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File metadata and controls

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  • Log in as a non-root user with sudo rights, then execute the following block of commands to install nvidia-docker2:
export distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -
curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
curl -O
sudo dpkg --force-confdef --force-confnew -i ./cuda-repo-ubuntu1804_10.1.243-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y cuda-drivers nvidia-docker2

Confirm that the drivers were installed properly using the nvidia-smi utility:


If nvidia-smi reports a driver version mismatch error, you will have to reboot the machine:

sudo reboot
  • Update /etc/docker/daemon.json to add "nvidia-container-runtime" and make it the default runtime.

On a clean install, you will have to edit the file and add a comma , followed by the "default-runtime": "nvidia" line:

sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

The end result should resemble the following:

    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []
    "default-runtime": "nvidia"

Hit CTRL-X to save and exit. When prompted, hit the Y key followed by ENTER.

  • Restart docker:
sudo systemctl restart docker
  • Install docker-compose:
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
  • Use the following command:
nano docker-compose.yml create a file called docker-compose.yml with the following contents:

version: '3.5'
    image: livepeer/go-livepeer:master
    command: '-orchestrator -network rinkeby -orchSecret /secret.txt -serviceAddr orchestrator:8935 -orchAddr -pricePerUnit 1 -initializeRound'
      - 7935:7935
      - 8935:8935
      - orchroot:/root
      - ./osecret.txt:/secret.txt
      - orchestrator
    image: livepeer/go-livepeer:master
    command: '-transcoder -network rinkeby -orchAddr orchestrator:8935 -orchSecret /secret.txt -nvidia 0'
      - ./osecret.txt:/secret.txt
      - orchestrator
      - transcoder
    image: livepeer/go-livepeer:master
    command: '-broadcaster -network rinkeby -rtmpAddr broadcaster -orchAddr orchestrator:8935 -cliAddr broadcaster:7936 -httpAddr broadcaster:8936'
      - 1935:1935
      - 7936:7936
      - 8936:8936
      - bcstroot:/root

If you have multiple GPU's, adjust the -nvidia option on the transcoder container's command line to account for them. For example, for two Nvidia GPUs, specify -nvidia 0,1 If you don't have any Nvidia GPUs, remove the -nvidia 0 option from the transcoder container command line.

Hit CTRL-X to save and exit. When prompted, hit the Y key followed by ENTER.

  • Before starting the B/O/T network, we must initiatize an ethereum account. Begin by bringing up the orchestrator alone using interactive mode:
sudo docker-compose run orchestrator

go-livepeer will prompt for a passphrase. Enter one and then press ENTER to continue. It will ask you to repeat the passphrase, then enter it again to unlock the new ethereum account.

After this is done, go-livepeer may shut down. Feel free to stop it using CTRL-C if it doesnt shut down by itself after some time.

  • Store your orchSecret password in a text file. Replace "secret" with a secret of your own:
echo secret > osecret.txt
  • Store your password in a file on disk in a secure location.
echo MyEthPassPhrase > passphrase_orch.txt
  • Mount the file within the container by adding " - ./passphrase_orch.txt:/root/pw.txt" to the volumes section of the orchestrator container in docker-compose.yml. It should look like this:
      - orchroot:/root
      - ./osecret.txt:/secret.txt
      - ./passphrase_orch.txt:/root/pw.txt
  • Edit the docker-compose.yml to add the ethPassword argument to the orchestrator command line. The new command should look like this:
-orchestrator -network rinkeby -orchSecret /secret.txt -serviceAddr orchestrator:8935 -orchAddr -pricePerUnit 1 -initializeRound -ethPassword=/root/pw.txt
  • Next, we must initialize an ethereum account for the broadcaster. Bring up the broadcaster using interactive mode:
sudo docker-compose run broadcaster

go-livepeer will prompt for a passphrase. Enter one and then press ENTER to continue. It will ask you to repeat the passphrase, then enter it again to unlock the new ethereum account.

After this is done, go-livepeer may shut down. Feel free to stop it using CTRL-C if it doesnt shut down by itself after some time.

  • Store your password in a file on disk in a secure location.
echo MyEthPassPhrase > passphrase_bcst.txt
  • Mount the file within the container by adding " - ./passphrase_bcst.txt:/root/pw.txt" to the volumes section of the broadcaster container in docker-compose.yml. It should look like this:
      - bcstroot:/root
      - ./passphrase_bcst.txt:/root/pw.txt
  • Edit the docker-compose.yml to add the ethPassword argument to the broadcaster command line. The new command should look like this:
-broadcaster -network rinkeby -rtmpAddr broadcaster -orchAddr orchestrator:8935 -cliAddr broadcaster:7936 -httpAddr broadcaster:8936 -ethPassword=/root/pw.txt

Now, we must fund the accounts with ETH and LPT. We'll have to bring up the B/O/T network and then execute the CLI in another shell.

  • Start the B/O/T network using the following command:
sudo docker-compose up
  • Using another shell, list the running containers to see their names:
docker container ls
  • Start the orchestrator CLI with the following command (replace "orchestrator" with the actual container name as seen above):
docker container exec -it orchestrator livepeer_cli
  • Follow the instructions in the CLI to first get some ETH, then some LPT. After both are done, you may exit the CLI.

  • Start the broadcaster CLI with the following command (replace "broadcaster" with the actual container name as seen above):

docker container exec -it broadcaster livepeer_cli --http 7936 --host broadcaster
  • Follow the instructions in the CLI to first get some ETH, then some LPT. After both are done, you may exit the CLI.

