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MuJoCo Interoperability

In this example application, we demonstrate how to synchronize SPEAR rendering with an interactive MuJoCo simulation of our apartment_0000 scene.

Before running this example, rename user_config.yaml.example to user_config.yaml and modify the contents appropriately for your system, as described in our Getting Started tutorial. You will also need to run our export pipeline for the apartment_0000 scene, as described in our Running the Export Pipeline tutorial.

Running the example

You can run the example as follows.

python --mjcf_file path/to/spear-pipeline/apartment_0000/mujoco_scene/main.mjcf

This will launch an interactive MuJoCo viewer and a SPEAR rendering window. The poses of the chairs in the MuJoCo simulation will be synchronized in real-time with SPEAR.