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Ensuring Reproducibility with renv


Welcome to the materials for a session that is part of the I2DS (Introduction to Data Science) Tools for Data Science workshop hosted at the Hertie School, Berlin, in October 2023.

This student-run workshop is an integral component of the course "Introduction to Data Science" taught by Professor Simon Munzert during the Fall 2023 semester.

Session Contents

This session is designed to introduce you to renv, a powerful package that enhances package version control and library management in R.

The provided presentation offers an initial overview of the package and its primary functions. Additionally, the practice materials offer an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with these functions, deepening your understanding of their utility.

You are welcome to incorporate your own content or explore the topics mentioned above during the session.

For your convenience, we've provided the following guides within this repository:

Presentation: The Renv_Presentation.pptx file contains a presentation that explains the principles and motivation behind ensuring reproducibility with R.

Tutorials: To learn how to achieve reproducibility step by step, you can refer to either the Tutorial_renv.rmd or Tutorial_renv.html files.

Sample Script: If you'd like to experiment with a sample R script, you can explore the script that uses the Titanic dataset called titanic_test.R, which is provided in this project.

Additional Files: Please note that some files in the repository are either generated by Git or renv. You can safely ignore them. However, if you're interested in exploring the contents of the renv.lock file or renv file, it can be a valuable starting point for a deeper understanding of these aspects.

Main Learning Objectives

In this session, we aim to achieve two key learning objectives:

  1. Explain the significance of managing libraries in data science projects using powerful tools such as renv.
  2. Provide you with the essential tools and knowledge to effectively utilize renv in your future R projects.

This will not only enhance reproducibility but also streamline collaboration with others on your projects.

Statement of Contributions

Nima Thing and Varvara both played roles in the planning, delivery, and presentation of the workshop. Nima concentrated on refining the slide content, while Varvara took the lead in enhancing the presentation by filling in missing details, reformatting the slides, and introducing additional styles for a more polished appearance.

Nima and Varvara collaborated on developing the tutorial section, actively participating in the planning and recording of the session to ensure that the materials delivered a comprehensive learning experience.

Further Resources

Here are some additional resources that can help you dive deeper into renv and enhance your understanding of its capabilities:

  1. Appsilon's Guide to renv

  2. Kevin Ushey's RStudio Conference 2020 Presentation

  3. Official renv Documentation

  4. YouTube Video: How to Use renv

Feel free to explore these resources to enhance your knowledge of renv and improve your reproducibility and collaboration practices in R projects.


The materials in this repository are made available under the MIT license.


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