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File metadata and controls

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I/O Reference

This is the Input and Output reference documentation of plans tool.

.. toctree::


As shown bellow, the plans model Input/Output workflow is quite straight forward. There are three types of files:

The only bottle neck in the process is to prepare input files in the right format.

IO overview

Input/Output overview in plans.

Data structures

Files used in plans are related to the following two data structures:

A :ref:`Table<io-table>` can store a frame of data in rows and columns in a single file. A :ref:`Raster map<io-raster>` can store a map grid in a matrix of numbers in a single file. Extra files may be required for complete information about the map.

Input files must be formatted in by standard way, otherwise the tool is not going to work. The standards are meant to be simple and user-friendly for any human and Operating System. All kinds of files can be opened and edited by hand in Notepad-like applications. They are described below.


A table in plans is a frame of data defined by rows and columns. Each column represents a field that must be homogeneous. This means that each field stores the same data type, like text, datetime, integer numbers or real numbers. The first row stores the names of the fields. The subsequent rows stores the data itself.

For input tables it must follow this general rules:

  • the file must be a plain file with .csv or .txt extension
  • semi-column ; must be the separator of columns
  • period . must be the separator of decimal places for real numbers

For example, in the following table Id is an integer-number field, NDVI_mean is a real-number field and the remaining are text fields.

Id;     Name; Alias;    Color;  NDVI_mean
 1;    Water;     W;     blue;       -0.9
 2;   Forest;     F;    green;       0.87
 3;    Crops;     C;  magenta;       0.42
 4;  Pasture;     P;   orange;       0.76
 5;    Urban;     U;   9AA7A3;       0.24


No need for column alignment. plans is not sensitive to spaces in table txt files. Hence, columns in table files can be either beautifully aligned like the above example or compacted like the following:

Time series

A :ref:`Time Series<io-timeseries>` in plans is a special kind of :ref:`Table<io-table>` file which must have a Datetime field (generally in the first column). The Datetime field is a text field that stores dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.SSS (year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds). The other fields generally are real number fields that stores the state of variables like precipitation P and temperature T.

Time series files tends to have a large number of rows. The first 10 rows of a time series file looks like this:

               Datetime;    P;    T
2020-01-01 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 20.1
2020-01-02 00:00:00.000;  5.1; 24.3
2020-01-03 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 25.8
2020-01-04 00:00:00.000; 12.9; 21.4
2020-01-05 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 21.5
2020-01-06 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 23.6
2020-01-07 00:00:00.000;  8.6; 20.6
2020-01-08 00:00:00.000;  4.7; 28.3
2020-01-09 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 27.1


Automatic fill of time information. plans will automatically fill a constant time information (hours, minute and seconds) if only the date is passed (year, month and day), like in the above example.


Beware of small gaps and voids in time series. plans will automatically try to fill or interpolate small gaps and voids in a given time series. However, be aware that this may cause unnoticed impacts on model outputs. A best practice is to interpolate and fill voids prior to the processing so you can understand what is going on.

For instance, consider the following time series that has a date gap (missing Jan/3 and Jan/4 dates) and a data void for P in Jan/8:

               Datetime;    P;    T
2020-01-01 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 20.1
2020-01-02 00:00:00.000;  5.1; 24.3
2020-01-05 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 21.5
2020-01-06 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 23.6
2020-01-07 00:00:00.000;  8.6; 20.6
2020-01-08 00:00:00.000;     ; 28.3
2020-01-09 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 27.1

In this case, plans would interpolate temperature T and fill with 0 the precipitation P:

               Datetime;    P;    T
2020-01-01 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 20.1
2020-01-02 00:00:00.000;  5.1; 24.3
2020-01-03 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 23.3
2020-01-04 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 22.4
2020-01-05 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 21.5
2020-01-06 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 23.6
2020-01-07 00:00:00.000;  8.6; 20.6
2020-01-08 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 28.3
2020-01-09 00:00:00.000;  0.0; 27.1
Attribute table

An :ref:`Attribute Table<io-attribute>` is a special kind of :ref:`Table<io-table>` file which must have at least the following fields:

  • Id: [integer number] Unique numeric code;
  • Name: [text] Unique name;
  • Alias: [text] Unique short nickname;
  • Color: [text] Color HEX code or name available in matplotlib;

Extra required fields may be also needed, depending on each dataset.

