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Officer repeatedly uses stun gun on suspect who said he couldn't breathe | June 5th

Bodycam footage shows an unarmed man walking around in the street. The man allegedly called for oxygen and appears to be in distress, with difficulty communicating his mental state or his medical needs. Another officer arrives on scene and fires his taser at the man. The officer kneels on his neck and continues to tase him. The body cam footage is covered briefly, before showing the other officer pressing his stun gun into the man's neck, then strikes him on the head with the taser. The man screams and attempts to stand. The EMTs assist the police in subduing him, while an officer places his hands in cuffs. Near the end of the footage he can be heard saying, "I can't breathe".

This footage does not appear to be protest related, but demonstrates a severe escalation in force dealing with a man not in a fit mental state.

tags: taser, strike, arrest, non-protest, knee-on-neck

id: va-fairfax-1



Police fire tear gas at peaceful protest | May 31st

Footage shows deployment of tear gas by police on peaceful protest on the street. In one image, protesters are lying on the ground as tear gas canisters fall around them.

tags: tear-gas, protester

id: va-fredericksburg-2



Officers pepper-spray Virginia state delegate peacefully protesting | May 30

In this video, delegate Lee Carter asks officers questions about their methods in the protests. He stands in the way of an advancing line of law enforcement officers; he is pushed to the ground at 1:30 and pepper-sprayed at 2:27. He also claims to have been hit by a flashbang grenade earlier in the protest (see also third link). At some point (see Facebook video), someone who seems to be the delegate shouts "I'm a member of the general assembly. I write the state police budget. They're gonna fucking regret that."

It is unclear how the protest unfolded, and why the police were advancing on the crowd wearing riot gear; police allege that the protest turned violent and some protesters say that they were tear-gassed or shot at with rubber bullets while peacefully protesting or retreating. (See fourth and fifth links.)

tags: politician, push, shove, pepper-spray, spray, protester

id: va-manassas-1



Police SUV jumps median toward protesters | May 30th

Footage taken on May 30th near Monument Ave shows a police cruiser jump the median where a crowd of protesters are gathered. Protesters are forced to run to avoid being hit.

tags: vehicle, protester

id: va-richmond-9


Officer sprays a man watching from his balcony | May 31st

A police officer pepper sprayed a man watching from his second floor apartment after spraying three people just walking down the sidewalk.

tags: spray, pepper-spray, bystander

id: va-richmond-1


Tear gas fired at peaceful protest | June 1st

Tear gas canisters were launched by police at peaceful protesters around Robert E. Lee Monument at approximately 7:35 PM. The police chief has said that the officers' actions were "unwarranted" and "outside dept protocols." At least one protester has sued the officers involved.

tags: tear-gas, tear-gas-canister, protester

id: va-richmond-2


Officer spits on detained protester | June 1st

A police officer spits on a detained protester who is restrained and sitting on the ground. The officer appears to repeat the action after other protesters mention that he's on camera. Extended footage shows the officer continuing to spit on the protester.

tags: arrest, inhumane-treatment, protester

id: va-richmond-3


Law enforcement officer fires tear gas at vehicle only to discover it's a police vehicle | June 4th

In this video, an officer fires a tear gas canister at a slow moving vehicle. It appears that he was unaware the vehicle belonged to the police.

tags: tear-gas, tear-gas-canister

id: va-richmond-4


Police SUV pushes through protesters, knocks over protester on bike | (believed to be) June 13th

In this video, protesters on bikes are shown blocking a police vehicle from progressing down a road. The vehicle moves around the protesters, but instead of continuing on the sidewalk until getting past the crowd, the cop pushes the car through the protesters and knocks a protester off of their bike.

The officer driving the vehicle has been cleared by the department of any wrongdoing.

tags: vehicle, drive, protester

id: va-richmond-6


Police pepper spray protesters on sidewalk | June 14th

Shortly before 10 PM on June 14th, police pepper sprayed protesters on the sidewalk. Police sprayed broadly at protesters several feet away, some locking arms with one another. No aggression on the part of protesters can be seen.

tags: protester, pepper-spray, spray

id: va-richmond-20


Police respond to thrown water bottle with excessive force | June 14th

A single water bottle can be seen thrown at and striking an officer. The bottle appears to be empty. Water is then sloshed in the officer's direction. The officer unholsters his pepper spray.

Footage uploaded 3 minutes later shows another officer discharging pepper spray at a protester without apparent cause.

tags: protester, pepper-spray, spray

id: va-richmond-21


Police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful protest | June 15th

Around 10 pm on June 15th, peaceful protesters gathered outside the Richmond Police Headquarters at some distance from the officers. Officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters.

Richmond was no longer under curfew restrictions at this time.

In addition, one protester's phone was shot. Police also appear to deploy pepper spray about an hour after the initial shots.

tags: tear-gas, rubber-bullet, shoot, protester, property-destruction, pepper-spray, spray

id: va-richmond-5


Police pepper-spray journalist | June 21st

First-person footage from a journalist shows him shouting, "I'm press, I'm press," while police pepper-spray him and others indiscriminately.

