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File metadata and controls

678 lines (582 loc) · 27 KB

Kentucky Contracts

Jennifer LaFleur/Kiernan Nicholls 2023-01-03 13:14:08


The Accountability Project is an effort to cut across data silos and give journalists, policy professionals, activists, and the public at large a simple way to search across huge volumes of public data about people and organizations.

Our goal is to standardize public data on a few key fields by thinking of each dataset row as a transaction. For each transaction there should be (at least) 3 variables:

  1. All parties to a transaction.
  2. The date of the transaction.
  3. The amount of money involved.


This document describes the process used to complete the following objectives:

  1. How many records are in the database?
  2. Check for entirely duplicated records.
  3. Check ranges of continuous variables.
  4. Is there anything blank or missing?
  5. Check for consistency issues.
  6. Create a five-digit ZIP Code called zip.
  7. Create a year field from the transaction date.
  8. Make sure there is data on both parties to a transaction.


The following packages are needed to collect, manipulate, visualize, analyze, and communicate these results. The pacman package will facilitate their installation and attachment.

The IRW’s campfin package will also have to be installed from GitHub. This package contains functions custom made to help facilitate the processing of campaign finance data.

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
  tidyverse, # data manipulation
  lubridate, # datetime strings
  gluedown, # printing markdown
  magrittr, # pipe operators
  janitor, # clean data frames
  refinr, # cluster and merge
  scales, # format strings
  knitr, # knit documents
  vroom, # read files fast
  rvest, # html scraping
  glue, # combine strings
  here, # relative paths
  httr, # http requests
  fs, # local storage 
  stringi #string functions

This document should be run as part of the R_campfin project, which lives as a sub-directory of the more general, language-agnostic irworkshop/accountability_datacleaning GitHub repository.

The R_campfin project uses the RStudio projects feature and should be run as such. The project also uses the dynamic here::here() tool for file paths relative to your machine.

# where does this document knit?
#> [1] "C:/Users/jla/Documents/jen_transition/AU_CLASSES/AUFALL22/rdata"


Kentucky contracts data were obtained via Public Records request by Nami Hijikata.


kyc <- read.csv("KY_Contracts.csv")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 21
#>   Link  ContractIde…¹ Class…² Class…³ Cited…⁴ Contr…⁵ DocId Branc…⁶ CabName DeptN…⁷ Reaso…⁸ Start…⁹
#>   <chr> <chr>         <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#> 1 NULL  4A5172AE-F58… ENGINE… 925     Compet… MA      2100… Judici… NULL    Judici… NULL    7/1/20…
#> 2 NULL  C0FCAC3F-7C4… NULL    NULL    Memora… PO      1900… Judici… NULL    Judici… Accoun… 7/1/20…
#> 3 NULL  E6143871-8DC… COMPUT… 209     Small … PO      2200… Execut… Educat… Depart… NULL    10/1/2…
#> 4 NULL  55A241F0-821… NULL    NULL    Memora… PO      1900… Judici… NULL    Judici… Accoun… 7/1/20…
#> 5 NULL  289B18CE-405… MISCEL… 961     Memora… PO      1900… Judici… NULL    Judici… NULL    7/1/20…
#> 6 NULL  434BAECA-C3E… NULL    NULL    Commer… PO      2200… Execut… Touris… Kentuc… NULL    8/17/2…
#> # … with 9 more variables: EndDate <chr>, VendCustId <chr>, VendName <chr>, VendAddress1 <chr>,
#> #   VendCity <chr>, VendState <chr>, VendZip <chr>, ProcurementName <chr>, ContractAmount <dbl>,
#> #   and abbreviated variable names ¹​ContractIdentifier, ²​Classification, ³​ClassificationCode,
#> #   ⁴​CitedAuthDescription, ⁵​ContractTypeCode, ⁶​BranchName, ⁷​DeptName, ⁸​ReasonModification,
#> #   ⁹​StartDate

There are two dates in the file. We used the year from start date as a separate year column.


