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E Learning Guidelines

fbfreitas edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 5 revisions

This document contains a set of guidelines on the proper use of the available e-learning tools.


The Slack workspace is named isel-leic-ls-2122-2

Slack Invitation URL is

In the username, please use your first name followed by your group, in parentheses (e.g. "Pedro (li41d-g00)")

This Slack workspace will only be monitored by the teaching staff during the scheduled lecture hours and eventual additional office-hours (i.e. extra time slots booked outside the regular scheduled lecture hours).

The available channels are:

  • A #general channel used by the teaching staff to broadcast information applicable to all class sections ("turmas").

  • A channel specific to each class section ("turma"), for more scoped announcements and discussions.

  • A per-group private channel, used for group-related conversations, mainly during the scheduled lecture hours.

GitHub issues

Use GitHub issues on the common repository to request help that can be handled asynchronously:

  • Note that the GitHub issues are public and viewable by all class members. Use them mainly for questions that are relevant to the overall community. An example are questions about project requirements or about used tools.

  • Do not include private information.

  • Always include your class section ("turma") in the issue description.