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An approach to reusable build environments

  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Authors: Yannick Scherer
  • Created on: 03.05.2020
  • Last updated on: 09.05.2022


Build Process Duplication

Nearly every programming language has a set of well-known build tools and processes. Running them as part of automation results in a significant amount of duplication across different projects when it comes to packaging and publishing build artifacts. Furthermore, as with all duplication, it becomes tedious to propagate improvements (be it in functionality, efficiency or security).

Containerised environments can address this problem; build containers then provide all the required dependencies, and sometimes even go one step further, offering up scripts to execute the recommended build steps.

Consider the NodeJS landscape, as one of many, with the npm CLI tool as a possible participant in the build process: npm install will fetch the dependencies, npm run build might compile/transpile the application. All that is needed to make this reusable is a NodeJS based container with npm and a script that contains npm install && npm run build.

There are many ways to use this container - hardly ever, however, as a black box. In CI systems it could be specified as the environment to run commands in, with one of those commands being the call to the build script.

  image: internal/builder:v1
  script: /opt/builder/build

When writing a local Dockerfile it could be the basis for the image:

FROM internal/builder:v1 AS builder
WORKDIR /opt/sources
COPY . .
RUN /opt/builder/build

Removing knowledge about the image internals helps make it reusable and packageable. CircleCI offers, for example, Orbs as units of build logic, and even plain Docker images can achieve something similar using ONBUILD instructions.

From Builder to Runner

However, here is the next point where processes diverge since there are many ways to run or publish an application. Static web pages only need a web server, NodeJS services need a node installation. Often, it seems that latest here a custom Dockerfile is needed:

FROM nginx:alpine
COPY ./dist /usr/share/nginx/html

# OR (for multi-stage builds):
COPY --from=builder /opt/sources/dist /usr/share/nginx/html

It becomes important to ensure compatibility between the build result and the runner environment; containerised environments won't protect you from choosing the wrong one. There are documentation-based approaches ("If you use this build environment, you can use the following execution environments: ...") but those are rarely verifiable or enforceable.

Fat Environments

Consider the way that s2i handles the situation, by including the build tooling in the runner environment. It's a fair assumption that if an application is built within a given environment it will be executable in said environment. There won't be version conflicts and it can be guaranteed that no necessary build results are forgotten to be propagated to the runner environment, since they are already there.

In practice, issues arise with this approach, some minor and some more severe. Container image size is, for example, naturally larger than for specialised multi-stage Docker builds; however, this is usually only a concern during the first pull. More relevant for running such an application is the increased image surface, effected by a variety of tooling and libraries that come with their own considerations and security implications.

And finally, there's the developer experience, not for the end-users but the creators of those build environments. Reusability is lost in s2i since you need to bring together two different sets of tools. To illustrate: Should one rely on a NodeJS base image and install an Nginx web server? Or should one rely on an Nginx base image and install NodeJS? Whatever is chosen, an explicit way to install one of those has to be devised, and most likely duplicated.

Lean & Reusable

Publishing an application is often thought of as a pipeline of distinct steps, each one having exactly one purpose and relying on only the tooling needed to achieve said purpose. Maintaining this separation, and adding a well-defined way of connecting such steps, should make every single one more reusable while keeping them lean and their footprint small.

While there might be a way to create generic chains of build steps (i.e. "precompile to Java", "compile to JAR", "optimise the JAR", "assemble into a JRE image"), a lot of care needs to go into devising it and a lot of hidden complexity might arise. For this reason, the approach outlined in this document focuses on a two-phase approach instead of the generic case:

  1. Build runnable artifacts inside the builder environment, including all pre- and post-processing steps.
  2. Assemble those artifacts inside the runner environment, moving it to well-known locations.

The builder and runner environments are distinct and specialised, with one main hope being that a lot of runner images will be standard-issued (like nginx:alpine) instead of needing additional modification.

