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CKAN extension for the UNHCR RIDL project


This extension is being developed against CKAN 2.9.x

Please follow installation instructions of the software below if needed. Also, take a look inside the Makefile to understand what's going on under the hood:

  • docker
  • docker-compose (>= 1.26)
  • /etc/hosts contains the ckan-dev line

For building static assets and running end-to-end tests Node.js is required and can be installed with these commands:

$ nvm install 10
$ nvm use 10
$ npm install

Setting up environment

Clone the ckanext-unhcr repository (assuming that we're inside the docker-ckan-unhcr-aws/src directory):

$ git clone
$ cd ckanext-unhcr

It's designed to support live development of extensions. The only one requirement is that the folder with the project should be inside docker-ckan-unhcr-aws/src. See docker-ckan-unhcr-aws for more information.

Extension Settings

About external users

# days before external user account expires

# days before notifying about the expiration of the users account

# Max size (MB) for a file to be analyzed with ClamAV

# Redis cache in seconds for KoBo get requests. Use 0 to disable cache

# Submission limit to import KoBo resources
# Check SUBMISSION_LIST_LIMIT at KoBo source code:

Working with docker

The whole docker setup is inside the docker-ckan-unhcr-aws directory. You can tweak any CKAN instance's aspects there (e.g. patches/cron/etc). To add other CKAN extensions to the work - add its folders to docker-compose.yml (see ckan-dev volumes).

Pull the latest ckan-base/dev images and build the project's images:

$ make docker

Starting development server

Let's start the development server. It's recommended to run this command in an additional terminal window because you need it running during the work. All changes to connected extensions will trigger live-reloading of the server:

$ make start
# see CKAN logs here

Now we can visit our local ckan instance at (you can login using ckan_admin@test1234):


Running unit tests

We write and store unit tests inside the ckanext/unhcr/tests. Prefer to name test files after feature/bug names. To run the tests you should have the development server up and running:

$ make test

To run only selected tests:

  • run $ make test ARGS='-k <pattern>'


If ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedFunction) function populate_full_text_trigger() does not exist is thrown running the tests:

  • Run ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini datastore set-permissions
  • Grab the generate SQL script and remove the line \connect "datastore"
  • Connect to the datastore_test DB and run the SQL

Running E2E tests

We write and store E2E tests inside the tests directory. Prefer to name test files after feature/bug names. To run the tests you should have the development server up and running:

$ make e2e
$ npx nightwatch tests/<testname>.js # for a single E2E test

See the how to write E2E tests guide:

Building static assets

We use JS and SCSS preprocessors to compile static assets. Put your scripts/styles inside the ckanext/unhcr/src and build it:

$ make assets

Processed styles will be written to the ckanext/unhcr/fanstatic folder. The compiled assets should be committed. Any custom images/fonts/etc can be stored directly in ckanext/unhcr/fanstatic folder and added to webassets.yml.

Working with i18n

We have (ab)used i18n to make an English-to-English translation which changes the terminology used in CKAN. Occasionally this will need maintenance as the upstream text changes. Example PR: example PR:

See CKAN documentation for more on i18n management.

Logging into container

To issue commands inside a running container:

$ make shell

Now you can tweak the running ckan-dev docker container from inside. Please take into account that all changes will be lost after the next container restart.

Updating readme

To update this readme's table of contents run:

$ make readme

Managing docker

There are a few useful docker commands:

$ docker ps -aq # list all containers
$ docker stop $(docker ps -aq) # stop all containers
$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq) # remove all containers
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q) # remove all images
$ docker system prune -a --volumes # CAUTION: it will purge all docker projects
$ docker volume rm dockerckan<project>_ckan_storage dockerckan<project>_pg_data # remove project volumes

Prepare a local environment for running scripts

Create a local Python 3 environment, activate it and install requirements.

python3 -m venv /path/to/your/new/env
source /path/to/your/new/env/bin/activate
pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

Generate deposited-dataset schema

We maintain the dataset schema manually.
The deposited_dataset schema should not be edited by hand. It is the output of running.

$ python scripts/

The compiled schema should be committed.

Create data containers and data deposit

It will create all initial data containers and data deposit. For local development url should be https://ckan-dev:5000 and api_key from your user profile.

$ python scripts/ url api_key
$ python scripts/ url api_key
$ python scripts/ url api_key

Create development users

Create users using command line interface:

# Sysadmin
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml exec ckan-dev ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini sysadmin add ckan_sysadmin password=testpass
# Depadmin
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml exec ckan-dev ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini user add ckan_depadmin password=testpass
# Curators
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml exec ckan-dev ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini user add ckan_curator1 password=testpass
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml exec ckan-dev ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini user add ckan_curator2 password=testpass
# Depositors
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml exec ckan-dev ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini user add ckan_user1 password=testpass
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml exec ckan-dev ckan -c /srv/app/ckan.ini user add ckan_user2 password=testpass

Add admins and and editors to data deposit using web interface:

  • make ckan_depadmin admin of data-deposit
  • make ckan_curator1 and ckan_curator2 editors of data-deposit

Testing email notifications

We use a fake SMTP server to test email notifications:

  • log into
  • select Demo Inbox
  • copy SMTP credentials
  • past to docker-ckan-ed:.env (mail service connection section)
  • restart the development server

Now all email sent by from ckan.lib.mailer import mail_user should be sent to the Demo Inbox at Mailtrap.

KoBo integration

Internal users are allowed to import data from KoBoToolbox.
To define where the KoBo instance lives you can configure the ckanext.unhcr.kobo_url setting (default is

You can read a RIDL integration with KoBo tutorial here.
Technical details about the KoBo integration are available here.

KoBo status:

Microdata library

Datasets could be published to the UNHCR Microdata Library which uses the NADA software.
This is a manual task and is only allowed for Sysdadmins.

Get collections: [GET].
Publish dataset<IDNO> [POST].
Publish resource<IDNO>/resources [POST].
See published dataset:<DATASET_ID> [GET].

All calls must include the X-Api-Key header.
To interact via the API we need an API key. To get one we need an admin account in the site. You then use this endpoint to get the key.
Documentation on this API: The API KEY must be from an administrator user. If not, you'll get the response: {"status":"ACCESS-DENIED","message":"Access denied"}.

The corresponding entity for RIDL datasets in MDL is the Survey.

There are two ways of creating a Survey:

Surveys can be updated as well.

Surveys can be aggregated in collections (via repositoryid). We might want to use that to create a generic "Imported from RIDL" one or to match Data Containers on our side.