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his sample explains how to retrieve Monitor multi-dimensional metrics and multi-dimensional metric definitions using the Azure .NET SDK release_0.18.0-preview or higher.

Retrieve Azure Monitor multi-dimensional metrics with .NET

This sample explains how to retrieve Monitor multi-dimensional metrics and multi-dimensional metric definitions using the Azure .NET SDK release_0.18.0-preview or higher.

NOTE: calls to this API can retrieve single dimensional metrics/metric definitions too.

NOTE: please refer to the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.

NOTE: for contributions refer to the file.

On this page

Run this sample

  1. If you don't have it, install the .NET Core SDK.

  2. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  3. Install the dependencies.

    dotnet restore
  4. Create an Azure service principal either through Azure CLI, PowerShell or the portal.

  5. Export these environment variables using your subscription id and the tenant id, client id and client secret from the service principal that you created.

    export AZURE_TENANT_ID={your tenant id}
    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID={your client id}
    export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET={your client secret}
    export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID={your subscription id}
  6. Run the sample.

    dotnet run program

What is program.cs doing?

The sample retrieves multi dimensional metric definitions and multi dimensional metrics for a given resource. It starts by setting up a MonitorClient object using your subscription and credentials.

// Build the service credentials and Monitor client
var serviceCreds = await ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(tenantId, clientId, secret);
var monitorClient = new MonitorClient(serviceCreds);
monitorClient.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;

List multi dimensional metric definitions for a resource

List the multi dimensional metric definitions for the given resource, which is defined in the current subscription.

IEnumerable<MetricDefinition> metricDefinitions = await readOnlyClient.MetricDefinitions.ListAsync(resourceUri: resourceUri, cancellationToken: new CancellationToken());

NOTE: call to the multi-dim metrics API do not support filters for the metric definitions.

List multi dimensional metrics for a resource

Response metrics = await readOnlyClient.Metrics.ListAsync(resourceUri: resourceUri, cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

or with arguments

// The timespan is the concatenation of the start and end date/times separated by "/"
string startDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3).ToString("o");
string endDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("o");
string timeSpan = startDate + "/" + endDate;

Write("Call with more parameters, but no filter");
metrics = await readOnlyClient.Metrics.ListAsync(
  resourceUri: resourceUri, 
  timespan: timeSpan,
  interval: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
  metric: "Transactions",

  resultType: ResultType.Data,
  cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

Write("Call to retrieve time series with timespan parameter");
metrics = await readOnlyClient.Metrics.ListAsync(
                resourceUri: resourceUri,
                timespan: timeSpan,
                resultType: ResultType.Data,
                cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

// interval is equivalent to timeGrain in the single dimension API
Write("Call to retrieve time series with timespan and interval parameters");
metrics = await readOnlyClient.Metrics.ListAsync(
                resourceUri: resourceUri,
                timespan: timeSpan,
                interval: System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
                resultType: ResultType.Data,
                cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

Write("Call to retrieve time series with timespan, interval, and metric parameters");
metrics = await readOnlyClient.Metrics.ListAsync(
                resourceUri: resourceUri,
                timespan: timeSpan,
                interval: System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
                metric: "CpuPercentage",
                resultType: ResultType.Data,
                cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

Write("Call to retrieve time series with timespan, interval, metric, and aggregation parameters");
metrics = await readOnlyClient.Metrics.ListAsync(
                resourceUri: resourceUri,
                timespan: timeSpan,
                interval: System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
                metric: "CpuPercentage",
                aggregation: "Count",
                resultType: ResultType.Data,
                cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

Write("Call to retrieve time series with timespan, interval, metric, and $filter parameters. NOTE: $filter is reserved for metadata only.");
// Filter (just an example). The user must know which metadata are available.
// More conditions can be added with the 'or' and 'and' operators
ODataQuery<MetadataValue> odataFilterMetrics = new ODataQuery<MetadataValue>(
        "Metadata1 eq '{0}' and Metadata2 eq '{1}' or Metadata3 eq '*'",
metrics = readOnlyClient.Metrics.List(
                resourceUri: resourceUri,
                timespan: timeSpan,
                interval: System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
                metric: "CpuPercentage",
                odataQuery: odataFilterMetrics,
                aggregation: "Count",
                resultType: ResultType.Data);

Write("Call to retrieve metadata with timespan");
// For this query (for metadata) requires at least one metadata eq '*'
odataFilterMetrics = new ODataQuery<MetadataValue>("Metadata3 eq '*'");
var metadata = await readOnlyClient.Metrics.ListAsync(
                resourceUri: resourceUri,
                odataQuery: odataFilterMetrics,
                timespan: timeSpan,
                metric: "CpuPercentage",
                resultType: ResultType.Metadata,
                cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

NOTE: there are other parameters not illustrated here like aggregation, $top, $orderby. Please refer to the SDK documentation for details.


Code samples for the Azure Monitor's multidimensional metrics API



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