Example of an attribute table:

Id;     Name; Alias;    Color;  NDVI_mean
 1;    Water;     W;     blue;       -0.9
 2;   Forest;     F;    green;       0.87
 3;    Crops;     C;  magenta;       0.42
 4;  Pasture;     P;   orange;       0.76
 5;    Urban;     U;  #9AA7A3;       0.24


Be consistent with your own naming conventions. plans is case-sensitive Name is different than name.


Make names and aliases simple and then add extra fields. Any other fields (columns) other than the required will be ignored so you can add convenient and useful extra non-required fields. For instance, here a Description field was added for holding more information about each land use class:

Id;     Name; Alias;    Color;  NDVI_mean;                          Description
 1;    Water;     W;     blue;       -0.9;              Lakes, rivers and ocean
 2;   Forest;     F;    green;       0.87;     Forests (natural and cultivated)
 3;    Crops;     C;  magenta;       0.42;            Conventional annual crops
 4;  Pasture;     P;   orange;       0.76;  Conventional pasture and grasslands
 5;    Urban;     U;   9AA7A3;       0.24;                      Developed areas


Do not use white spaces and special characters. This is because plans is not designed for handling special characters and white spaces in names. If needed, use underline _ instead of white space.

Raster map

A raster map in plans is a frame of data defined by a matrix of cells storing numbers (integer or real values) and encoded in way that it can be georreferenced in a given Coordinate Reference System (CRS). The raster map data structure is composed at least by two files:

Both files may be readily obtained using GIS desktop applications. The projection file is not mandatory but is quite useful to open the map in the right place and to check consistency of multiple maps.

Grid file

The Grid file stores most relevant information about the map. Formatting must follow this rules:

  • the file must be a plain file with .asc extension
  • the first 6 lines must encode a heading, specifying the following metadata:
    • ncols: [integer number] columns of the matrix
    • nrows: [integer number] rows of the matrix
    • xllcorner: [real number] X (longitude) of the lower left corner in the CRS units (meters or degrees)
    • yllcorner: [real number] Y (longitude) of the lower left corner in the CRS units (meters or degrees)
    • cellsize: [positive real number] cell resolution in the CRS units (meters or degrees)
    • NODATA_value: [real number] encoding cells with no data
  • after the first 6 lines, the matrix cells must be arranged using blank spaces for value separation.
  • period . must be the separator of decimal places for real numbers

Raster maps tends to have a large number of rows and columns. The first 10 rows and columns of a .asc raster file looks like this:

ncols        311
nrows        375
xllcorner    347528.8
yllcorner    6714069.8
cellsize     30.0
NODATA_value -1
 297 305 317 331 347 360 370 382 403 414 ...
 298 307 321 336 353 368 381 398 411 422 ...
 298  -1 321 338 356 372 385 400 415 427 ...
 297  -1 319 334 353 370 381 395 410 423 ...
 296 305 316 334 351 366 376 386 398 416 ...
 294 303 316 333 347 358 368 379 394 409 ...
 290 299 312 328 342 351 361 375 392 407 ...
 288 297 308 320 333 344 358 375 394 410 ...
 287 297 308 319 329 343 362 382 401 415 ...
 288 297 309 324 336 351 369 391 408 422 ...
 290 297 310 328 343 359 379 399 417 427 ...


Convert files using GIS and Python.

Most GIS desktop applications have tools for converting the commonly distributed .tif raster files to the .asc format used in plans.

Hence, you actually only have to worry about setting up the data type (integer or real) and the no-data value in the moment of exporting your .tif raster files to .asc format.

