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An asynchronous JavaScript client library for interacting with most facets of the Fastly API.

⚠️ This client library (3.0.0-beta2) is an early-access release. Features may change without notice. Use at your own risk.

We strongly recommend that you do not install alpha and beta releases on live production services. No official support is provided for such releases. Please try out the library in a test environment, see what breaks without worrying about consequences, and give us feedback.

Read about the Fastly Product Lifecycle.


Please follow the installation instructions and execute the following JS code:

import Fastly from "fastly";

const apiInstance = new Fastly.AclApi();

// If the FASTLY_API_TOKEN environment variable is set, 
// the client will use it to authenticate all API requests.
// Alternatively, you may authorize the client instance
// with a Fastly API token, which will override 
// the environment variable.
// Fastly.ApiClient.instance.authenticate("YOUR_API_TOKEN");

const options = {
  service_id: "SU1Z0isxPaozGVKXdv0eY", // required
  version_id: 56, // required
  name: "my_acl",

  .then((data) => {
    console.log(data, 'API called successfully.');
  .catch((error) => {


The Fastly API requires an API token for most operations. If the FASTLY_API_TOKEN environment variable is set, the client will automatically use it to authenticate all API requests. Alternatively, you may authenticate the client instance with a Fastly API token, which will override the environment variable.



The main documentation for the Fastly API can be found on our Developer Hub.

