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173 lines (124 loc) · 6.95 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
173 lines (124 loc) · 6.95 KB

Installation & Updates

Download & Requirements

You can download the latest version of GenIECMS by using the official download link:

Please note that the above link will onlu download the source code for the GenIE-CMS. If you need to download the parsing scripts, you need to download it here.

If you prefer using the terminal please run to download both the CMS and parsing scripts:

git clone --recursive


  • Apache 2 with URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) or nginx
  • PHP 5.4+

Installing GenIECMS on a Mac

Most Mac users will probably try GenIECMS with MAMP.

Installing MAMP

Installing MAMP is just a matter of downloading the app from the MAMP website and running the installer. It will install a MAMP app in your Applications folder.

By starting the MAMP app you are also starting your Apache and MySQL server. You should now be able to reach your local server at http://localhost:8888.

Download GenIECMS

Copy GenIECMS to MAMP Web server

You will find the source of GenIECMS in your download folder. So you just need to Copy GenIECMS folder into corresponding ~/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ folder.

That is basically what you need to do in order to install GenIECMS on your Mac's local server. You should now be able to access it at: http://localhost:8888/GenIECMS in your browser.

Update configuration file

We should update the settings file(GenIECMS/plugins/settings.php) right after the installtion. Especially the base URL depending on your webhost. For example:

/*Define your base url with trailing slash*/



Next, we need to create a MySQL database and load our data.


GenIECMS can easily be installed without an effort. Unfortunately there is always space for problems due to multiple server setups and PHP versions. In this section, we try to answer most frequent issues in order to install GenIECMS as effortless as possible. Please send us an email if you still get trouble with installation or updates:

Subfolder permissions

Web server runs in a different group than your user account on most servers. Following subfolder permissions will necessary to grant write access from GenIECMS.:

chgrp -R www-data GenIECMS
chmod -R 775 GenIECMS/genie_files

Please make sure that the root folder is also readable by the webserver.

Broken subpages

Whenever you have problems(can not open or a server error) with subpages, you can try following steps.

  • Make sure that the .htaccess file is present inside GenIECMS folder.
  • mod_rewrite should be enabled on your server.
  • You need to check the .htaccess. You can test this by adding some extra characters into your .htaccess. If this cause an "Internal Server Error", the file gets loaded. Otherwise, you need to enable AllowOverride all in your Web server configuration file. An example of GenIECMS/.htaccess file shown below.
RedirectMatch 403 ^.*/genie_files/
ErrorDocument 403  
RewriteEngine on
Options -Indexes
ServerSignature Off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond $1#%{REQUEST_URI} ([^#]*)#(.*)\1$
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ %2?page=$1 [QSA,L]
ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.html

Please make sure that you are using the PHP 5.4 or higher.

More problems?

Please contact

GenIECMS updates

Manual updates

GenIECMS can be updated manually using latest ZIP file from GitHub. Please backup your older version of GenIECMS/plugins/settings.php and GenIECMS/genie_files before you do the latest update. First unzip the file from your download folder and move into the Web Server server. Finally copy the GenIECMS/plugins/settings.php and GenIECMS/genie_files into latest version of GenIECMS.

Updates using Git

Here is the easy way to update GenIECMS using git submodules:

git checkout master
git pull
git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
git submodule foreach --recursive git pull

Docker installation

For Developers and Contricutors

# Please comment the supporting_files/ line to avoid download the geniecms.git  
git clone  
cd docker4geniecms  
git submodule add -f  
docker build -t genie -f ./Dockerfile .  
docker run --rm -i -t -p "80:80" -p "3308:3306" -v ${PWD}/genie:/app -v ${PWD}/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ADMIN_PASS="mypass" --name genie genie  
cd genie 

When we need to commit changes, please go to cd docker4geniecms/genie folder. Never commit from docker4geniecms folder. Because it will add genie as a submodule. Incase you mistakenly pushed from docker4geniecms folder, please cd docker4geniecms and git rm genie. You can access MySQL using mysql -u admin -pmypass -h localhost -P 3308 or using phpMyAdmin. Some useful docker commands are as follows.

# Must be run first because images are attached to containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
# Delete every Docker images
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
# To see docker process
docker ps -l 
# To see or remove all volumes
docker volume ls/prune
# To run bash inside the running docker container
docker exec -it 890fa15eeef6126b668f4b0fcb7a38b33eaff0 /bin/bash
docker attach 890fa15eeef6126b668f4b0fcb7a38b33eaff0

Now we can start the real development and push changes into genie.

Running from Command Line

If you want to use PHP's built-in server (not recommended), just use following lines to install GenIECMS. This is only for the initial test installation, in order to make a full functional website you have to install Webbserver package such as MAMP or LAMP.

git clone --recursive
php -S localhost:3000

You should now be able to access GenIECMS at: http://localhost:3000 in your browser.