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File metadata and controls

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Fraud Detection Configuration Files

In this README, you will find a detailed explanation of the important parameters defined in the configuration files for the fraud detection application.


Param Description
num_node number of machines in the cluster
node_ips IP address of cluster machines, the first ip is the master node
tmp_path a workflow temporary folder will be created under this path; the container path will be /workspace/tmp
data_path local data folder to be mounted inside the workflow container; the container path will be /workspace/data
config_path a local folder which contains the configuration files; the container path will be /workspace/configs
input_data_path relative path of the input data, it should be a subfolder of data_path
input_data_format the input data format, e.g. csv
output_data_path relative path of the output data, it should be a subfolder of data_path
output_data_format the output data format, e.g. csv
dp_config_file the name of the data preprocessing yaml file, it should be found under config_path
dp_framework data preprocessing backend, either pandas or spark
train_config_file the name of the model training yaml file, it should be found under config_path
train_framework model training backend, either pandas or spark
test_backend either xgboost-native or xgboost-onedal, using xgboost-onedal for performance acceleration
ray_params only needed if you do multi-node xgboost training, based on your cluster env, choose appropriate numbers of num_actors and cpus_per_actor


Param Description
normalize_feature_names normalize feature names, e.g. replace existing characters or lowercase the names
categorify the same as the astype('category') operation, the source column should be on the left
strip_chars strip chars for a given column
combine_cols make new column based on existing columns, e.g. for 2 string columns, concatenate the values
time_to_seconds extract seconds from time values
change_datatype change the data type of existing columns
min_max_normalization normalize column values based on min and max values
one_hot_encoding True means to drop the column after one-hot encoding, use False for not dropping
multi_hot_encoding True means to drop the column after multi-hot encoding, use False for not dropping
add_constant_feature add a new column with constant values
string_to_list split the values in a string column to a list
modify_on_conditions modify the values in a column based on the given conditions, pls use df for dataframe
define_variable define new variables based on the given conditions
custom_rules create 2 datasets called train and test using the given conditions
target_encoding do target encoding for the given feature columns and target column


Param Description
target_col target column for model training
ignore_cols ignore these columns from the raw data
data_split split data based on the given conditions
model_type currently, only xgboost is supported
model_params the xgboost model parameters
training_params the xgboost training parameters, e.g. num_boost_round
test_metric test_metric should be the same with eval_metric in model_params
search_mode either min or max
num_trials number of training trials for HPO