kyc <- mutate(kyc, year = stri_sub(StartDate,-4))
#> [1] 0
min(kyc$date, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] Inf
sum(kyc$year < 2000, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 0
max(kyc$date, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] -Inf
sum(kyc$date > today(), na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 0
kyc$year <- na_if(kyc$year, 9999)

Contracts have both StartDate and EndDate; we combine these two variables into a single date to represent the transaction. We also make the headers snake case. Replace the word NULL with actually NAs. Combine cab_name and dept_name.

kyc <- kyc %>% 
  clean_names("snake") %>% 
  replace(kyc == "NULL", NA) %>% 
  mutate(date = paste0(start_date," to ", end_date)) %>% 
  unite("full_agency", c(cab_name, dept_name), sep=", ", remove = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) %>% 


#> Rows: 50,771
#> Columns: 24
#> $ link                   <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "…
#> $ contract_identifier    <chr> "4A5172AE-F580-4254-B59B-00008DE3E276", "C0FCAC3F-7C48-4439-BCE9-0…
#> $ classification_code    <chr> "925", NA, "209", NA, "961", NA, "924", "918", "912", "961", "924"…
#> $ cited_auth_description <chr> "Competitive Sealed Bidding", "Memorandum of Agreement", "Small Pu…
#> $ contract_type_code     <chr> "MA", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", …
#> $ doc_id                 <chr> "2100001036", "1900001843", "2200001377", "1900001881", "190000189…
#> $ branch_name            <chr> "Judicial", "Judicial", "Executive", "Judicial", "Judicial", "Exec…
#> $ full_agency            <chr> "Judicial Department", "Judicial Department", "Education & Workfor…
#> $ cab_name               <chr> NA, NA, "Education & Workforce Development Cabinet", NA, NA, "Tour…
#> $ dept_name              <chr> "Judicial Department", "Judicial Department", "Department For Work…
#> $ reason_modification    <chr> NA, "Accounting lines were not broken out by county.", NA, "Accoun…
#> $ start_date             <chr> "7/1/2021", "7/1/2018", "10/1/2019", "7/1/2018", "7/1/2018", "8/17…
#> $ end_date               <chr> "6/30/2022", "6/30/2019", "9/30/2020", "6/30/2019", "6/30/2019", "…
#> $ vend_cust_id           <chr> "KY0023046", "KY0036004", "KY0028928", "KY0018713", "KY0028291", "…
#> $ vend_name              <chr> "BRANDSTETTER CARROLL INC", "BLUEGRASS REGIONAL MH MR", "STATE OF …
#> $ vend_address1          <chr> "2360 CHAUVIN DR", "1351 NEWTOWN PIKE", "EUGENE T MAHONEY STATE PA…
#> $ vend_city              <chr> "LEXINGTON", "LEXINGTON", "ASHLAND", "LOUISVILLE", "CORBIN", "HARR…
#> $ vend_state             <chr> "KY", "KY", "NE", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", …
#> $ vend_zip               <chr> "40517", "40511-1277", "68003", "40223", "40702", "40330", "42633"…
#> $ procurement_name       <chr> "Standard Goods and Services", "Memorandum of Agreement", "Standar…
#> $ contract_amount        <dbl> 150000.00, 216000.00, 191.67, 67000.00, 10000.00, 75000.00, 8200.0…
#> $ year                   <chr> "2021", "2018", "2019", "2018", "2018", "2021", "2019", "2021", "2…
#> $ date                   <chr> "7/1/2021 to 6/30/2022", "7/1/2018 to 6/30/2019", "10/1/2019 to 9/…
#> # A tibble: 6 × 24
#>   link       contr…¹ class…² class…³ cited…⁴ contr…⁵ doc_id branc…⁶ full_…⁷ cab_n…⁸ dept_…⁹ reaso…˟
#>   <chr>      <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#> 1 <NA>       318535… <NA>    <NA>    Memora… PO      19000… Judici… Judici… <NA>    Judici… Accoun…
#> 2 <NA>       483E15… MISCEL… 961     Memora… PO      19000… Judici… Judici… <NA>    Judici… <NA>   
#> 3 <NA>       BF8D43… RENTAL… 981     Emerge… PO      23000… Execut… Cabine… Cabine… Depart… <NA>   
#> 4 <NA>       CC826E… <NA>    <NA>    Memora… PO      19000… Judici… Judici… <NA>    Judici… <NA>   
#> 5 https://s… 8EE4E5… <NA>    <NA>    Memora… PO      19000… Judici… Judici… <NA>    Judici… <NA>   
#> 6 <NA>       396B1C… <NA>    <NA>    Memora… PO      19000… Judici… Judici… <NA>    Judici… Accoun…
#> # … with 12 more variables: start_date <chr>, end_date <chr>, vend_cust_id <chr>, vend_name <chr>,
#> #   vend_address1 <chr>, vend_city <chr>, vend_state <chr>, vend_zip <chr>,
#> #   procurement_name <chr>, contract_amount <dbl>, year <chr>, date <chr>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​contract_identifier, ²​classification, ³​classification_code,
#> #   ⁴​cited_auth_description, ⁵​contract_type_code, ⁶​branch_name, ⁷​full_agency, ⁸​cab_name,
#> #   ⁹​dept_name, ˟​reason_modification


If we count the number of missing values per column, we can see a lot of the values from the columns found only in one type of file are missing.

col_stats(kyc, count_na)
#> # A tibble: 24 × 4
#>    col                    class     n        p
#>    <chr>                  <chr> <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 link                   <chr> 38607 0.760   
#>  2 contract_identifier    <chr>     0 0       
#>  3 classification         <chr> 17130 0.337   
#>  4 classification_code    <chr> 17130 0.337   
#>  5 cited_auth_description <chr>     0 0       
#>  6 contract_type_code     <chr>     0 0       
#>  7 doc_id                 <chr>     0 0       
#>  8 branch_name            <chr>     0 0       
#>  9 full_agency            <chr>     0 0       
#> 10 cab_name               <chr> 24918 0.491   
#> 11 dept_name              <chr>     0 0       
#> 12 reason_modification    <chr> 30930 0.609   
#> 13 start_date             <chr>     0 0       
#> 14 end_date               <chr>     0 0       
#> 15 vend_cust_id           <chr>     0 0       
#> 16 vend_name              <chr>     0 0       
#> 17 vend_address1          <chr>     0 0       
#> 18 vend_city              <chr>     0 0       
#> 19 vend_state             <chr>    10 0.000197
#> 20 vend_zip               <chr>    14 0.000276
#> 21 procurement_name       <chr>     0 0       
#> 22 contract_amount        <dbl>     0 0       
#> 23 year                   <chr>     0 0       
#> 24 date                   <chr>     0 0


There are no duplicate records in this database.

kyc <- flag_dupes(kyc, everything())
#> Warning in flag_dupes(kyc, everything()): no duplicate rows, column not created


col_stats(kyc, n_distinct)
#> # A tibble: 24 × 4
#>    col                    class     n         p
#>    <chr>                  <chr> <int>     <dbl>
#>  1 link                   <chr> 11840 0.233    
#>  2 contract_identifier    <chr> 49875 0.982    
#>  3 classification         <chr>   202 0.00398  
#>  4 classification_code    <chr>   207 0.00408  
#>  5 cited_auth_description <chr>   117 0.00230  
#>  6 contract_type_code     <chr>     2 0.0000394
#>  7 doc_id                 <chr> 19819 0.390    
#>  8 branch_name            <chr>     2 0.0000394
#>  9 full_agency            <chr>   147 0.00290  
#> 10 cab_name               <chr>    14 0.000276 
#> 11 dept_name              <chr>   144 0.00284  
#> 12 reason_modification    <chr>  4703 0.0926   
#> 13 start_date             <chr>  1436 0.0283   
#> 14 end_date               <chr>  1427 0.0281   
#> 15 vend_cust_id           <chr>  6463 0.127    
#> 16 vend_name              <chr>  6502 0.128    
#> 17 vend_address1          <chr>  6721 0.132    
#> 18 vend_city              <chr>  1286 0.0253   
#> 19 vend_state             <chr>    57 0.00112  
#> 20 vend_zip               <chr>  2460 0.0485   
#> 21 procurement_name       <chr>    14 0.000276 
#> 22 contract_amount        <dbl> 12150 0.239    
#> 23 year                   <chr>     5 0.0000985
#> 24 date                   <chr>  7647 0.151
explore_plot(kyc, classification, na.rm = TRUE)

explore_plot(kyc, procurement_name, na.rm = TRUE)


#> [1] 264228.9
noquote(map_chr(summary(kyc$contract_amount), dollar))
#>         Min.      1st Qu.       Median         Mean      3rd Qu.         Max. 
#>           $0    $7,863.70      $25,000     $264,229     $113,000 $311,589,050


To improve the searchability of the database, we will perform some consistent, confident string normalization. For geographic variables like city names and ZIP codes, the corresponding campfin::normal_*() functions are tailor made to facilitate this process.


For the street address variable, the campfin::normal_address() function will force consistence case, remove punctuation, and abbreviate official USPS suffixes.

addr_norm <- kyc %>% 
  distinct(vend_address1) %>% 
    address_norm = normal_address(
      address = vend_address1,
      abbs = usps_street,
      na_rep = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 6,721 × 2
#>    vend_address1                   address_norm                   
#>    <chr>                           <chr>                          
#>  1 2360 CHAUVIN DR                 2360 CHAUVIN DR                
#>  2 1351 NEWTOWN PIKE               1351 NEWTOWN PIKE              
#>  5 PO BOX 568                      PO BOX 568                     
#>  6 1015 Danville Road              1015 DANVILLE RD               
#>  7 134 COLLEGE ST                  134 COLLEGE ST                 
#>  8 3332 NEWBURG RD                 3332 NEWBURG RD                
#>  9 PO BOX 4157                     PO BOX 4157                    
#> 10 9226 MAIN STREET                9226 MAIN ST                   
#> # … with 6,711 more rows
kyc <- left_join(kyc, addr_norm, by = "vend_address1")


For ZIP codes, the campfin::normal_zip() function will attempt to create valid five digit codes by removing the ZIP+4 suffix and returning leading zeroes dropped by other programs like Microsoft Excel.

kyc <- kyc %>% 
    zip_norm = normal_zip(
      zip = vend_zip,
      na_rep = TRUE
  compare = valid_zip
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   stage        prop_in n_distinct  prop_na n_out n_diff
#>   <chr>          <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 kyc$vend_zip   0.798       2460 0.000276 10232    822
#> 2 kyc$zip_norm   0.988       1944 0.000315   588    148


Valid two digit state abbreviations can be made using the campfin::normal_state() function.

kyc <- kyc %>% 
    state_norm = normal_state(
      state = vend_state,
      abbreviate = TRUE,
      na_rep = TRUE,
      valid = valid_state
kyc %>% 
  filter(vend_state != state_norm) %>% 
  count(vend_state, state_norm, sort = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 0 × 3
#> # … with 3 variables: vend_state <chr>, state_norm <chr>, n <int>
  compare = valid_state
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   stage          prop_in n_distinct  prop_na n_out n_diff
#>   <chr>            <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 kyc$vend_state   0.999         57 0.000197    37      8
#> 2 kyc$state_norm   1             50 0.000926     0      1


Cities are the most difficult geographic variable to normalize, simply due to the wide variety of valid cities and formats.