  • You may leave the B/O/T network running if you like, but if you want to stop the B/O/T network, use the following command:

sudo docker-compose down

Now the system is ready to run!

  • Start the B/O/T network using the following command:
sudo docker-compose up

You should see output similar to:

Creating network "michael_default" with the default driver
Creating michael_orchestrator_1 ... 
Creating michael_orchestrator_1 ... done
Creating michael_transcoder_1 ... 
Creating michael_transcoder_1 ... done
Creating michael_broadcaster_1 ... 
Creating michael_broadcaster_1 ... done
Attaching to michael_orchestrator_1, michael_transcoder_1, michael_broadcaster_1
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:22.018354       1 livepeer.go:199] ***Livepeer is running on the rinkeby network: 0xA268AEa9D048F8d3A592dD7f1821297972D4C8Ea***
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:23.307593       1 livepeer.go:199] ***Livepeer is running on the rinkeby network: 0xA268AEa9D048F8d3A592dD7f1821297972D4C8Ea***
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:22.401746       1 accountmanager.go:70] Using Ethereum account: 0x02452e64DA3959f7b3e487e27a8CD672808e49C2
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.021618       1 accountmanager.go:99] Unlocked ETH account: 0x02452e64DA3959f7b3e487e27a8CD672808e49C2
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:23.307915       1 livepeer.go:214] Creating data dir: /root/.lpData/rinkeby
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:24.497440       1 livepeer.go:199] ***Livepeer is running on the rinkeby network: 0xA268AEa9D048F8d3A592dD7f1821297972D4C8Ea***
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.507397       1 livepeer.go:463] Price: 1 wei for 1 pixels
orchestrator_1  |  
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:23.406314       1 livepeer.go:277] ***Livepeer is in transcoder mode ***
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:23.406378       1 ot_rpc.go:50] Registering transcoder to orchestrator:8935
transcoder_1    | E1210 17:20:23.412110       1 ot_rpc.go:96] Could not register transcoder to orchestrator rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:23.412190       1 ot_rpc.go:52] Unregistering transcoder: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:23.960117       1 ot_rpc.go:50] Registering transcoder to orchestrator:8935
transcoder_1    | E1210 17:20:23.961343       1 ot_rpc.go:96] Could not register transcoder to orchestrator rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:23.961366       1 ot_rpc.go:52] Unregistering transcoder: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.560797       1 livepeer.go:860] Orchestrator 0x02452e64DA3959f7b3e487e27a8CD672808e49C2 is inactive
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:24.617384       1 ot_rpc.go:50] Registering transcoder to orchestrator:8935
transcoder_1    | E1210 17:20:24.619310       1 ot_rpc.go:96] Could not register transcoder to orchestrator rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:24.619745       1 ot_rpc.go:52] Unregistering transcoder: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.671523       1 block_watcher.go:318] Backfilling block events (this can take a while)...
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.671549       1 block_watcher.go:319] Start block: 5590609               End block: 5590610             Blocks elapsed: 1
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.675363       1 block_watcher.go:537] fetching block logs from=5590609 to=5590610
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:24.703313       1 accountmanager.go:70] Using Ethereum account: 0x02452e64DA3959f7b3e487e27a8CD672808e49C2
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.869675       1 livepeer.go:740] ***Livepeer Running in Orchestrator Mode***
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.870334       1 webserver.go:68] CLI server listening on
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.870467       1 cert.go:83] Private key and cert not found. Generating
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.871715       1 cert.go:22] Generating cert for orchestrator
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:24.872637       1 rpc.go:147] Listening for RPC on :8935
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:25.661966       1 accountmanager.go:99] Unlocked ETH account: 0x02452e64DA3959f7b3e487e27a8CD672808e49C2
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.152509       1 livepeer.go:563] Maximum transcoding price per pixel is not greater than 0: 0, broadcaster is currently set to accept ANY price.
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.152580       1 livepeer.go:564] To update the broadcaster's maximum acceptable transcoding price per pixel, use the CLI or restart the broadcaster with the appropriate 'maxPricePerUnit' and 'pixelsPerUnit' values
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.195800       1 block_watcher.go:318] Backfilling block events (this can take a while)...
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.195859       1 block_watcher.go:319] Start block: 5590611               End block: 5590610             Blocks elapsed: -1
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.200135       1 block_watcher.go:537] fetching block logs from=5590611 to=5590610
transcoder_1    | I1210 17:20:26.245160       1 ot_rpc.go:50] Registering transcoder to orchestrator:8935
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.245411       1 webserver.go:68] CLI server listening on broadcaster:7936
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.246557       1 livepeer.go:742] ***Livepeer Running in Broadcaster Mode***
broadcaster_1   | I1210 17:20:26.247455       1 livepeer.go:743] Video Ingest Endpoint - rtmp://broadcaster:1935
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:26.260520       1 ot_rpc.go:191] Got a RegisterTranscoder request from transcoder= capacity=10
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:26.870927       1 rpc.go:215] Connecting RPC to https://orchestrator:8935
orchestrator_1  | I1210 17:20:26.874302       1 rpc.go:187] Received Ping request

Leave this running.

  • You will have to acquire testnet eth and lpt before proceeding. That process is outside the scope of this document. See

  • In another terminal, stream into port 1935 using ffmpeg

ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i SomeVideo.mp4 -c:a copy -c:v copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/movie
  • In yet another terminal, playback from port 8936 using ffplay
ffplay http://localhost:8936/stream/movie.m3u8

To run ethminer side by side with the livepeer b/o/t network, complete the following additional steps: