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This GitHub repository contains the smart contract implementation of the Drex Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) using Solidity. The contract provides functionalities for managing the digital currency, including minting, transferring, burning, freezing, and checking balances.


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RealDigital Smart Contract

Digital, a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Real Digital is a conceptual ERC20 token that provides functionalities for minting, transferring, burning, freezing, and checking balances.

Note: This smart contract is a simulated implementation based on the provided ABI from Bacen (Central Bank). It is intended for educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be used in a production environment.

Please exercise extreme caution, and conduct thorough testing, and auditing before deploying any smart contract in a live environment. Always consult with legal and regulatory experts to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

For the official implementation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or any financial system, please refer to the authoritative sources provided by the Bacen or relevant regulatory bodies.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the team at Bacen.


  • Minting: Authorized accounts can mint new Real Digital tokens.
  • Burning: Authorized accounts can burn Real Digital tokens.
  • Freezing: Authorized accounts can freeze and unfreeze token balances.
  • Transfer: Token holders can transfer Real Digital tokens to other addresses.
  • Pausing: Authorized accounts can pause and unpause token transfers.
  • Access Control: Different roles (burner, minter, pauser, mover) are assigned to authorized accounts.

Smart Contract Details

The RealDigital smart contract is built using the OpenZeppelin library. It inherits from the following contracts:

  • ERC20: Provides the standard ERC20 token implementation.
  • ERC20Burnable: Allows burning (destroying) of tokens.
  • AccessControl: Implements role-based access control.
  • Pausable: Enables pausing and unpausing of token transfers.


The contract defines the following roles:

  • BURNER_ROLE: Allows burning of tokens.
  • MINTER_ROLE: Allows minting of tokens.
  • PAUSER_ROLE: Allows pausing and unpausing of token transfers.
  • MOVER_ROLE: Allows moving of tokens between wallets.


The important functions provided by the contract include:

  • disableAccount: Disables an authorized account from transferring tokens.
  • enableAccount: Enables a previously disabled account for token transfers.
  • increaseFrozenBalance: Increases the frozen balance of a wallet address.
  • decreaseFrozenBalance: Decreases the frozen balance of a wallet address.
  • transfer: Overrides the ERC20 transfer function to include account status and frozen balance checks.
  • transferFrom: Overrides the ERC20 transferFrom function to include account status and frozen balance checks.
  • mint: Mints new Real Digital tokens to a specified address.
  • burn: Burns (destroys) a specified amount of Real Digital tokens.
  • pause: Pauses token transfers.
  • unpause: Unpauses token transfers.
  • frozenBalanceOf: Retrieves the frozen balance of a wallet address.
  • authorizedAccount: Checks if an account is authorized for token transfers.
  • move: Moves tokens from one wallet to another.
  • moveAndBurn: Moves and burns tokens from a wallet.
  • burnFrom: Burns tokens from a specified account.


To compile and deploy the RealDigital smart contract, follow these steps:

Clone this repository:

git clone

Install the dependencies:

cd realdigital-smartcontracts
yarn install

Copy .env.example as .env and fill in the parameters:

  • BESU_PRIVATE_URL - the RPC URL for the besuPrivate network. This will be sent to you via email after you fill in the application form
  • INFURA_API_KEY - in case you want to use public testnets for testing, you can input your Infura key to use their RPC
  • MNEMONIC - a seed phrase for test accounts used in deployment and other console tasks/scripts. If you deploy the contracts using scripts/deploy.js then:
    • first account will be the deployer and the admin
    • second account will be the authority
    • third account will be the default account for a participant with CJNP8 12345678
    • fourth account will be the default account for a participant with CJNP8 87654321
    • all other accounts can be used in scripts and hardhat tasks
  • ADDRESS_DISCOVERY_ADDR - the address of the deployed AddressDiscovery contract. You can either deploy your own and copy the address from the output of scripts/deploy.js or you can obtain our deployed testnet address by filling in the application form.

Compile the smart contracts:

npx hardhat compile

Deploy the smart contract to a network:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network-name>

Replace with the desired network (e.g., mainnet, ropsten, rinkeby, etc.).

Testnet access

We've set up a Hyperledger Besu node to mimic the target DREX setup and deployed the smart contracts into it. To request access, please fill in the application form.

Once we review and accept your application, you'll receive the address for the AddressDiscovery contract and a custom URL to use as BESU_PRIVATE_URL and ADDRESS_DISCOVERY_ADDR parameters in .env

Adding DREX FormulaChain Testnet to Metamask

Open Networks on MetaMask settings page and click the Add a network button. Click the Add a network manually link at the bottom.

Input the following into the form:

  • Network name: DREX FormulaChain Testnet
  • RPC URL: where USERNAME and PASS are the credentials obtained from FormulaChain after your application is approved
  • Chain ID: 1217
  • Currency symbol: BRL
  • Block explorer: leave empty (block explorer is coming soon)


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


This RealDigital smart contract is developed by Krzysztof Cywiński, Pedro Magalhaes, and Formula Chain.

Formula Chain is a leading blockchain services provider that specializes in custom blockchain development, smart contract development, and decentralized applications (DApps).


This GitHub repository contains the smart contract implementation of the Drex Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) using Solidity. The contract provides functionalities for managing the digital currency, including minting, transferring, burning, freezing, and checking balances.







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