The campfin::normal_city() function is a good start, again converting case, removing punctuation, but expanding USPS abbreviations. We can also remove invalid_city values.

norm_city <- kyc %>% 
  distinct(vend_city, state_norm, zip_norm) %>% 
    city_norm = normal_city(
      city = vend_city, 
      abbs = usps_city,
      states = c("KY", "DC", "KENTUCKY"),
      na = invalid_city,
      na_rep = TRUE


We can further improve normalization by comparing our normalized value against the expected value for that record’s state abbreviation and ZIP code. If the normalized value is either an abbreviation for or very similar to the expected value, we can confidently swap those two.

norm_city <- norm_city %>% 
  rename(city_raw = vend_city) %>% 
    y = zipcodes,
    by = c(
      "state_norm" = "state",
      "zip_norm" = "zip"
  ) %>% 
  rename(city_match = city) %>% 
    match_abb = is_abbrev(city_norm, city_match),
    match_dist = str_dist(city_norm, city_match),
    city_swap = if_else(
      condition = ! & (match_abb | match_dist == 1),
      true = city_match,
      false = city_norm
  ) %>% 
kyc <- left_join(
  x = kyc,
  y = norm_city,
  by = c(
    "vend_city" = "city_raw", 


The OpenRefine algorithms can be used to group similar strings and replace the less common versions with their most common counterpart. This can greatly reduce inconsistency, but with low confidence; we will only keep any refined strings that have a valid city/state/zip combination.

good_refine <- kyc %>% 
    city_refine = city_swap %>% 
      key_collision_merge() %>% 
      n_gram_merge(numgram = 1)
  ) %>% 
  filter(city_refine != city_swap) %>% 
    y = zipcodes,
    by = c(
      "city_refine" = "city",
      "state_norm" = "state",
      "zip_norm" = "zip"
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   state_norm zip_norm city_swap     city_refine     n
#>   <chr>      <chr>    <chr>         <chr>       <int>
#> 1 OH         44202    AUOROA        AURORA          4
#> 2 IL         60585    PLAINFIELD IL PLAINFIELD      1
#> 3 KY         42754    LEICHTFIELD   LEITCHFIELD     1

Then we can join the refined values back to the database.

kyc <- kyc %>% 
  left_join(good_refine) %>% 
  mutate(city_refine = coalesce(city_refine, city_swap))


Our goal for normalization was to increase the proportion of city values known to be valid and reduce the total distinct values by correcting misspellings.

stage prop_in n_distinct prop_na n_out n_diff
str_to_upper(kyc$vend_city) 0.988 1286 0 586 143
kyc$city_swap 0.997 1213 0 127 44

You can see how the percentage of valid values increased with each stage.

More importantly, the number of distinct values decreased each stage. We were able to confidently change many distinct invalid values to their valid equivalent.


Before exporting, we can remove the intermediary normalization columns and rename all added variables with the _clean suffix.