All necessary information and build/assemble logic is contained inside the builder image. To this end, heavy use is made of Docker-specific functionality, including image annotations ("labels"), the ability to extract and inject filesystem resources, as well as the ability to snapshot running containers into new images.



Creating a runnable container image using a builder-image (which contains a build script and an assemble script), source-path and a target-image is done via the following basic flow:

  1. Pull the builder-image and inspect it, inferring the runner-image to use.
  2. Pull the runner-image.
  3. Start a container, the builder, using the builder-image.
  4. Start a container, the runner, using the runner-image.
  5. Transfer the assemble script from the builder container to the runner container.
  6. Inject the contents of source-path into the builder container, at a src path.
  7. Call the build script inside the builder container, supplying src and the desired output directory artifacts for build artifacts as environment variables.
  8. Extract the contents of artifacts from the builder container and inject them into the runner container.
  9. Call the assemble script inside the runner container, supplying the artifacts directory as an environment variable.
  10. Commit the container as target-image.
  11. Stop all containers.

This basic flow can be adjusted to introduce functionality like caching or artifact extraction.

Builder Images

To keep configuration effort low, build and assemble scripts are expected in well-known locations. Necessary configuration options, most notably the name of the runner image to use, is provided using image annotations/labels.


Annotation Required Description Example Value
org.into-docker.runner-image Yes Runner image to inject artifacts into. openjdk:11-jre
org.into-docker.runner-cmd No CMD override for the runner image. java -jar /opt/app.jar
org.into-docker.runner-entrypoint No ENTRYPOINT override for the runner image. java -jar /opt/app.jar
org.into-docker.builder-user No User for running the build container (default is root). builder
org.opencontainers.image.* No OCI image annotations (for builder image inspection) -


Path Required Description
/into/bin/build Yes Build script to generate artifacts from sources (run in builder container).
/into/bin/assemble Yes Assemble script to generate artifacts from sources (run in runner container).
/into/cache No File describing relative or absolute builder container paths to be cached.
/into/ignore No File in .dockerignore format describing source exclusions.
/into/profiles/{profile} No Files describing build profile environment variables.
/into/Dockerfile No The Dockerfile used to build the builder image.

Security Considerations

The execution of the build script is the only thing dependent on external, user-provided input. This means that it could technically alter the contents of the /into/cache file (potentially hugely increasing the amount of data that is cached) or the /into/bin/assemble script (potentially altering the execution environment). To avoid this kind of interference, all files MUST be read and cached before any sources are injected into the bulder container.

Builder images SHOULD provide a non-root builder-user that is used to execute the build script. This user will need write access to all paths that are supposed to be cached, as well as any others involved in the build process.

The assemble script is executed as root. This is done due to the desire to reuse standard-issued runner images (like nginx:alpine) that are rarely capable of running/building as non-root users, and facilitated by full control over the assemble script. The assemble script SHOULD thus never execute any user-provided logic, only move files into the correct places.

Runner images that allow execution as a non-root user SHOULD be preferred.

Working Directory

The /tmp directory MUST exist and be writeable for the builder-user. Build and assemble scripts MUST NOT rely on source and artifact directories residing in /tmp, but rather use the values provided via environment variables.


The image created from the following Dockerfile will point at a <runner-image> using the appropriate label, and make sure that build logic is run as a dedicated non-root user builder.

FROM <base image>

ARG USER="builder"

LABEL maintainer="<maintainer>"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="<maintainer>"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.licenses="<license>"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=""
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.url=""
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.revision="${COMMIT}"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created="${BUILD_DATE}"

LABEL org.into-docker.builder-user="${USER}"
LABEL org.into-docker.runner-image="<runner-image>"

ENV HOME="/into/home"
RUN useradd -d "${HOME}" -m "${USER}"
COPY into/ .

Build Script

The build script is located at /into/bin/build and executed inside the builder container after sources have been injected. Its purpose is the creation of artifacts from those sources, which it then moves to a well-known place on the file system.