Class Method Description
Fastly.AclApi createAcl Create a new ACL
Fastly.AclApi deleteAcl Delete an ACL
Fastly.AclApi getAcl Describe an ACL
Fastly.AclApi listAcls List ACLs
Fastly.AclApi updateAcl Update an ACL
Fastly.AclEntryApi bulkUpdateAclEntries Update multiple ACL entries
Fastly.AclEntryApi createAclEntry Create an ACL entry
Fastly.AclEntryApi deleteAclEntry Delete an ACL entry
Fastly.AclEntryApi getAclEntry Describe an ACL entry
Fastly.AclEntryApi listAclEntries List ACL entries
Fastly.AclEntryApi updateAclEntry Update an ACL entry
Fastly.ApexRedirectApi deleteApexRedirect Delete an apex redirect
Fastly.ApexRedirectApi getApexRedirect Get an apex redirect
Fastly.ApexRedirectApi listApexRedirects List apex redirects
Fastly.ApexRedirectApi updateApexRedirect Update an apex redirect
Fastly.BackendApi createBackend Create a backend
Fastly.BackendApi deleteBackend Delete a backend
Fastly.BackendApi getBackend Describe a backend
Fastly.BackendApi listBackends List backends
Fastly.BackendApi updateBackend Update a backend
Fastly.BillingApi getInvoice Get an invoice
Fastly.BillingApi getInvoiceById Get an invoice
Fastly.BillingApi getInvoiceMtd Get month-to-date billing estimate
Fastly.BillingAddressApi addBillingAddr Add a billing address to a customer
Fastly.BillingAddressApi deleteBillingAddr Delete a billing address
Fastly.BillingAddressApi getBillingAddr Get a billing address
Fastly.BillingAddressApi updateBillingAddr Update a billing address
Fastly.CacheSettingsApi createCacheSettings Create a cache settings object
Fastly.CacheSettingsApi deleteCacheSettings Delete a cache settings object
Fastly.CacheSettingsApi getCacheSettings Get a cache settings object
Fastly.CacheSettingsApi listCacheSettings List cache settings objects
Fastly.CacheSettingsApi updateCacheSettings Update a cache settings object
Fastly.ConditionApi createCondition Create a condition
Fastly.ConditionApi deleteCondition Delete a condition
Fastly.ConditionApi getCondition Describe a condition
Fastly.ConditionApi listConditions List conditions
Fastly.ConditionApi updateCondition Update a condition
Fastly.ContactApi deleteContact Delete a contact
Fastly.ContactApi listContacts List contacts
Fastly.ContentApi contentCheck Check status of content in each POP's cache
Fastly.CustomerApi deleteCustomer Delete a customer
Fastly.CustomerApi getCustomer Get a customer
Fastly.CustomerApi getLoggedInCustomer Get the logged in customer
Fastly.CustomerApi listUsers List users
Fastly.CustomerApi updateCustomer Update a customer
Fastly.DictionaryApi createDictionary Create an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryApi deleteDictionary Delete an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryApi getDictionary Get an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryApi listDictionaries List edge dictionaries
Fastly.DictionaryApi updateDictionary Update an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryInfoApi getDictionaryInfo Get edge dictionary metadata
Fastly.DictionaryItemApi createDictionaryItem Create an entry in an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryItemApi deleteDictionaryItem Delete an item from an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryItemApi getDictionaryItem Get an item from an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryItemApi listDictionaryItems List items in an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryItemApi updateDictionaryItem Update an entry in an edge dictionary
Fastly.DictionaryItemApi upsertDictionaryItem Insert or update an entry in an edge dictionary
Fastly.DiffApi diffServiceVersions Diff two service versions
Fastly.DirectorApi createDirector Create a director
Fastly.DirectorApi deleteDirector Delete a director
Fastly.DirectorApi getDirector Get a director
Fastly.DirectorApi listDirectors List directors
Fastly.DirectorBackendApi createDirectorBackend Create a director-backend relationship
Fastly.DirectorBackendApi deleteDirectorBackend Delete a director-backend relationship
Fastly.DirectorBackendApi getDirectorBackend Get a director-backend relationship
Fastly.DocsApi getDocs Get Fastly API docs as structured data
Fastly.DocsApi getDocsSection Get API docs matching a section filter
Fastly.DocsApi getDocsSubject Get API docs for a single subject
Fastly.DomainApi checkDomain Validate DNS configuration for a single domain on a service
Fastly.DomainApi checkDomains Validate DNS configuration for all domains on a service
Fastly.DomainApi createDomain Add a domain name to a service
Fastly.DomainApi deleteDomain Remove a domain from a service
Fastly.DomainApi getDomain Describe a domain
Fastly.DomainApi listDomains List domains
Fastly.DomainApi updateDomain Update a domain
Fastly.DomainOwnershipsApi listDomainOwnerships List domain-ownerships
Fastly.EventsApi getEvent Get an event
Fastly.EventsApi listEvents List events