He states that shortly after this footage, he bumped into an officer and was shoved to the ground.

Reddit link shows scuffle was instigated after a protester beat a lacross stick against his own homemade shield like a drum and an officer went to stop him.

tags: pepper-spray, spray, shove, journalist

id: va-richmond-7


Police escalate against protesters outside city hall | June 23rd

Officers quickly escalate against a peaceful nighttime protest outside city hall. Police shoot what looks like a gas canister into the head of one man and tackle a woman backing away behind an umbrella.

tags: shove, tear-gas, shoot, protester

id: va-richmond-8


Man struck in face by explosive round | June 26th

Footage shows a group of scattered protesters some distance from officers. An explosive projectile explodes in a man's face. The filmer kneels next to the man, who can be heard saying, "That hit my face."

tags: shoot, projectile, explosive, protester

id: va-richmond-10


Police drag protester off bike | June 26th

Police can be heard saying, "Grab somebody. Get ahold of somebody." An officer then charges into a small group of protesters. He grabs a protester on a bike, then proceeds to drag the protester into the street and off the bike. Several officers aid the officer in arresting the protester, while the original officer kneels on the protester's back.

tags: bike, grab, arrest, knee, protester

id: va-richmond-11


Police shove and pepper-spray protester | June 26th

Footage shows a police officer shoving a protester to the ground. The protester scrambles away as a second officer then sprays pepper-spray at the ground in the area, catching several protesters.

tags: shove, pepper-spray, spray, protester

id: va-richmond-12


Attorney arrested for photographing police staging area | June 26th

Around midnight on June 26th, an attorney recounts his experience with Richmond police at a staging area in the parking lot of a Whole Foods. The attorney states the parking lot was open, there were no signs, and there was no trespassing order given.

He states that he was told to leave. Then, when he tried to photograph the officer, he was yanked out of his car and arrested. Image shows marks left by zip ties. He states that eventually he was released with a summons.

A few days earlier, the attorney had helped arrestees file a suit against the Richmond Police Department.

tags: arrest, abuse-of-power, bystander, zip-tie

id: va-richmond-13


Police fire tear gas at protesters | June 26th

Footage shows police shooting tear gas straight up in the air. Tear gas lands near filmer, who is among several small groups of idle protesters.

tags: protester, tear-gas

id: va-richmond-14


Police tear gas protesters | July 25th

After a truck has been lit on fire, allegedly by protesters, police respond by firing tear gas at the crowd. A fire crew later arrived to douse the fire.

tags: protester, tear-gas

id: va-richmond-15


Police attempt to arrest press | July 25th

Footage shows police grabbing two members of the press and detaining them. They are held up against a wall as an officer begins handcuffing them while the journalists repeat that they are press. Officers push protesters away. The journalists are eventually released.

One of the journalists states that he was attempting to flush tear gas from his eyes when he was arrested.

tags: journalist, grab, abuse-of-power

id: va-richmond-16


Reporter handcuffed and detained | July 26th

Richmond police officers were clearing Monroe Park. A journalist was attempting to leave when he was detained and handcuffed by police, even though he had a press pass and repeatedly stated he was with the press. He states he was later released on the condition he did not return to the park that night.

tags: journalist, abuse-of-power

id: va-richmond-17


Protester arrested without probable cause, later released without charges | July 26th

The filmer, a protester, is standing on or near the sidewalk. Several officers approach him. The protester says, "Hey what's up," before being grabbed and arrested by police. An image shows a minor injury to his knee. He states that a magistrate said there was no probable cause for his arrest and released the protester without charges.

tags: protester, arrest, abuse-of-power

id: va-richmond-18


Encapment serving food and water dismantled; protester arrested and tased | July 31st

Police arrived at a group of protesters who gave out food and water to remove the protesters' tents. During the removal, a protester was arrested, held on the ground, and tased repeatedly. Charges are unclear.

tags: protester, taser, tase, arrest

id: va-richmond-19


Police arrest protester on private property and shove others | August 20th

Police grab and arrest a protester filming from the sidewalk. Officers then push other protesters away, shoving several to the ground. Justification for the arrest is unclear. Protesters were standing on private property, allegedly with permission from the property owner.

After the incident, the filmer attempted to get badge numbers and names from officers, who refused him and requested his credentials instead.

tags: protester, arrest, push, shove, hide-badge, abuse-of-power

id: va-richmond-22


Police tackle and arrest cyclist | September 1st

A cyclist is seen riding away from the demonstration. Footage shows that he appears to be moving on to the grass. An officer in an unmarked vehicle then gets out of the car, chases the cyclist down then violently tackles and arrests him.

Additional footage shows that police then make several more arrests though the reasoning for them is unclear.

tags: protester, tackle, arrest

id: va-richmond-23
