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OpenTok Schedule Kit

An OpenTok Starter Kit focussed on call scheduling


  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Rename config.ini.sample to config.ini and configure your credentials.

  3. Set the following variables in the config.ini file:

    • OPENTOK_KEY and OPENTOK_SECRET -- Set these to your OpenTok API key and API secret values from the TokBox Dashboard.

    • MYSQL_URL -- This is the URL for access to your MySQL server. The format is mysql://username:password@mysqlurl:port/database_name

    • GMAIL_USER and GMAIL_PW -- These are your Gmail user name and password. Include '' in the GMAIL_USER string (as in ''). The app uses these credentials to send emails to customers notifying them about appointments.

  4. Use Composer to install dependencies:

     ./composer.phar install
  5. Set the document root for your web server (such as Apache, nginx, etc.) to the web directory of this project. In the case of Apache, the provided .htaccess file handles URL rewriting. See the Slim Route URL Rewriting Guide for more details.

  6. Make sure the following line is included in your php.ini file, and that it is not commented:



On OSX devices, navigate to web folder and start the server in your terminal: php -S localhost:8000



  1. Visit the URL mapped to the application by your web server.

  2. Select an appointment time and fill in your information. You should then receive an email confirming your appointment.

  3. At the time of your appointment, join the chat room.


  1. Have another user (possibly in another window or tab) visit the /rep URL to be the representative.

  2. The representative can click through and view different appointments.

  3. The representative can start or cancel an appointment.


  • PHP
  • MySQL

Code and Conceptual Walkthrough


  • All server code is located in index.php.

  • index.php starts off by creating and connecting to the database and table required for the app.

  • The schedule table includes the following fields:

    • Name -- the customer's name
    • Email -- the customer's email address, used to send appointment confirmation and cancellations
    • Comment -- The customer's comment entered when scheduling the appointment
    • Timestamp -- The timestamp of the appointment time
    • Daystring -- A string representing the day of the appointment, used to look up the availability on that day
    • Sessionid - The OpenTok session ID that both the customer and the representative connect to at the time of the appointment
    • Timestring -- The appointment time in a human-readable format
  • All end points are created in index.php.


  • The customer starts by going to the root URL, and index.php renders templates/customer.php.

  • The customer.php file contains HTML for the customer page.

    • The page shows a list of appointment times for that day.

    • When the customer clicks an appointment time, a form prompts the customer for information.

  • All styling is located in the assets/css/customer.css file.

  • The assets/js/customer.js file contains the JavaScript that manages the customer's interaction with the page.

    • The arrows on the page, which use the class dateNavigate, let customers navigate through the different dates. When the customer clicks on an element that has the .dateNavigate class, the JavaScript computes the offset (dayDiff) from current time and then calls the setDayAndAvail() function.

    • The setDayAndAvail() function computes the daystring value and sends a request to the server at the /availability/:daystring endpoint in index.php, to get a list of unavailable appointments.

      • index.php then queries the table for all appointment timestamps in the table that have the same daystring value, and it returns this array as JSON.

      • When the response from server is received, all unavailable dates are dimmed by removing the 'selectableTime' class.

    • When the user clicks on an available time (which have the time class), a form is shown for the user to input information. The form data is submitted to the server at the /schedule endpoint.

      • When index.php gets the POST request, it generates an OpenTok ID, stores it along with the customer's information in the table, and sends the customer an email to confirm the appointment. It then sends the customer to templates/schedule.php, which is a simple appointment confirmation page.
  • At the time of the appointment, the customer clicks the link in the email to navigate to the /chat/:session_id endpoint defined in index.php.

    • When the customer enters the chat room, index.php retrieves the OpenTok session ID from the URL, generates a valid token for that session ID, and renders templates/chat.php.

    • chat.php shows the chat room. It connects to the OpenTok session, publishes video to the session, and subscribes to videos in the session.


  • The representative starts by going to /rep, an endpoint defined in index.php, which renders templates/rep.php.

  • The rep.php file contains HTML for the representative page.

    The page includes a sidebar, which shows a list of appointment times for that day. The page also includes an area that displays information about the selected appointment and lets the representative start a video chat with the customer.

  • All styling is located in the assets/css/rep.css file.

  • assets/js/rep.js contains JavaScript code that manages the representative's interaction with the page.

    • Like the customer page, the arrows on the sidebar, which use the class dateNavigate, let the representative navigate through the different dates. When the representative clicks an element that has the .dateNavigate class, the JavaScript computes the offset (dayDiff) from the current time and calls the setDayAndAvail() function.

    • The setDayAndAvail() function computes the daystring and sends a request to the server at the /availability/:daystring endpoint in index.php to get a list of unavailable appointments.

      • index.php then queries the table for all appointment timestamps with the matching daystring value, and it returns this array as JSON.

      • When the response from server is received, the class bookedTime is added to all booked dates, which causes them to be highlighted on the page (indicating that they are booked).

    • When the representative clicks a time, a request is sent to index.php at the /getinfo/:timestamp endpoint.

      • index.php then queries the table and retrieves the customer information for that time, and it returns a JSON response with the customer's information.

      • When the response is received, the customer's information is displayed on the page. If the current time is within an hour of the appointment time, a Start Appointment button is displayed.

  • At the time of the appointment, the representative clicks the appointment time and the Start Appointment button. The main view is replaced with an iframe of the same chat room that the customer sees.

  • If the representative clicks the Cancel Appointment button, a request is sent to index.php at the /cancel/:timestamp endpoint. index.php looks up that timestamp, retrieves the customer information, deletes that row in the table, and sends an email to the customer indicating that the appointment has been canceled.

Appendix -- Deploying to Heroku

Heroku is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) that you can use to deploy simple and small applications for free. For that reason, you may choose to experiment with this code and deploy it using Heroku.

The provided Procfile describes a web process that launches this application.

This application uses MYSQL. Follow [heroku addons:add cleardb:ignite](these instructions) to install the ClearDB addon for Heroku to use MYSQL.

Use Heroku config to set the following keys:

  • OPENTOK_KEY -- Your OpenTok API key

  • OPENTOK_SECRET -- Your OpenTok API secret

  • MYSQL_URL -- Your ClearDB URL when you added the ClearDB add-on for Heroku.

  • GMAIL_USER -- Set this to your gmail username to send instructions to user. Include '' in the GMAIL_USER string (as in ''.)

  • GMAIL_PW -- Set this to your gmail password to send instructions to user.


Scheduled Conferencing sample app






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  • PHP 71.3%
  • JavaScript 17.4%
  • CSS 11.3%