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JavaScript Module - Chroma Filter

This web application consists on a `WebRTC`:term: video communication in mirror (loopback) with a chroma filter element.


This tutorial has been configurated for using https. Follow these instructions for securing your application.

For the impatient: running this example

First of all, you should install Kurento Media Server to run this demo. Please visit the :doc:`installation guide </user/installation>` for further information. In addition, the built-in module kms-chroma should be also installed:

sudo apt-get install kms-chroma

Be sure to have installed `Node.js`:term: and `Bower`:term: in your system. In an Ubuntu machine, you can install both as follows:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install -g bower

Due to `Same-origin policy`:term:, this demo has to be served by an HTTP server. A very simple way of doing this is by means of an HTTP Node.js server which can be installed using `npm`:term: :

sudo npm install http-server -g

You also need the source code of this demo. You can clone it from GitHub. Then start the HTTP server:

git clone
cd kurento-tutorial-js/kurento-chroma
git checkout 6.9.0
bower install
http-server -p 8443 -S -C keys/server.crt -K keys/server.key

Finally, access the application connecting to the URL https://localhost:8443/ through a WebRTC capable browser (Chrome, Firefox).


These instructions work only if Kurento Media Server is up and running in the same machine as the tutorial. Kurento Media Server must use WebSockets over SSL/TLS (WSS), so make sure you check this too. It is possible to locate the KMS in other machine simple adding the parameter ws_uri to the URL:


Notice that the Kurento Media Server must connected using a Secure WebSocket (i.e., the KMS URI starts with wss://). For this reason, the support for secure WebSocket must be enabled in the Kurento Media Server you are using to run this tutorial. For further information about securing applications, please visit the following :doc:`page </features/security>`.

Understanding this example

This application uses computer vision and augmented reality techniques to detect a chroma in a WebRTC stream based on color tracking.

The interface of the application (an HTML web page) is composed by two HTML5 video tags: one for the video camera stream (the local client-side stream) and other for the mirror (the remote stream). The video camera stream is sent to Kurento Media Server, which processes and sends it back to the client as a remote stream. To implement this, we need to create a `Media Pipeline`:term: composed by the following `Media Element`:term: s:

WebRTC with Chroma filter Media Pipeline

WebRTC with Chroma filter Media Pipeline

The complete source code of this demo can be found in GitHub.

This example is a modified version of the :doc:`Magic Mirror <./tutorial-magicmirror>` tutorial. In this case, this demo uses a Chroma instead of FaceOverlay filter.

In order to perform chroma detection, there must be a color calibration stage. To accomplish this step, at the beginning of the demo, a little square appears in upper left of the video, as follows:

Chroma calibration stage

Chroma calibration stage

In the first second of the demo, a calibration process is done, by detecting the color inside that square. When the calibration is finished, the square disappears and the chroma is substituted with the configured image. Take into account that this process requires lighting condition. Otherwise the chroma substitution will not be perfect. This behavior can be seen in the upper right corner of the following screenshot:

Chroma filter in action

Chroma filter in action


Modules can have options. For configure these options, you need get the constructor to them. In Javascript and Node, you have to use kurentoClient.getComplexType('qualifiedName') . There is an example in the code.

The media pipeline of this demo is is implemented in the JavaScript logic as follows:

const WindowParam = kurentoClient.getComplexType('chroma.WindowParam')

kurentoClient(args.ws_uri, function(error, client) {
  if (error) return onError(error);

  client.create('MediaPipeline', function(error, _pipeline) {
    if (error) return onError(error);

    pipeline = _pipeline;

    console.log("Got MediaPipeline");

    pipeline.create('WebRtcEndpoint', function(error, webRtc) {
      if (error) return onError(error);

      setIceCandidateCallbacks(webRtcPeer, webRtc, onError)

      webRtc.processOffer(sdpOffer, function(error, sdpAnswer) {
        if (error) return onError(error);

        console.log("SDP answer obtained. Processing...");


      console.log("Got WebRtcEndpoint");

      var options =
        window: WindowParam({
          topRightCornerX: 5,
          topRightCornerY: 5,
          width: 30,
          height: 30

      pipeline.create('chroma.ChromaFilter', options, function(error, filter) {
        if (error) return onError(error);

        console.log("Got Filter");

        filter.setBackground(args.bg_uri, function(error) {
          if (error) return onError(error);

          console.log("Set Image");

        client.connect(webRtc, filter, webRtc, function(error) {
          if (error) return onError(error);

          console.log("WebRtcEndpoint --> filter --> WebRtcEndpoint");


The :term:`TURN` and :term:`STUN` servers to be used can be configured simple adding the parameter ice_servers to the application URL, as follows:



The dependencies of this demo has to be obtained using `Bower`:term:. The definition of these dependencies are defined in the bower.json file, as follows:

"dependencies": {
   "kurento-client": "6.9.0",
   "kurento-utils": "6.9.0"
   "kurento-module-pointerdetector": "6.9.0"

To get these dependencies, just run the following shell command:

bower install


We are in active development. You can find the latest versions at Bower.