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The dapp requires a running powergate instance for two reasons:

  • The twitter thread rollup bot pushes the ERC721 compliant metadata of a rolled up thread to the IPFS node that a shared powergate instance runs (hence why this is also a prerequisite for running the twitter bot)
  • Powergate provides a nicer interface into the filecoin network for creating a storage deal. When someone purchases a rolled up thread and tokenises it on Ethereum, a storage deal has to be made on the filecoin network first. With the data source being the powergate IPFS node, a storage deal can be created off the back of this data source.

Powergate can either be run locally (by creating a devnet) or hosted. With the host address, the dapp's Powergate service needs updating accordingly. Going forward, we aim to have this driven by a .env file but have been experiencing build issues regarding this.

Building and running

The dapp has been Dockerised and therefore can be run as a Docker container.

You could build and run it locally in the same way as the Docker file or you can generate a static version of the site by running:

npm run generate

which will generate a dist/ directory in the project root

Local dev

  • setup the project

$ npm install

  • add .env file
  • run the project

$ npm run dev