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  • Log in as a non-root user with sudo rights, then execute the following block of commands to install nvidia-docker2:
export distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -
curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
curl -O
sudo dpkg --force-confdef --force-confnew -i ./cuda-repo-ubuntu1804_10.1.243-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y cuda-drivers nvidia-docker2

Confirm that the drivers were installed properly using the nvidia-smi utility:


If nvidia-smi reports a driver version mismatch error, you will have to reboot the machine:

sudo reboot
  • Update /etc/docker/daemon.json to add "nvidia-container-runtime" and make it the default runtime.

On a clean install, you will have to edit the file and add a comma , followed by the "default-runtime": "nvidia" line:

sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

The end result should resemble the following:

    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []
    "default-runtime": "nvidia"

Hit CTRL-X to save and exit. When prompted, hit the Y key followed by ENTER.

  • Restart docker:
sudo systemctl restart docker
  • Install docker-compose:
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
  • Use the following command:
nano docker-compose.yml create a file called docker-compose.yml with the following contents:

version: '3.5'
    image: livepeer/go-livepeer:master
    command: '-orchestrator -network offchain -orchSecret /secret.txt -serviceAddr orchestrator:8935 -orchAddr'
      - 7935:7935
      - 8935:8935
      - ./osecret.txt:/secret.txt
      - orchestrator
    image: livepeer/go-livepeer:master
    command: '-transcoder -network offchain -orchAddr orchestrator:8935 -orchSecret /secret.txt -nvidia 0'
      - ./osecret.txt:/secret.txt
      - orchestrator
      - transcoder
    image: livepeer/go-livepeer:master
    command: '-broadcaster -rtmpAddr broadcaster -orchAddr orchestrator:8935 -cliAddr broadcaster:7936 -httpAddr broadcaster:8936'
      - 1935:1935
      - 7936:7936
      - 8936:8936

If you have multiple GPU's, adjust the -nvidia option on the transcoder container's command line to account for them. For example, for two Nvidia GPUs, specify -nvidia 0,1 If you don't have any Nvidia GPUs, remove the -nvidia 0 option from the transcoder container command line.

Hit CTRL-X to save and exit. When prompted, hit the Y key followed by ENTER.

  • Store your orchSecret password in a text file. Replace "secret" with a secret of your own:
echo secret > osecret.txt
  • Start the B/O/T network using the following command:
sudo docker-compose up

You should see output similar to:

Starting botnetworkcomposed_orchestrator_1 ... 
Starting botnetworkcomposed_orchestrator_1 ... done
Starting botnetworkcomposed_transcoder_1 ... 
Starting botnetworkcomposed_transcoder_1 ... done
Starting botnetworkcomposed_broadcaster_1 ... 
Starting botnetworkcomposed_broadcaster_1 ... done
Attaching to botnetworkcomposed_orchestrator_1, botnetworkcomposed_transcoder_1, botnetworkcomposed_broadcaster_1
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:24.729607       1 livepeer.go:205] ***Livepeer is running on the offchain*** network
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:24.740214       1 livepeer.go:295] ***Livepeer is in off-chain mode***
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:24.740609       1 webserver.go:65] CLI server listening on
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:24.741034       1 livepeer.go:682] ***Livepeer Running in Orchestrator Mode***
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:24.741193       1 cert.go:83] Private key and cert not found. Generating
transcoder_1    | I1006 18:42:26.341787       1 livepeer.go:205] ***Livepeer is running on the offchain*** network
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:24.761638       1 cert.go:22] Generating cert for orchestrator
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:24.762918       1 rpc.go:152] Listening for RPC on :8935
broadcaster_1   | I1006 18:42:27.967617       1 livepeer.go:205] ***Livepeer is running on the offchain*** network
transcoder_1    | I1006 18:42:26.342908       1 livepeer.go:281] ***Livepeer is in transcoder mode ***
transcoder_1    | I1006 18:42:26.342943       1 ot_rpc.go:50] Registering transcoder to orchestrator:8935
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:26.354784       1 ot_rpc.go:191] Got a RegisterTranscoder request from transcoder= capacity=10
broadcaster_1   | I1006 18:42:27.969054       1 livepeer.go:295] ***Livepeer is in off-chain mode***
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:26.741187       1 rpc.go:220] Connecting RPC to https://orchestrator:8935
orchestrator_1  | I1006 18:42:26.744904       1 rpc.go:192] Received Ping request
broadcaster_1   | I1006 18:42:27.969124       1 livepeer.go:684] ***Livepeer Running in Broadcaster Mode***
broadcaster_1   | I1006 18:42:27.969154       1 livepeer.go:685] Video Ingest Endpoint - rtmp://broadcaster:1935
broadcaster_1   | I1006 18:42:27.969268       1 webserver.go:65] CLI server listening on broadcaster:7936

Leave this running.

  • In another terminal, stream into port 1935 using ffmpeg
ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i SomeVideo.mp4 -c:a copy -c:v copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/movie
  • In yet another terminal, playback from port 8936 using ffplay
ffplay http://localhost:8936/stream/movie.m3u8

To run ethminer side by side with the livepeer b/o/t network, complete the following additional steps: