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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 9, 2023. It is now read-only.


Converter: added option for seamless to supress jittering,
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Lenx,leny region now averaged by grayscale gradients,
now uses all CPU.
SAE: multiscale_decoder option default = False
update readme and manual_ru.pdf
  • Loading branch information
iperov committed Mar 3, 2019
1 parent 8723692 commit 31c2298
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Showing 29 changed files with 89 additions and 248 deletions.
14 changes: 2 additions & 12 deletions
Expand Up @@ -16,26 +16,16 @@ Goal: RTX 2080 TI


- ### [Features](doc/

- ### [Model types](doc/

- ### [Convertor overview](doc/

- ### [Tips and tricks](doc/
- ### Manuals:

- ### [Using sort tool](doc/
[На русском](doc/manual_ru.pdf)

- ### [Prebuilt windows app](doc/

- ### [Ready to work facesets](doc/

- ### [Build and repository info](doc/

- ### Manuals:

[На русском](doc/manual_ru.pdf)

- ### Communication groups:

(Chinese) QQ group 951138799 for ML/AI experts
Expand Down
98 changes: 63 additions & 35 deletions converters/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import traceback
from .Converter import Converter
from facelib import LandmarksProcessor
from facelib import FaceType
import cv2
import numpy as np
from utils import image_utils
from interact import interact as io

default_mode = {1:'overlay',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ def __init__(self, predictor_func,
self.face_type = face_type
self.clip_hborder_mask_per = clip_hborder_mask_per

mode = io.input_int ("Choose mode: (1) overlay, (2) hist match, (3) hist match bw, (4) seamless, (5) seamless hist match, (6) raw. Default - %d : " % (default_mode) , default_mode)
mode = io.input_int ("Choose mode: (1) overlay, (2) hist match, (3) hist match bw, (4) seamless, (5) raw. Default - %d : " % (default_mode) , default_mode)

mode_dict = {1:'overlay',

self.mode = mode_dict.get (mode, mode_dict[default_mode] )
self.suppress_seamless_jitter = False

if self.mode == 'raw':
mode = io.input_int ("Choose raw mode: (1) rgb, (2) rgb+mask (default), (3) mask only, (4) predicted only : ", 2)
Expand All @@ -53,37 +53,51 @@ def __init__(self, predictor_func,
4:'predicted-only'}.get (mode, 'rgb-mask')

if self.mode != 'raw':

if self.mode == 'seamless':
io.input_bool ("Suppress seamless jitter? [ y/n ] (?:help skip:n ) : ", False, help_message="Seamless clone produces face jitter. You can suppress it, but process can take a long time." )

if io.input_bool("Seamless hist match? (y/n skip:n) : ", False):
self.mode = 'seamless-hist-match'

if self.mode == 'hist-match' or self.mode == 'hist-match-bw':
self.masked_hist_match = io.input_bool("Masked hist match? (y/n skip:y) : ", True)

if self.mode == 'hist-match' or self.mode == 'hist-match-bw' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match':
self.hist_match_threshold = np.clip ( io.input_int("Hist match threshold [0..255] (skip:255) : ", 255), 0, 255)

self.use_predicted_mask = io.input_bool("Use predicted mask? (y/n skip:y) : ", True)

if self.mode != 'raw':
self.erode_mask_modifier = base_erode_mask_modifier + np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose erode mask modifier [-200..200] (skip:%d) : " % (default_erode_mask_modifier), default_erode_mask_modifier), -200, 200)
self.blur_mask_modifier = base_blur_mask_modifier + np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose blur mask modifier [-200..200] (skip:%d) : " % (default_blur_mask_modifier), default_blur_mask_modifier), -200, 200)

self.seamless_erode_mask_modifier = 0
if self.mode == 'seamless' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match':
if 'seamless' in self.mode:
self.seamless_erode_mask_modifier = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Choose seamless erode mask modifier [-100..100] (skip:0) : ", 0), -100, 100)

self.output_face_scale = np.clip ( 1.0 + io.input_int ("Choose output face scale modifier [-50..50] (skip:0) : ", 0)*0.01, 0.5, 1.5)
self.color_transfer_mode = io.input_str ("Apply color transfer to predicted face? Choose mode ( rct/lct skip:None ) : ", None, ['rct','lct'])

if self.mode != 'raw':
self.final_image_color_degrade_power = np.clip ( io.input_int ("Degrade color power of final image [0..100] (skip:0) : ", 0), 0, 100)
self.alpha = io.input_bool("Export png with alpha channel? (y/n skip:n) : ", False)

io.log_info ("")

io.log_info ("")
self.over_res = 4 if self.suppress_seamless_jitter else 1

def dummy_predict(self):
self.predictor_func ( np.zeros ( (self.predictor_input_size,self.predictor_input_size,4), dtype=np.float32 ) )

def convert_face (self, img_bgr, img_face_landmarks, debug):
def convert_face (self, img_bgr, img_face_landmarks, debug):

if self.over_res != 1:
img_bgr = cv2.resize ( img_bgr, ( img_bgr.shape[1]*self.over_res, img_bgr.shape[0]*self.over_res ) )
img_face_landmarks = img_face_landmarks*self.over_res

if debug:
debugs = [img_bgr.copy()]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,22 +128,17 @@ def convert_face (self, img_bgr, img_face_landmarks, debug):
prd_face_mask_a = np.expand_dims (prd_face_mask_a_0, axis=-1)
prd_face_mask_aaa = np.repeat (prd_face_mask_a, (3,), axis=-1)

img_prd_face_mask_aaa = cv2.warpAffine( prd_face_mask_aaa, face_output_mat, img_size, np.zeros(img_bgr.shape, dtype=np.float32), flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 )
img_prd_face_mask_aaa = np.clip (img_prd_face_mask_aaa, 0.0, 1.0)

img_face_mask_aaa = img_prd_face_mask_aaa
img_face_mask_aaa = cv2.warpAffine( prd_face_mask_aaa, face_output_mat, img_size, np.zeros(img_bgr.shape, dtype=np.float32), flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 )
img_face_mask_aaa = np.clip (img_face_mask_aaa, 0.0, 1.0)
img_face_mask_aaa [ img_face_mask_aaa <= 0.1 ] = 0.0 #get rid of noise

if debug:
debugs += [img_face_mask_aaa.copy()]

img_face_mask_aaa [ img_face_mask_aaa <= 0.1 ] = 0.0

if self.mode == 'seamless' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match':
img_face_seamless_mask_aaa = img_face_mask_aaa.copy()

if 'seamless' in self.mode:
img_face_seamless_mask_aaa = img_face_mask_aaa.copy() #mask used for cv2.seamlessClone
img_face_seamless_mask_aaa[img_face_seamless_mask_aaa > 0.9] = 1.0
img_face_seamless_mask_aaa[img_face_seamless_mask_aaa <= 0.9] = 0.0

maxregion = np.argwhere(img_face_mask_aaa > 0.9)

out_img = img_bgr.copy()

Expand All @@ -147,17 +156,29 @@ def convert_face (self, img_bgr, img_face_landmarks, debug):
out_img = cv2.warpAffine( prd_face_bgr, face_output_mat, img_size, np.zeros(out_img.shape, dtype=np.float32), cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT )

if maxregion.size != 0:
miny,minx = maxregion.min(axis=0)[:2]
maxy,maxx = maxregion.max(axis=0)[:2]
lenx = maxx - minx
leny = maxy - miny
maskx = minx+(lenx/2)
masky = miny+(leny/2)

#averaging [lenx, leny, maskx, masky] by grayscale gradients of upscaled mask
ar = []
for i in range(1, 10):
maxregion = np.argwhere( img_face_mask_aaa > i / 10.0 )
if maxregion.size != 0:
miny,minx = maxregion.min(axis=0)[:2]
maxy,maxx = maxregion.max(axis=0)[:2]
lenx = maxx - minx
leny = maxy - miny
maskx = ( minx+(lenx/2) )
masky = ( miny+(leny/2) )
if lenx >= 4 and leny >= 4:
ar += [ [ lenx, leny, maskx, masky] ]

if len(ar) > 0:
lenx, leny, maskx, masky = np.mean ( ar, axis=0 )

if debug:
io.log_info ("maxregion.size: %d, min/max_x:(%d/%d) min/max_y:(%d/%d) mask_x_y:(%d/%d)" % (maxregion.size, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, maskx, masky ) )

io.log_info ("lenx/leny:(%d/%d) maskx/masky:(%f/%f)" % (lenx, leny, maskx, masky ) )

maskx = int( maskx )
masky = int( masky )
if lenx >= 4 and leny >= 4:

lowest_len = min (lenx, leny)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,14 +291,18 @@ def convert_face (self, img_bgr, img_face_landmarks, debug):
if self.mode == 'overlay':

if self.mode == 'seamless' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match':

if 'seamless' in self.mode:
out_img = cv2.seamlessClone( (out_img*255).astype(np.uint8), (img_bgr*255).astype(np.uint8), (img_face_seamless_mask_aaa*255).astype(np.uint8), (maskx,masky) , cv2.NORMAL_CLONE )
out_img = out_img.astype(dtype=np.float32) / 255.0
except Exception as e:
#seamlessClone may fail in some cases
e_str = traceback.format_exc()

if 'MemoryError' in e_str:
raise Exception("Seamless fail: " + e_str) #reraise MemoryError in order to reprocess this data by other processes
print ("Seamless fail: " + e_str)

if debug:
debugs += [out_img.copy()]
Expand All @@ -303,6 +328,9 @@ def convert_face (self, img_bgr, img_face_landmarks, debug):
if self.alpha:
out_img = np.concatenate ( [out_img, np.expand_dims (img_mask_blurry_aaa[:,:,0],-1)], -1 )

if self.over_res != 1:
out_img = cv2.resize ( out_img, ( img_bgr.shape[1] // self.over_res, img_bgr.shape[0] // self.over_res ) )

out_img = np.clip (out_img, 0.0, 1.0 )

if debug:
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Binary file removed doc/DF_Cage_0.jpg
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion doc/

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38 changes: 0 additions & 38 deletions doc/

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49 changes: 0 additions & 49 deletions doc/

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35 changes: 0 additions & 35 deletions doc/

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