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Design Document

This design document has the aim to explain the details of MiniSearch design and implementation to library developers that intend to contribute to this project, or that are simply curious about the internals.

Last update: Oct. 9, 2018

Goals (and non-goals)

MiniSearch is aimed at providing rich fulltext search functionalities in a local setup (e.g. client side, in the browser). It is therefore optimized for:

  1. Small memory footprint of the index data structure
  2. Fast indexing of documents
  3. Versatile and performant search features, to the extent possible while meeting goals 1 and 2
  4. Small and simple API surface, on top of which more specific solutions can be built by application developers
  5. Possibility to add and remove documents from the index at any time

MiniSearch is therefore NOT directly aimed at offering:

  • A solution for use cases requiring large index data structure size
  • Distributed setup where the index resides on multiple nodes and need to be kept in sync
  • Turn-key opinionated solutions (e.g. supporting multiple locales): MiniSearch enables developer to build these on top of the core API, but does not provide it out of the box.

For these points listed as non-goals, other solutions exist that should be preferred to MiniSearch. Adapting MiniSearch to support those goals would in fact necessarily go against the primary project goals.

Technical design

MiniSearch is composed of two layers:

  1. A compact and versatile data structure for indexing terms, providing prefix search and fuzzy get
  2. An API layer on top of this data structure, providing the search features

Here follows a description of these two layers.

Index data structure

The data structure chosen for the index is a radix tree, which is a trie where nodes with no siblings are merged with the parent node. The reason for choosing this data structure follows from the project goals:

  • The radix tree minimizes the memory footprint of the index, because common prefixes are stored only once, and nodes are compressed into a single multi-character node whenever possible.
  • Radix trees offer fast key lookup, with performance proportional to the key length, and fast lookup of subtrees sharing the same key prefix. These properties make it possible to offer exact match and prefix search.
  • On top of a radix tree it is possible to implement lookup of keys that are within a certain maximum edit distance from a given key. This search rapidly becomes complex as the maximum distance grows, but for practical search use-cases the maximum distance is small enough for this algorithm to be performant. Other more performant solutions for fuzzy search require more space.

The class implementing the radix tree is called SearchableMap, because it implements the standard JavaScript Map interface, adding on top of it more advanced key lookup features:

  • SearchableMap.prototype.atPrefix(prefix), returning another SearchableMap representing a mutable view of the original one, containing only entries where the keys share the given prefix.
  • SearchableMap.prototype.fuzzyGet(searchKey, maxEditDistance), returning all the entries where the key is within the given edit (Levenshtein) distance from searchKey.

As a trade-off for offering these additional features, SearchableMap is restricted to use only string keys.

The SearchableMap data type is part of the public API of MiniSearch, exposed as MiniSearch.SearchableMap. Its usefulness is in fact not limited to providing a data structure for the inverted index, and developers can use it as a building block for other solutions (e.g. autocompletion).

Fuzzy search algorithm

The algorithm used to provide fuzzy search of keys within a maximum Levenshtein distance from a given term is the following:

  • The search starts with a budget of edit distance, initially equal to the given maximum distance.
  • The radix tree is traversed, starting from the root, visiting each path and propagating the remaining budget along each path, but quitting any search path along which the budget is exhausted.
  • For each visited node in the radix tree, the string contained in the node is traversed character by character using cursors that are kept on a stack.
  • Each cursor has: a pointer to a position in the node string; a pointer to a corresponding position in the search string; the type of the last edit, either deletion, or insertion, or change, or none; a budget of "available edits". This budget is decremented whenever an edit is required. The budget is passed from parent to children cursors.
  • The algorithm pulls cursors from the stack, and compares the pointed character in the node string with the pointed character in the search string:
    • if they are the same, one single child cursor is created, advancing both pointers of 1 position. No edit was necessary, so the last edit type is none.
    • if they are not the same, and the remaining budget is higher than zero, up to three children cursors are created: one corresponding to a character change, where both pointers are incremented by 1; one corresponding to a deletion, where only the search string pointer is incremented; one corresponding to an insertion, where only the node string pointer is incremented. Each of the children cursors have a budget that is one less the parent budget.
    • Some special cases are considered to avoid creating unnecessary cursors. A sequence of adjacent deletion-insertion, or insertion-deletion, would have the same effect of a change, but would consume more budget: therefore, a delete cursor is never created after a insertion cursor, and vice-versa. Similarily, adjacent change-deletion and deletion-change, or change-insertion and insertion-change, are equivalent. Therefore, only one of these cases is generated, by never producing a change cursor after a deletion or insertion one.
  • Whenever the algorithm finds a leaf node, it reports it as a result.

Note that this algorithm can get complex if the maximum edit distance is large, as many paths would be followed. The reason why this algorithm is employed is a trade-off:

  • for fulltext search purposes, the maximum edit distance is small, so the algorithm is performant enough
  • The alternatives (e.g. trigram indexes), would require much more space
  • As MiniSearch is optimized for local and possibly memory-constrained setup, higher computation complexity is traded in exchange for smaller space requirement for the index.

Search API layer

The search API layer offers a small and simple API surface for application developers. It does not assume that a specific locale is used in the indexed documents, therefore no stemming nor stop-word filtering is performed, but instead offers easy options for developers to provide their own implementation. This heuristic will be followed in future development too: rather than providing an opinionated solution, the project will offer simple building blocks for application developers to implement their own solutions.

The inverted index is implemented with SearchableMap, and posting lists are stored as values in the Map. This way, the same data structure provides both the inverted index and the set of indexed terms. Different document fields are indexed within the same index, to further save space. The index is therefore structure as following:

term -> field -> { document frequency, posting list }

When performing a search, the entries corresponding to the search term are looked up in the index (optionally searching the index with prefix or fuzzy search), then the documents are scored with a variant of Tf-Idf, and finally results for different search terms are merged with the given combinator function (by default OR, but AND can be specified).