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description Example Value
$INTO_SOURCE_DIR Directory containing the sources to build. /tmp/src
$INTO_ARTIFACT_DIR Directory that artifacts should be copied to. /tmp/target

Additionally, all variables defined in the build profile will be available to the script.


The following could be an example of an npm-based build:


set -eu

npm install
npm run build

Assemble Script

The assemble script is located at /into/bin/assemble inside the builder container, but transferred and executed inside the runner container. Its purpose is moving artifacts created by the build script to well-known places on the file system.

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description Example Value
$INTO_ARTIFACT_DIR Directory that artifacts are contained in. /tmp/target


The following could be an example of moving static HTML/CSS/JS to the expected location inside an Nginx-based runner container:


set -eu

rm -f /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
mv $INTO_ARTIFACT_DIR/* /usr/share/nginx/html/

User-provided Environment Variables

Experimental: This is a preliminary assessment of a feature and might be re- evaluated and change.

There are valid use cases where a user would want to provide custom environment variables, e.g. to allow access to private artifact repositories. However, when providing such a mechanism, it becomes likely that build scripts themselves (instead of the tooling they call) will start to rely on them. This quickly leads to undocumented functionality - which should be avoided.

Since the codebase - or the tooling it relies on - is the thing in need of those environment variables, there should be a way for it to communicate this fact. This, in turn, allows for early validation: Don't even start a build if the respective values are missing.

The following mechanism is used to achieve this:

  1. Look for a file .buildenv in the source directory that is being built. If there is none, there is nothing to do.
  2. Treat each line as the name of an environment variable that is required for the eventual build to succeed.
  3. Read each environment variable provided this way from the build coordinator's own environment. If one is missing, fail the build (blank values are allowed).
  4. Provide each such environment variable to the build container when executing its build script.

As you can see, this mechanism imports environment variables from an outside environment into the build container. Note, however, that those will not be available to the runner container.


The approach to caching is a declarative one. The file located at /into/cache inside the builder image describes paths (either relative to the source directory or absolute) that should be cached. It's the build coordinator's responsibility to extract these paths, or re-inject it on subsequent builds.

File Format

Every line inside the file represents a path to be cached:

  • Wildcards are not allowed.
  • Relative paths are treated as relative to the source directory given by $INTO_SOURCE_DIR.
  • Absolute paths are treated as absolute paths on the filesystem.

Cache Considerations

By default, the build coordinator SHOULD NOT employ any caching strategy, resulting in a fresh build. Caching SHOULD only be used if explicitly desired.

Cache storage is usually external to the build coordinator's responsibility, the most versatile approach is thus to write the cache to the filesystem and allow it to be picked up by CI- or user-specific caching. Cache files SHOULD be TAR archives, with compression optionally enabled.

Cache Implementation

A simple way to creation of the cache archive is outlined here. It relies on a temporary cache path $CACHE.

  1. For each entry $P in the cache specification, compute a hash $P_HASH = SHA1($P).
  2. Move the path $P, if it exists, to $CACHE/$P_HASH.
  3. Archive and extract the path $CACHE.
  4. To restore, inject and extract the archive at path $CACHE.
  5. For each entry $P in the cache specification, compute a hash $P_HASH = SHA1($P).
  6. Move the path $CACHE/$P_HASH, if it exists, to $P.

This allows addition and removal of cache paths while old caches are still usable for new builds. Only if the builder image changes, could this break, but this is left in the responsibility of the user.


For NodeJS projects build effort impact is significant when caching node_modules. Additional impact could be achieved by caching the NPM cache.


Cache Volumes

Experimental: This is a preliminary assessment of a feature and might be re- evaluated and change.

As an alternative to archiving/extracting the cache path, a build coordinator could use a Docker volume as the source/target for caching. This would limit the interactions with the cache to moving files.