Fastly.GzipApi createGzipConfig Create a gzip configuration
Fastly.GzipApi deleteGzipConfig Delete a gzip configuration
Fastly.GzipApi getGzipConfigs Get a gzip configuration
Fastly.GzipApi listGzipConfigs List gzip configurations
Fastly.GzipApi updateGzipConfig Update a gzip configuration
Fastly.HeaderApi createHeaderObject Create a Header object
Fastly.HeaderApi deleteHeaderObject Delete a Header object
Fastly.HeaderApi getHeaderObject Get a Header object
Fastly.HeaderApi listHeaderObjects List Header objects
Fastly.HeaderApi updateHeaderObject Update a Header object
Fastly.HealthcheckApi createHealthcheck Create a healthcheck
Fastly.HealthcheckApi deleteHealthcheck Delete a healthcheck
Fastly.HealthcheckApi getHealthcheck Get a healthcheck
Fastly.HealthcheckApi listHealthchecks List healthchecks
Fastly.HealthcheckApi updateHealthcheck Update a healthcheck
Fastly.HistoricalApi getHistStats Get historical stats
Fastly.HistoricalApi getHistStatsAggregated Get aggregated historical stats
Fastly.HistoricalApi getHistStatsField Get historical stats for a single field
Fastly.HistoricalApi getHistStatsService Get historical stats for a single service
Fastly.HistoricalApi getHistStatsServiceField Get historical stats for a single service/field combination
Fastly.HistoricalApi getRegions Get region codes
Fastly.HistoricalApi getUsage Get usage statistics
Fastly.HistoricalApi getUsageMonth Get month-to-date usage statistics
Fastly.HistoricalApi getUsageService Get usage statistics per service
Fastly.Http3Api createHttp3 Enable support for HTTP/3
Fastly.Http3Api deleteHttp3 Disable support for HTTP/3
Fastly.Http3Api getHttp3 Get HTTP/3 status
Fastly.IamPermissionsApi listPermissions List permissions
Fastly.IamRolesApi deleteARole Delete a role
Fastly.IamRolesApi getARole Get a role
Fastly.IamRolesApi listRolePermissions List permissions in a role
Fastly.IamRolesApi listRoles List roles
Fastly.IamServiceGroupsApi deleteAServiceGroup Delete a service group
Fastly.IamServiceGroupsApi getAServiceGroup Get a service group
Fastly.IamServiceGroupsApi listServiceGroupServices List services to a service group
Fastly.IamServiceGroupsApi listServiceGroups List service groups
Fastly.IamUserGroupsApi deleteAUserGroup Delete a user group
Fastly.IamUserGroupsApi getAUserGroup Get a user group
Fastly.IamUserGroupsApi listUserGroupMembers List members of a user group
Fastly.IamUserGroupsApi listUserGroupRoles List roles in a user group
Fastly.IamUserGroupsApi listUserGroupServiceGroups List service groups in a user group
Fastly.IamUserGroupsApi listUserGroups List user groups
Fastly.InvitationsApi createInvitation Create an invitation
Fastly.InvitationsApi deleteInvitation Delete an invitation
Fastly.InvitationsApi listInvitations List invitations
Fastly.LoggingAzureblobApi createLogAzure Create an Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingAzureblobApi deleteLogAzure Delete the Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingAzureblobApi getLogAzure Get an Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingAzureblobApi listLogAzure List Azure Blob Storage log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingAzureblobApi updateLogAzure Update an Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingBigqueryApi createLogBigquery Create a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingBigqueryApi deleteLogBigquery Delete a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingBigqueryApi getLogBigquery Get a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingBigqueryApi listLogBigquery List BigQuery log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingBigqueryApi updateLogBigquery Update a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingCloudfilesApi createLogCloudfiles Create a Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingCloudfilesApi deleteLogCloudfiles Delete the Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingCloudfilesApi getLogCloudfiles Get a Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingCloudfilesApi listLogCloudfiles List Cloud Files log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingCloudfilesApi updateLogCloudfiles Update the Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDatadogApi createLogDatadog Create a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDatadogApi deleteLogDatadog Delete a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDatadogApi getLogDatadog Get a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDatadogApi listLogDatadog List Datadog log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingDatadogApi updateLogDatadog Update a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDigitaloceanApi createLogDigocean Create a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDigitaloceanApi deleteLogDigocean Delete a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDigitaloceanApi getLogDigocean Get a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingDigitaloceanApi listLogDigocean List DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingDigitaloceanApi updateLogDigocean Update a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingElasticsearchApi createLogElasticsearch Create an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingElasticsearchApi deleteLogElasticsearch Delete an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingElasticsearchApi getLogElasticsearch Get an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingElasticsearchApi listLogElasticsearch List Elasticsearch log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingElasticsearchApi updateLogElasticsearch Update an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingFtpApi createLogFtp Create an FTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingFtpApi deleteLogFtp Delete an FTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingFtpApi getLogFtp Get an FTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingFtpApi listLogFtp List FTP log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingFtpApi updateLogFtp Update an FTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingGcsApi createLogGcs Create a GCS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingGcsApi deleteLogGcs Delete a GCS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingGcsApi getLogGcs Get a GCS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingGcsApi listLogGcs List GCS log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingGcsApi updateLogGcs Update a GCS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHerokuApi createLogHeroku Create a Heroku log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHerokuApi deleteLogHeroku Delete the Heroku log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHerokuApi getLogHeroku Get a Heroku log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHerokuApi listLogHeroku List Heroku log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingHerokuApi updateLogHeroku Update the Heroku log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHoneycombApi createLogHoneycomb Create a Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHoneycombApi deleteLogHoneycomb Delete the Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHoneycombApi getLogHoneycomb Get a Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHoneycombApi listLogHoneycomb List Honeycomb log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingHoneycombApi updateLogHoneycomb Update a Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHttpsApi createLogHttps Create an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHttpsApi deleteLogHttps Delete an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHttpsApi getLogHttps Get an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingHttpsApi listLogHttps List HTTPS log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingHttpsApi updateLogHttps Update an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingKafkaApi createLogKafka Create a Kafka log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingKafkaApi deleteLogKafka Delete the Kafka log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingKafkaApi getLogKafka Get a Kafka log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingKafkaApi listLogKafka List Kafka log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingKinesisApi createLogKinesis Create an Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingKinesisApi deleteLogKinesis Delete the Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingKinesisApi getLogKinesis Get an Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingKinesisApi listLogKinesis List Amazon Kinesis log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingLogentriesApi createLogLogentries Create a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogentriesApi deleteLogLogentries Delete a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogentriesApi getLogLogentries Get a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogentriesApi listLogLogentries List Logentries log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingLogentriesApi updateLogLogentries Update a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogglyApi createLogLoggly Create a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogglyApi deleteLogLoggly Delete a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogglyApi getLogLoggly Get a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogglyApi listLogLoggly List Loggly log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingLogglyApi updateLogLoggly Update a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogshuttleApi createLogLogshuttle Create a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogshuttleApi deleteLogLogshuttle Delete a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogshuttleApi getLogLogshuttle Get a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingLogshuttleApi listLogLogshuttle List Log Shuttle log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingLogshuttleApi updateLogLogshuttle Update a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingNewrelicApi createLogNewrelic Create a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingNewrelicApi deleteLogNewrelic Delete a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingNewrelicApi getLogNewrelic Get a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingNewrelicApi listLogNewrelic List New Relic log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingNewrelicApi updateLogNewrelic Update a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingOpenstackApi createLogOpenstack Create an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingOpenstackApi deleteLogOpenstack Delete an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingOpenstackApi getLogOpenstack Get an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingOpenstackApi listLogOpenstack List OpenStack log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingOpenstackApi updateLogOpenstack Update an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPapertrailApi createLogPapertrail Create a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPapertrailApi deleteLogPapertrail Delete a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPapertrailApi getLogPapertrail Get a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPapertrailApi listLogPapertrail List Papertrail log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingPapertrailApi updateLogPapertrail Update a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPubsubApi createLogGcpPubsub Create a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPubsubApi deleteLogGcpPubsub Delete a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPubsubApi getLogGcpPubsub Get a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingPubsubApi listLogGcpPubsub List GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingPubsubApi updateLogGcpPubsub Update a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingS3Api createLogAwsS3 Create an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingS3Api deleteLogAwsS3 Delete an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingS3Api getLogAwsS3 Get an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingS3Api listLogAwsS3 List AWS S3 log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingS3Api updateLogAwsS3 Update an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingScalyrApi createLogScalyr Create a Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingScalyrApi deleteLogScalyr Delete the Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingScalyrApi getLogScalyr Get a Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingScalyrApi listLogScalyr List Scalyr log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingScalyrApi updateLogScalyr Update the Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSftpApi createLogSftp Create an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSftpApi deleteLogSftp Delete an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSftpApi getLogSftp Get an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSftpApi listLogSftp List SFTP log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingSftpApi updateLogSftp Update an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSplunkApi createLogSplunk Create a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSplunkApi deleteLogSplunk Delete a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSplunkApi getLogSplunk Get a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSplunkApi listLogSplunk List Splunk log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingSplunkApi updateLogSplunk Update a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSumologicApi createLogSumologic Create a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSumologicApi deleteLogSumologic Delete a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSumologicApi getLogSumologic Get a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSumologicApi listLogSumologic List Sumologic log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingSumologicApi updateLogSumologic Update a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSyslogApi createLogSyslog Create a syslog log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSyslogApi deleteLogSyslog Delete a syslog log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSyslogApi getLogSyslog Get a syslog log endpoint
Fastly.LoggingSyslogApi listLogSyslog List Syslog log endpoints
Fastly.LoggingSyslogApi updateLogSyslog Update a syslog log endpoint
Fastly.PackageApi getPackage Get details of the service's Compute@Edge package.
Fastly.PackageApi putPackage Upload a Compute@Edge package.
Fastly.PoolApi createServerPool Create a server pool
Fastly.PoolApi deleteServerPool Delete a server pool
Fastly.PoolApi getServerPool Get a server pool
Fastly.PoolApi listServerPools List server pools
Fastly.PoolApi updateServerPool Update a server pool
Fastly.PopApi listPops List Fastly POPs
Fastly.PublicIpListApi listFastlyIps List Fastly's public IPs
Fastly.PurgeApi bulkPurgeTag Purge multiple surrogate key tags
Fastly.PurgeApi purgeAll Purge everything from a service
Fastly.PurgeApi purgeSingleUrl Purge a URL
Fastly.PurgeApi purgeTag Purge by surrogate key tag
Fastly.RateLimiterApi deleteRateLimiter Delete a rate limiter
Fastly.RateLimiterApi getRateLimiter Get a rate limiter
Fastly.RateLimiterApi listRateLimiters List rate limiters
Fastly.RealtimeApi getStatsLast120Seconds Get real-time data for the last 120 seconds
Fastly.RealtimeApi getStatsLast120SecondsLimitEntries Get a limited number of real-time data entries
Fastly.RealtimeApi getStatsLastSecond Get real-time data from specified time
Fastly.RequestSettingsApi deleteRequestSettings Delete a Request Settings object
Fastly.RequestSettingsApi getRequestSettings Get a Request Settings object
Fastly.RequestSettingsApi listRequestSettings List Request Settings objects
Fastly.RequestSettingsApi updateRequestSettings Update a Request Settings object
Fastly.ResourceApi createResource Create a resource
Fastly.ResourceApi deleteResource Delete a resource
Fastly.ResourceApi getResource Display a resource
Fastly.ResourceApi listResources List resources
Fastly.ResourceApi updateResource Update a resource
Fastly.ResponseObjectApi deleteResponseObject Delete a Response Object
Fastly.ResponseObjectApi getResponseObject Get a Response object
Fastly.ResponseObjectApi listResponseObjects List Response objects
Fastly.ServerApi createPoolServer Add a server to a pool
Fastly.ServerApi deletePoolServer Delete a server from a pool
Fastly.ServerApi getPoolServer Get a pool server
Fastly.ServerApi listPoolServers List servers in a pool
Fastly.ServerApi updatePoolServer Update a server
Fastly.ServiceApi createService Create a service
Fastly.ServiceApi deleteService Delete a service
Fastly.ServiceApi getService Get a service
Fastly.ServiceApi getServiceDetail Get service details
Fastly.ServiceApi listServiceDomains List the domains within a service
Fastly.ServiceApi listServices List services
Fastly.ServiceApi searchService Search for a service by name
Fastly.ServiceApi updateService Update a service
Fastly.ServiceAuthorizationsApi createServiceAuthorization Create service authorization
Fastly.ServiceAuthorizationsApi deleteServiceAuthorization Delete service authorization
Fastly.ServiceAuthorizationsApi listServiceAuthorization List service authorizations
Fastly.ServiceAuthorizationsApi showServiceAuthorization Show service authorization
Fastly.ServiceAuthorizationsApi updateServiceAuthorization Update service authorization
Fastly.SettingsApi getServiceSettings Get service settings
Fastly.SnippetApi createSnippet Create a snippet
Fastly.SnippetApi deleteSnippet Delete a snippet
Fastly.SnippetApi getSnippet Get a versioned snippet
Fastly.SnippetApi getSnippetDynamic Get a dynamic snippet
Fastly.SnippetApi listSnippets List snippets
Fastly.SnippetApi updateSnippetDynamic Update a dynamic snippet
Fastly.StarApi createServiceStar Create a star
Fastly.StarApi deleteServiceStar Delete a star
Fastly.StarApi getServiceStar Get a star
Fastly.StarApi listServiceStars List stars
Fastly.StatsApi getServiceStats Get stats for a service
Fastly.TlsActivationsApi createTlsActivation Enable TLS for a domain using a custom certificate
Fastly.TlsActivationsApi deleteTlsActivation Disable TLS on a domain
Fastly.TlsActivationsApi getTlsActivation Get a TLS activation
Fastly.TlsActivationsApi listTlsActivations List TLS activations
Fastly.TlsActivationsApi updateTlsActivation Update a certificate
Fastly.TlsBulkCertificatesApi deleteBulkTlsCert Delete a certificate
Fastly.TlsBulkCertificatesApi getTlsBulkCert Get a certificate
Fastly.TlsBulkCertificatesApi listTlsBulkCerts List certificates
Fastly.TlsBulkCertificatesApi updateBulkTlsCert Update a certificate
Fastly.TlsBulkCertificatesApi uploadTlsBulkCert Upload a certificate
Fastly.TlsCertificatesApi createTlsCert Create a TLS certificate
Fastly.TlsCertificatesApi deleteTlsCert Delete a TLS certificate
Fastly.TlsCertificatesApi getTlsCert Get a TLS certificate
Fastly.TlsCertificatesApi listTlsCerts List TLS certificates
Fastly.TlsCertificatesApi updateTlsCert Update a TLS certificate
Fastly.TlsConfigurationsApi getTlsConfig Get a TLS configuration
Fastly.TlsConfigurationsApi listTlsConfigs List TLS configurations
Fastly.TlsConfigurationsApi updateTlsConfig Update a TLS configuration
Fastly.TlsDomainsApi listTlsDomains List TLS domains
Fastly.TlsPrivateKeysApi createTlsKey Create a TLS private key
Fastly.TlsPrivateKeysApi deleteTlsKey Delete a TLS private key
Fastly.TlsPrivateKeysApi getTlsKey Get a TLS private key
Fastly.TlsPrivateKeysApi listTlsKeys List TLS private keys
Fastly.TlsSubscriptionsApi createGlobalsignEmailChallenge Creates a GlobalSign email challenge.
Fastly.TlsSubscriptionsApi createTlsSub Create a TLS subscription
Fastly.TlsSubscriptionsApi deleteGlobalsignEmailChallenge Delete a GlobalSign email challenge
Fastly.TlsSubscriptionsApi deleteTlsSub Delete a TLS subscription
Fastly.TlsSubscriptionsApi getTlsSub Get a TLS subscription
Fastly.TlsSubscriptionsApi listTlsSubs List TLS subscriptions
Fastly.TlsSubscriptionsApi patchTlsSub Update a TLS subscription
Fastly.TokensApi getTokenCurrent Get the current token
Fastly.TokensApi listTokensCustomer List tokens for a customer
Fastly.TokensApi listTokensUser List tokens for the authenticated user
Fastly.TokensApi revokeToken Revoke a token
Fastly.TokensApi revokeTokenCurrent Revoke the current token
Fastly.UserApi createUser Create a user
Fastly.UserApi deleteUser Delete a user
Fastly.UserApi getCurrentUser Get the current user
Fastly.UserApi getUser Get a user
Fastly.UserApi requestPasswordReset Request a password reset
Fastly.UserApi updateUser Update a user
Fastly.UserApi updateUserPassword Update the user's password
Fastly.VclApi createCustomVcl Create a custom VCL file
Fastly.VclApi deleteCustomVcl Delete a custom VCL file
Fastly.VclApi getCustomVcl Get a custom VCL file
Fastly.VclApi getCustomVclBoilerplate Get boilerplate VCL
Fastly.VclApi getCustomVclGenerated Get the generated VCL for a service
Fastly.VclApi getCustomVclGeneratedHighlighted Get the generated VCL with syntax highlighting
Fastly.VclApi getCustomVclHighlighted Get a custom VCL file with syntax highlighting
Fastly.VclApi getCustomVclRaw Download a custom VCL file
Fastly.VclApi listCustomVcl List custom VCL files
Fastly.VclApi setCustomVclMain Set a custom VCL file as main
Fastly.VclApi updateCustomVcl Update a custom VCL file
Fastly.VclDiffApi vclDiffServiceVersions Get a comparison of the VCL changes between two service versions
Fastly.VersionApi activateServiceVersion Activate a service version
Fastly.VersionApi cloneServiceVersion Clone a service version
Fastly.VersionApi createServiceVersion Create a service version
Fastly.VersionApi deactivateServiceVersion Deactivate a service version
Fastly.VersionApi getServiceVersion Get a version of a service
Fastly.VersionApi listServiceVersions List versions of a service
Fastly.VersionApi lockServiceVersion Lock a service version
Fastly.VersionApi updateServiceVersion Update a service version
Fastly.VersionApi validateServiceVersion Validate a service version
Fastly.WafActiveRulesApi bulkUpdateWafActiveRules Update multiple active rules
Fastly.WafActiveRulesApi createWafActiveRule Add a rule to a WAF as an active rule
Fastly.WafActiveRulesApi createWafActiveRulesTag Create active rules by tag
Fastly.WafActiveRulesApi deleteWafActiveRule Delete an active rule
Fastly.WafActiveRulesApi getWafActiveRule Get an active WAF rule object
Fastly.WafActiveRulesApi listWafActiveRules List active rules on a WAF
Fastly.WafActiveRulesApi updateWafActiveRule Update an active rule
Fastly.WafExclusionsApi createWafRuleExclusion Create a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly.WafExclusionsApi deleteWafRuleExclusion Delete a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly.WafExclusionsApi getWafRuleExclusion Get a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly.WafExclusionsApi listWafRuleExclusions List WAF rule exclusions
Fastly.WafExclusionsApi updateWafRuleExclusion Update a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly.WafFirewallVersionsApi cloneWafFirewallVersion Clone a firewall version
Fastly.WafFirewallVersionsApi createWafFirewallVersion Create a firewall version
Fastly.WafFirewallVersionsApi deployActivateWafFirewallVersion Deploy or activate a firewall version
Fastly.WafFirewallVersionsApi getWafFirewallVersion Get a firewall version
Fastly.WafFirewallVersionsApi listWafFirewallVersions List firewall versions
Fastly.WafFirewallVersionsApi updateWafFirewallVersion Update a firewall version
Fastly.WafFirewallsApi createWafFirewall Create a firewall
Fastly.WafFirewallsApi deleteWafFirewall Delete a firewall
Fastly.WafFirewallsApi getWafFirewall Get a firewall
Fastly.WafFirewallsApi listWafFirewalls List firewalls
Fastly.WafFirewallsApi updateWafFirewall Update a firewall
Fastly.WafRuleRevisionsApi getWafRuleRevision Get a revision of a rule
Fastly.WafRuleRevisionsApi listWafRuleRevisions List revisions for a rule
Fastly.WafRulesApi getWafRule Get a rule
Fastly.WafRulesApi listWafRules List available WAF rules
Fastly.WafTagsApi listWafTags List tags


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