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64 lines (42 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

64 lines (42 loc) · 2.27 KB


ClassVis is a utility to generate diagrams of relationships between InterSystems Caché Classes.

ClassVis uses the open source Graphviz tool to render the diagrams. See


  1. Install Graphviz (

  2. Load and compile the ClassVis.xml file in Caché:

    do $system.OBJ.Load("ClassVis.xml","c")

  3. Ensure that the Graphviz 'dot' command is on the System Path OR call SetPath^ClassVis(path), and pass the path to the Graphviz bin directory.

    do SetPath^ClassVis("/usr/local/graphviz/bin/")

Note that the trailing slash is required.


ClassVis has two modes: one for showing compile dependencies, and one for showing relationships between the classes. They are both called the same way:

do CompileDeps^ClassVis(clslist,flags,outfile,imgtype,keepfiles)

do Schema^ClassVis(clslist,flags,outfile,imgtype,keepfiles)

the parameters are:

clslist - The list of starting classes. Related classes will be included based on the flags. This can use the * wildcard 
		  (e.g., Sample.*), or be a regular expression contained in '/' characters (e.g., '/Sample\..*/'.).

flags - Controls the output. See ShowQualifiers^ClassVis() for details. values are:

		/includeEns - include Ensemble System classes.
		/includePercent - include %-classes.
		/includeHS - include HealthShare System classes.
		/clsPersistent - include Persistent classes.
		/clsSerial - include Serial classes.
		/clsRegistered - include Registered classes.
		/clsDatatype - include Datatype classes.
		/recurse - recursively include related classes: 
			- (0) no recursion
			- (-1) recursively include all classes
			- (recurse>0) recursively include classes up to a depth of <recurse>

		/dependsOn - include DependsOn/CompileAfter classes.
		/inheritance - include superclasses.

		/reverseDeps - include reverse dependencies.
outfile - the path and name of the file to contain the image.

imgtype -  the type of image. The default is 'svg'. Valid values are any of the supported formats for GraphViz. See here 
		   for the complete list:

keepfiles - This parameter is for debugging only. If 1, do not delete intermediate files. The defualt is 0.