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File metadata and controls

123 lines (92 loc) · 5.13 KB

Supported models

TorchML model driver does not require any explicit restriction on the models. It supports all models that can be converted to TorchScript using torch.jit.script module. As TorchML model driver uses the CXX API of libtorch, it can run every model in principle. But for interference with KIM API, the model need to accept inputs in a certain format and return the energy and forces, or just the energy.


Required Signatures

To make any model compatible with TorchML model driver, you just need to ensure two things

  1. The model's forward function should accept the inputs in the format given below
  2. The model should be convertible to TorchScript using torch.jit.script module.

The following 3 models are supported by the TorchML model driver:

Models Signature
Generic, all encompassing model forward(self, species, coords, n_neigh, nlist, contributing)
Descriptor based models forward(self, descriptor)
Graph neural networks forward(self, species, coords, graph_layer1, graph_layer2,..., contributing)

You can see the example implementations of all three portable model kinds in the example portable models repository. The models are named as follows:

Models Folder in colabfit-portable-models
Generic, all encompassing model TorchMLModel1_SW, a Stillinger-Weber model implemented in pytorch to highlight the flexibility.
Descriptor based models TorchMLModel2_Desc, is a simple symmetry functions based neural network
Graph neural networks TorchMLModel3_Graph, implements a generic 3-layer GNN

Basic porting steps

To port any existing model to TorchML model driver, easiest way is to write a dummy model, which adheres to the KIM TorchML model driver signature. Let's call this model AdaptorModule Then wrap the existing model in the wrapping AdaptorModule. For this you would need to write the code to convert the KIM API inputs as per your model's requirements. Following this you can convert the model to TorchScript using torch.jit.script module. Now bundle it with the parameter file and you are ready to go.

Basic model file structure

The basic KIM API portable model has a CMakeLists.txt file, a parameter file. In case of TorchML model you would also need the TorchScript model file. In case of the ML driver the model is a "parameter" as well.

:::{tip} Following extensions are must for files, .pt for TorchScript model file, .param for parameter file, and .dat for descriptor file. Arbitrary extensions are not supported. :::

The portable model has the directory structure as follows:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── descriptor.dat
├── file.param

and CMakeLists.txt file usually looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)


kim_api_items_setup_before_project(ITEM_TYPE "portableModel")
project(YOUR_MODEL_NAME__MO_000000000000_000) # < Change this to your model name
kim_api_items_setup_after_project(ITEM_TYPE "portableModel")

  NAME            ${PROJECT_NAME}
  DRIVER_NAME     "TorchML__MD_173118614730_000" # < Model driver ID
  PARAMETER_FILES "file.param" "" "descriptor.dat" # < Add the model files here
  ) is the TorchScript model file, and file.param is the parameter file.

The parameter file contains the information about the model, in following format

# Num of elements: how many species the model supports and what are they
Si Al

# Preprocessing layer": what kind of model it is (Descriptor, Graph, or None) case sensitive

# Cutoff Distance (Angstroms), if it is a GNN, then number of GNN layers in next line

# TorchScript model file name

# Does the model return energy and forces?
# False means only energy is returned, and the ML driver would calculate the forces

# Number of Inputs to the model
# for generic models, it is 5: species, coords, n_neigh, nlist, contributing
# for Descriptor based models, it is 1
# for GNN based models, it is 1 (species) + 1 (coords) + 1 (contributing) + n (conv layers)
# 3 conv layers

# Descriptor: name of the descriptor to use
# Ignored for GNN and generic models
# Value: SymmetryFunctions and Bispectrum for now

:::{warning} Please note that the blank lines in above file are important and part of the specification. :::