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Custom Exception Middleware

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It is a middleware for error handling in ASP.NET projects, the application aims to facilitate and handle when an accidental or custom exception occurs in the project.


  • Package Manager Console

Install-Package CustomExceptionMiddleware
  • .Net CLI

dotnet add package CustomExceptionMiddleware

Minimum requirements to use: .NET Standard 2.0

Compilation requirements: .NET 8

How to use

It's very simple to use, go to Startup.cs on Configure() method and add this code:


Or if you are using any of the newer versions of .NET put the code after the app build on Program.cs file.

var app = builder.Build();

Example output

    "type": "VALIDATION_ERRORS",
    "error": {
        "msg": "Custom domain exception message"

Custom use

  • Create object options: It's possible create a CustomExceptionOptions to customize the return middleware object, to view the StackTrace like this:

    app.UseCustomExceptionMiddleware(new CustomExceptionOptions
        ViewStackTrace = true
  • Use an action options: Other options to customize the return object is using an action to create a CustomErrorModel

    app.UseCustomExceptionMiddleware(options =>
        options.ViewStackTrace = true;

In both cases the output will include de stack trace in detail object property:

Example output

    "type": "VALIDATION_ERRORS",
    "error": {
        "msg": "Custom domain exception message",
        "detail": "at CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom.ProductService.GetDomainException(Boolean returnProducts) in C:\\isaacnborges\\projects\\custom-exception-middleware\\tests\\CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom\\ProductService.cs:line 18\r\n   at CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom.Controllers.ProductController.GetDomain(Boolean returnProduct) in C:\\isaacnborges\\projects\\custom-exception-middleware\\tests\\CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom\\Controllers\\ProductController.cs:line 26"

Configure Exceptions

This middleware use some custom exceptions to catch and personalize the response status code.

The custom middleware supports the following Exceptions:

Exception              Status code description  Status code
---------------------  -----------------------  -----------
DomainException        BadRequest                  400        
UnauthorizedException  Unauthorized                401        
CannotAccessException  Forbidden                   403        
NotFoundException      NotFound                    404        
Exception              InternalServerError         500        

DomainException is an abstract exception, so to use it's necessary create other exception and inherit. The others exceptions only throw an exception

Custom exception example

public class InvalidStateException : DomainException
        public InvalidStateException()
        { }

        public InvalidStateException(string message) : base(message)
        { }

        public InvalidStateException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
        { }

Throw exceptions

throw new InvalidStateException("Custom domain exception message");
throw new UnauthorizedException("Custom unauthorized exception message");
throw new CannotAccessException("Custom cannot access exception message");
throw new NotFoundException("Custom not found exception message");
throw new Exception("Custom exception message");

Customize exception type

It's possible to customize the exception type when throw an exception, just pass the type in an exception constructor.

throw new CustomDomainException("Custom domain exception message", "OTHER_CUSTOM_TYPE");


Inside the samples folder has two projects that could be used for test the and validate the middleware.

Run the sample projects

  • WebAppTest
    dotnet run --project .\samples\CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest\
  • WebAppTest.Custom
    dotnet run --project .\samples\CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom\

Samples documentation


This middleware will Log some informations that can be used for monitoring and observability, like TraceIdentifier, request and exception informations like message type and stack trace:

Example log:

Occurred an exception - TraceId: 0HMBO9LGH0JHD:00000002 - ExceptionType: InvalidStateException - Message: Custom domain exception message
CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.InvalidStateException: Custom domain exception message
at CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom.ProductService.GetDomainException(Boolean returnProducts) in C:\\isaacnborges\\projects\\custom-exception-middleware\\tests\\CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom\\ProductService.cs:line 18\r\n   at CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom.Controllers.ProductController.GetDomain(Boolean returnProduct) in C:\\isaacnborges\\projects\\custom-exception-middleware\\tests\\CustomExceptionMiddleware.WebAppTest.Custom\\Controllers\\ProductController.cs:line 26

Using custom attribute

In some scenarios the project needs other response object, integrations with 3rd party systems for example, this middleware contains an attribute that could be ignore, it's possible use in class or methods

Using the IgnoreCustomExceptionAttribute attribute the middleware will ignore your own flow. To use it simply, decorate the class or method with the name.

  • Class example

    public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
        public IActionResult Get()
            throw new CustomDomainException("Some error ignore class");
  • Method example

    public IActionResult GetIgnore()
        throw new CustomDomainException("Some error ignore method");


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
