and the new bundle’s set of associated devices is devs (with duplicate devices removed).

Effects (2): Equivalent to build(sourceBundle, ctxt.get_devices(), props).

Returns: The newly created kernel bundle, which has executable state.


  • An exception with the errc::invalid error code if any of the devices in devs is not contained by the context associated with sourceBundle.

  • An exception with the errc::invalid error code if any of the devices in devs does not support compilation of kernels in the source language of sourceBundle.

  • An exception with the errc::invalid error code if props contains an options property that specifies an invalid option.

  • An exception with the errc::build error code if the compilation or linking operations fail. In this case, the exception what string provides a full build log, including descriptions of any errors, warning messages, and other diagnostics. This string is intended for human consumption, and the format may not be stable across implementations of this extension.

[Note: An uncaught errc::build exception may result in some or all of the source code used to create the kernel bundle being printed to the terminal. In situations where this is undesirable, developers must ensure that the exception is caught and handled appropriately. — end note]

New properties

This extension adds the following properties, which can be used in conjunction with the build function that is defined above:

namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental {

struct build_options {
  std::vector<std::string> opts;
  build_options(const std::string &opt);                (1)
  build_options(const std::vector<std::string> &opts);  (2)
using build_options_key = build_options;

struct is_property_key<build_options_key> : std::true_type {};

} // namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental

This property provides build options that may affect the compilation or linking of the kernel, where each build option is a string. There are no standard build options that are common across all source languages. Instead, each source language specification defines its own set of build options.

Effects (1): Constructs a build_options property with a single build option.

Effects (2): Constructs a build_options property from a vector of build options.

namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental {

struct save_log {
  std::string *log;
  save_log(std::string *to);  (1)
using save_log_key = save_log;

struct is_property_key<save_log_key> : std::true_type {};

} // namespace sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental

This property allows the caller to request a log to be created with additional information about the compilation and linking operations. Use of this property is not required in order to get information about a failed build. When a build fails, an exception is thrown and the exception’s what string provides a description of the error.

Instead, the save_log property provides information about a build operation that succeeds. This might include warning messages or other diagnostics. Each source language specification can define specific information that is provided in the log. In general, the log information is intended for human consumption, and the format may not be stable across implementations of this extension.

Effects (1): Constructs a save_log property with a pointer to a std::string. When the build function completes successfully, this string will contain the log.

New constraint for kernel bundle member functions

This extension adds the following constraint to some of the kernel_bundle member functions from the core SYCL specification:

Constraints: This function is not available when State is bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source.

This new constraint applies to the following member functions:

  • empty;

  • All overloads and function templates of has_kernel;

  • get_kernel_ids;

  • contains_specialization_constants;

  • native_specialization_constant;

  • has_specialization_constant;

  • get_specialization_constant;

  • begin; and

  • end.

As a result, the only kernel_bundle member functions from the core SYCL specification that are available for bundles in ext_oneapi_source state are get_backend, get_context, and get_devices.

Interaction with existing kernel bundle member functions

Kernels created from online compilation of source code do not have any associated kernel_id. Therefore, the function kernel_bundle::get_kernel_ids returns an empty vector of kernel_id objects if the kernel bundle was created from a bundle of state bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source.

New kernel bundle member functions

This extensions adds the following new kernel_bundle member functions:

namespace sycl {

template <bundle_state State>
class kernel_bundle {
  // ...

  bool ext_oneapi_has_kernel(const std::string &name);
  kernel ext_oneapi_get_kernel(const std::string &name);

} // namespace sycl
bool ext_oneapi_has_kernel(const std::string &name)

Constraints: This function is not available when State is bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source.

Returns: The value true only if the kernel bundle was created from a bundle of state bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source and if it defines a kernel whose name is name. The extension specification for each source language tells how the name string is correlated to kernels defined in that source language.

kernel ext_oneapi_get_kernel(const std::string &name)

Constraints: This function is available only when State is bundle_state::executable.

Returns: A kernel object representing the kernel in this bundle whose name is name.


  • An exception with the errc::invalid error code if ext_oneapi_has_kernel(name) returns false.


The following example demonstrates how a SYCL application can define a kernel as a string and then compile and launch it.

#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
namespace syclex = sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental;

int main() {
  sycl::queue q;

  // The source code for one or more kernels, defined in one of
  // the supported source languages.
  std::string source = R"""(
    /* language specific kernel source code */

  // Create a kernel bundle in "source" state.  The "some-language" is
  // a stand-in for the enumerator telling which source language is used.
  sycl::kernel_bundle<sycl::bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source> kb_src =

  sycl::kernel_bundle<sycl::bundle_state::executable> kb_exe =

  // Get the kernel via its name.  The "kernel-name" is a stand-in for the
  // actual kernel name in the source string.
  sycl::kernel k = kb_exe.ext_oneapi_get_kernel("kernel-name");

  q.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
    // Any arguments for the kernel must be set manually.

    // Launch the kernel according to its type.
    // This assumes a simple "range" kernel.
    cgh.parallel_for(sycl::range{1024}, k);