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16 February 2024

Intel® Trust Authority Go TDX Adapter

The go-tdx adapter enables a confidential computing client running in an Intel® Trust Domain Extensions (Intel® TDX) trust domain (TD) to collect a quote for attestation by Intel Trust Authority. The go-tdx adapter is used with the go-connector to request an attestation token.


Unit Tests

To run the tests, run cd go-tdx && go test ./... --tags=test. See the example test in go-tdx/crypto_test.go for an example of a test.


To Create a new Intel TDX adapter

NewEvidenceAdapter() and then use the adapter to collect a quote from a TD. NewEvidenceAdapter() accepts two optional arguments: tdHeldData, and EventLogParser. tdHeldData is binary data provided by the client. tdHeldData, if provided, is output to the attester_held_data claim in the attestation token. EventLogParser allows you to provide a log parser for ACPI or UEFI logs, if your Intel TDX-enabled platform exposes the logs.

CollectEvidence() requires a nonce argument. A SHA512 hash is calculated for the nonce and tdHeldData (if any) and saved in the TD quote REPORTDATA field. If successful, CollectEvidence() returns a TD quote that's formatted for attestation by Intel Trust Authority.

import ""

adapter, err := tdx.NewEvidenceAdapter(tdHeldData, nil)
if err != nil {
    return err

evidence, err := adapter.CollectEvidence(nonce)
if err != nil {
    return err

To generate an RSA key pair

GenerateKeyPair() takes a required KeyMetadata argument that specifies the length in bits for the key. If successful, it returns a public and private key.

km := &tdx.KeyMetadata{
	KeyLength: 3072,
privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, err := tdx.GenerateKeyPair(km)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Something bad happened: %s\n\n", err)
    return err

To decrypt an encrypted blob

Decrypt() accepts two arguments, encryptedData and EncryptionMetadata, and returns decrypted binary data. The HashAlgorithm must be one of [SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512].

em := &tdx.EncryptionMetadata{
	PrivateKeyLocation: privateKeyPath,
	HashAlgorithm:      "SHA256",
decryptedData, err := tdx.Decrypt(encryptedData, em)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Something bad happened: %s\n\n", err)
    return err

To collect event log from TD

Note that the TD must have an exposed ACPI table for event log collection.

evLogParser := tdx.NewEventLogParser()
eventLog, err := evLogParser.GetEventLogs()
if err != nil {
    return err


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