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Main navigation and home page user stories

Mike Conway edited this page Jul 4, 2014 · 7 revisions

developing the use cases (what functions do you want to do on this view) and how to navigate either in the tree, or to a home page for a file or collection is a good starting point.

What are the functions on the top menu?

What functions are exposed when clicking one checkbox? Groups?

What options are available or on a pop up of some sort as you mouse over or select a row that is a Collection or Data Object?

Main Design Goals

  • Simplify user experience, providing a basic functionality that won't overwhelm users who need the 'drive' or 'drop box' experience
  • Extensible for advanced use cases, especially in metadata editing, handling special file types like workflows or gridded data, images. Advanced query processing, exposing advanced iRODS features
  • iDrop web as a framework with this basic functionality, but easier to extend for forking to create site specific implementations, and supporting, in simple ways, some extesibility

developing the use cases (what functions do you want to do on this view) and how to navigate either in the tree, or to a home page for a file or collection is a good starting point.

What are the functions on the top menu?

What functions are exposed when clicking one checkbox? Groups?

What options are available or on a pop up of some sort as you mouse over or select a row that is a Collection or Data Object?

Thematic User Stories

Title Basic tree exploration and information gathering

Narrative: As a user I want to easily browse and navigate the iRODS grid as a set of folders, and be able to look at basic metadata and acls, as well as upload and download items So that I can access my data anywhere without installing anything

Acceptance Criteria: (presented as Scenarios)

Scenario 1: Title Given [context] And [some more context]... When [event]

Then [outcome] And [another outcome]...

Title Data Objects and Collections have a home page that tells about the data in iRODS

Narrative: As a user I want to be able to navigate to a page that tells me all about a collection or data object that I have selected, so that I can understand and manipulate a file or collection, including sharing it, editing and seeing metadata about an object, move it around, or upload, download, or preview that data.

Acceptance Criteria: (presented as Scenarios)

Scenario 1: Title Given [context] And [some more context]... When [event]

Then [outcome] And [another outcome]...

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