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This is a fork of the cordova-plugin-kiosk plugin by khalinka If you don't know which Kiosk plugin to use, you might start out with khalinka's plugin or with guatedude2's one under and only return here in case you miss the updates I did (see changes below).

Cordova Kiosk Mode - changes

  • Non-clickable area on top of screen has been made smaller
  • Top menu is closed more aggressively
  • Added setCloseSystemDialogIntervalMillis(int), setCloseSystemDialogDurationMillis(int) and setKioskEnabled(bool)

Find the original documumentation by khalinka at


A Cordova plugin to create a Cordova application with "kiosk mode". An app with this plugin can be set as an Android launcher. If the app starts as a launcher, it blocks hardware buttons and the statusbar, so a user cannot close the app (or switch to another app) until the app requests it. The plugin does not change behavior of the application until it is set as a launcher.



cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-kiosk-ia

Android platform files (like AndroidManifest.xml) should be updated immediately. If you will modify plugin code, you will need to re-add android platform to plugin modifications take effect:

cordova platform rm android
cordova platform add android


All methods should only be called after the deviceready event.

Exit Kiosk


This shows the application launcher which lets you choose which application to launch to. This way, you can exit your application by choosing the default desktop application.

Check if Kiosk Plugin is enabled/active

KioskPlugin.isInKiosk(function(isInKiosk){ ... });

Detect whether the app is set as launcher:

KioskPlugin.isSetAsLauncher(function(isLauncher){ ... });

Defining allowed buttons

buttons whose event propagation should not be prevented - so you can for example allow setting volume up/down:

KioskPlugin.setAllowedKeys([ 24, 25 ]); // KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN

For list of keycode values check KeyEvent reference:

Enable/disable kiosk mode


This is not heavily tested and you might have to call it whenever your app is re-entered (resume event) after it went to the background or received the pause event.

Set duration and frequency of statusbar/top-menu removal


Once the application loses focus (e.g. top menu pulled down), this will close any system dialogs (and the top-menu/statusbar) with the specified frequency for the specified duration. So in the above example it will close system dialogs every 200ms it for 20 seconds.