kyc <- kyc %>% 
    city_clean = city_refine
  ) %>% 
  rename_all(~str_replace(., "_norm", "_clean")) %>% 
  rename_all(~str_remove(., "_raw")) %>% 
  relocate(state_clean, zip_clean, .after = city_clean)
glimpse(sample_n(kyc, 50))
#> Rows: 50
#> Columns: 28
#> $ link                   <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, "…
#> $ contract_identifier    <chr> "1075F0E1-1E50-4D88-BA82-E3739C36FE73", "45C78EA1-63CD-4240-96F9-5…
#> $ classification_code    <chr> NA, "961", NA, NA, "918", "912", NA, "912", "803", NA, "961", NA, …
#> $ cited_auth_description <chr> "Memorandum of Agreement", "Memorandum of Agreement", "Memorandum …
#> $ contract_type_code     <chr> "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", "PO", …
#> $ doc_id                 <chr> "1900001860", "1900001899", "1900001848", "1900001862", "200000272…
#> $ branch_name            <chr> "Judicial", "Judicial", "Judicial", "Judicial", "Executive", "Exec…
#> $ full_agency            <chr> "Judicial Department", "Judicial Department", "Judicial Department…
#> $ cab_name               <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, "Education & Workforce Development Cabinet", "Ener…
#> $ dept_name              <chr> "Judicial Department", "Judicial Department", "Judicial Department…
#> $ reason_modification    <chr> "Accounting line was not broken out by county.", NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
#> $ start_date             <chr> "7/1/2018", "7/1/2018", "7/1/2018", "7/1/2018", "7/1/2020", "12/1/…
#> $ end_date               <chr> "6/30/2019", "6/30/2019", "6/30/2019", "6/30/2019", "6/30/2021", "…
#> $ vend_cust_id           <chr> "KY0036340", "KY0028291", "KY0035990", "KY0035989", "KY0035868", "…
#> $ vend_name              <chr> "Western KY Regional Mental Health & Retardation Advisory Brd", "C…
#> $ vend_address1          <chr> "425 Braodway Street", "PO BOX 568", "PO BOX 790", "P O BOX 2680",…
#> $ vend_city              <chr> "PADUCAH", "CORBIN", "ASHLAND", "COVINGTON", "GREENSBURG", "EDMONT…
#> $ vend_state             <chr> "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", …
#> $ vend_zip               <chr> "42001", "40702", "41105-0790", "41011-2680", "42743", "42129", "4…
#> $ procurement_name       <chr> "Memorandum of Agreement", "Memorandum of Agreement", "Memorandum …
#> $ contract_amount        <dbl> 118000.00, 10000.00, 40000.00, 3000.00, 140011.00, 1350.00, 113000…
#> $ year                   <chr> "2018", "2018", "2018", "2018", "2020", "2019", "2018", "2021", "2…
#> $ date                   <chr> "7/1/2018 to 6/30/2019", "7/1/2018 to 6/30/2019", "7/1/2018 to 6/3…
#> $ address_clean          <chr> "425 BRAODWAY ST", "PO BOX 568", "PO BOX 790", "P O BOX 2680", "PO…
#> $ city_clean             <chr> "PADUCAH", "CORBIN", "ASHLAND", "COVINGTON", "GREENSBURG", "EDMONT…
#> $ state_clean            <chr> "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", "KY", …
#> $ zip_clean              <chr> "42001", "40702", "41105", "41011", "42743", "42129", "41701", "41…


  1. There are 50,771 records in the database.
  2. There are 0 duplicate records in the database.
  3. The range and distribution of amount and date seem reasonable.
  4. There are 0 records missing key variables.
  5. There are no geographic variables to be normalized.
  6. The 4-digit year variable has been created.

Now the file can be saved on disk for upload to the Accountability server.

clean_dir <- dir_create(here("ky", "contracts", "data", "clean"))
clean_path <- path(clean_dir, "ky_contracts_clean.csv")
write_csv(kyc, clean_path, na = "")
#> 22.8M

The encoding of the exported file should be UTF-8 or ASCII.

enc <- system2("file", args = paste("-i", clean_path), stdout = TRUE)
str_replace_all(enc, clean_path, basename)
#> [1] "ky_contracts_clean.csv: text/csv; charset=us-ascii"


The following table describes the variables in our final exported file:

Column Type Overlaped Definition
link character TRUE link
contract_identifier character TRUE contract_identifier
classification character TRUE classification
classification_code character FALSE classification_code
cited_auth_description character TRUE cited_auth_description
contract_type_code character TRUE contract_type_code
doc_id character FALSE doc_id
branch_name character TRUE branch_name
full_agency character FALSE full_agency
cab_name character FALSE cab_name
dept_name character FALSE dept_name
reason_modification character FALSE reason_modification
start_date character TRUE start_date
end_date character TRUE end_date
vend_cust_id character FALSE vend_cust_id
vend_name character FALSE vend_name
vend_address1 character FALSE vend_address1
vend_city character TRUE vend_city
vend_state character TRUE vend_state
vend_zip character TRUE vend_zip
procurement_name character TRUE procurement_name
contract_amount double TRUE contract_amount
year character FALSE year
date character FALSE date
address_clean character FALSE address_clean
city_clean character FALSE city_clean
state_clean character FALSE state_clean
zip_clean character FALSE zip_clean
  x = c("# Kentucky Contracts Data Dictionary\n", dict_md),
  path = here("ky", "contracts", ""),