There should be a significant speed-up when this approach is available, for example, when running builds on non-CI machines, e.g. locally.

Source Exclusions

A file located at /into/ignore will be used as the basis for .dockerignore rules. A local .dockerignore will be applied afterwards.

Explicit Inclusion

Due to the nature of the file format, it's still possible to include things in the build that were previously excluded by either default rules or the file at /into/ignore. See the description of the mechanism here:

Lines starting with ! (exclamation mark) can be used to make exceptions to exclusions. The following is an example .dockerignore file that uses this mechanism:




Build Profiles

Build profiles are files with environment variables located at /into/profiles/, which each file being named like the profile it represents. One of them is applied when calling the build script.


Often, the core and flow of the build logic for a specific class of applications is universally applicable - there are just some small differences for specific use cases:

  • Tooling, e.g. npm vs. yarn.
  • Guarantees, e.g. npm install vs. npm ci.
  • Checks, e.g. security audit before build.
  • ...

Creating a separate static builder image for each variant could be considered overkill. On the other end of the spectrum, allowing the user to override the build script (as s2i does) gives up control over the build process and can lead to incompatibilities down the road.

An environment-variable based approach is thus employed, with build profiles describing full sets of environment variables. There is no notion of inheritance or user customisation and one build profile is guaranteed to result in a consistent build flow.

Default Profile

The default profile, used when none is explicitly specified, is default, located at /into/profiles/default.

File Format

Every line in a build profile is a ENV=VALUE entry:

  • ENV and VALUE are taken verbatim, quotes around either will not be removed.
  • Multi-line values are not allowed.


The following could be the default profile for a npm-based project:

BUILD_COMMAND=npm run build

The following could be the ci profile for a npm-based project:

BUILD_COMMAND=npm run build

Note how both INSTALL_COMMAND and BUILD_COMMAND have to be repeated in the second profile since there is no notion of inheritance or overriding.


Sometimes it's beneficial to specify the platform of the created image, e.g. when build and deployment machines differ. However, such builds can be slow, and thus any optimisation will be appreciated.

Specifically, if the build provides artifacts that can run on any platform (e.g. Java JARs, or plain sources for NodeJS), only the runner container must adhere to the desired platform, meaning the builder container will not be impacted by any performance hits.


Builder Image Inspection

Due to the labels provided by the builder image, it should be possible to provide an overview over:

  • OCI information:
    • Version
    • Image URL
    • Source URL (+ Revision)
    • Documentation URL
    • Authors
    • License
  • Builder information:
    • Builder user
    • Build profiles
    • Ignore file
    • Cache paths
    • Scripts + Dockerfile
  • Runner information:
    • Runner image name
    • Runner CMD or ENTRYPOINT

This information could be collected and exposed as e.g. JSON, allowing secondary tooling to use it for documentation or validation.

Ejecting a multi-stage Dockerfile

When builder images follow some Dockerfile conventions (and also contain their own Dockerfile) it becomes completely feasible to produce a multi-stage Dockerfile achieving the same result:

... include builder image Dockerfile here ...

USER <builder-user>
WORKDIR /tmp/src
COPY . .
RUN export INTO_SOURCE_DIR=/tmp/src && \
    export INTO_ARTIFACT_DIR=/tmp/artifacts && \
    mkdir $INTO_ARTIFACT_DIR && \

FROM <runner-image>
COPY --from=0 /tmp/artifacts     /tmp/artifacts
COPY --from=0 /into/bin/assemble /tmp/assemble
RUN export INTO_ARTIFACT_DIR=/tmp/artifacts && \

Build and assemble script need to be extracted from the builder image and moved to a location where the Dockerfile can pick them up. This location is not necessarily easy to infer which is why, by convention, they should reside in a directory into and be included using COPY into/ ..

As a side-note, instead of including the original Dockerfile, a FROM <builder-image> clause could be used, in which case the above Dockerfile should just work.