In QGIS 3, you may adapt the following Python code for automating the conversion from .tif raster files to the .asc format (the .prj projection file is also created):

# This code is for QGIS Python console
import processing

# Set file names
input_file = 'path/to/input.tif'
output_file = 'path/to/output.asc'

In gdal data types are encoded in the following way:
1: 8-bit unsigned integer (byte)
2: 16-bit signed integer
3: 16-bit unsigned integer
4: 32-bit signed integer
5: 32-bit unsigned integer
6: 32-bit floating-point (real value)

# Call gdal:translate"gdal:translate", {
   'INPUT':input_file,  # set input tif raster
   'TARGET_CRS':QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326'),  # set CRS EPSG
   'NODATA':-1,  # set no-data value
   'DATA_TYPE':6,  # 32-bit floating-point
   'OUTPUT':output_file,  # set input tif raster

Alternatively, you may use rasterio Python library in other environments, such as in colab notebooks:

# This code assumes rasterio is already installed via pip install
import rasterio

# Set file names
input_file = 'path/to/input.tif'
output_file = 'path/to/output.asc'

# Read the input TIF file using rasterio
with as src:
    meta = src.meta.copy()  # Get metadata
    Rasterio encoded data types as in numpy (some examples):
    uint8: 8-bit unsigned integer (byte)
    int32: 32-bit signed integer
    float32: 32-bit floating-point (real value)
    # Update the metadata to change the format to ASC
    data_type = 'float32'
    meta.update({'driver': 'AAIGrid', 'dtype': data_type})
    # Open the output ASC file using rasterio
    with, 'w', **meta) as dst:
        # Copy the input data to the output file
        data = # read only the first band
        dst.write(data.astype(data_type)) # ensure data type
Projection file

The Projection file is an auxiliary optional file for proper Raster manipulation in the right Coordinate Reference System. It is usually automatically generated in GIS desktop application like QGIS or ArcGIS.

Formatting rules: - must have the .prj extension/ - must have the same name of the associated :ref:`Grid file<io-grid>`;

A typical Projection file is a large single-line text that has the following structure:

Qualitative raster map

A quali-raster in plans is a special kind of :ref:`Raster map<io-raster>` file in which an auxiliary :ref:`Attribute Table<io-attribute>` must be provided alongside the :ref:`Grid file<io-grid-file>` and projection files.

For instance, a Land Use Land Cover raster map only stores the Id code for each class. More information must be stored in the attribute table.


One attribute table can feed many maps. The same attribute table file can supply the information required of many raster maps. For instance, consider a set of 10 land use and land cover maps, for different years. They all can use the same attribute table file.


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Hydrological variables

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Input Files

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Input files summary

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File Structure Description
litho Qualitative Raster map Map of lithological classes
soils Qualitative Raster map Map of soil types
dem Raster map Map of elevation (digital elevation model)
acc Raster map Map of accumulated drainage area
slope Raster map Map of slope
ldd Raster map Map of local drain direction (PC raster convention)
twi Raster map Map of Topographical Wetness Index
hand Raster map Map of Height Above the Nearest Drainage
basins Qualitative Raster map Map of modelled basins
outlets Qualitative Raster map Map of basin outlets
stage_* Time series Time series of river stage
basins_info Attribute table Relational table for basins
rain_zones Qualitative Raster map Map of rain gauge zones
rain_* Time series Time series of rainfall
rain_info Attribute table Relational table for rain gauges
lulc_* Qualitative Raster map Map of Land Use and Land Cover classes
clim_* Time series Time series of climatic variables
clim_info Attribute table Relational table for climatic stations
et_* Raster map Map of evapotranspiration estimated by remote-sensing
ndvi_* Raster map Map of the NDVI vegetation index

Input files catalog

Intermediate Files

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Intermediate files summary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis tincidunt erat eget iaculis. Mauris gravida ex quam, in porttitor lacus lobortis vitae. In a lacinia nisl.

Intermediate files catalog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis tincidunt erat eget iaculis. Mauris gravida ex quam, in porttitor lacus lobortis vitae. In a lacinia nisl.

Output Files

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis tincidunt erat eget iaculis. Mauris gravida ex quam, in porttitor lacus lobortis vitae. In a lacinia nisl.

Output files summary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis tincidunt erat eget iaculis. Mauris gravida ex quam, in porttitor lacus lobortis vitae. In a lacinia nisl.

Output files catalog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis tincidunt erat eget iaculis. Mauris gravida ex quam, in porttitor lacus lobortis vitae. In a lacinia nisl.