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File metadata and controls

185 lines (129 loc) · 6.49 KB

API Reference

.. default-domain:: py

This gives you an overview of the public API that raven-python exposes.


.. py:class:: raven.Client(dsn=None, **kwargs)

    The client needs to be instanciated once and can then be used for
    submitting events to the Sentry server.  For information about the
    configuration of that client and which parameters are accepted see

    .. py:method:: capture(event_type, data=None, date=None, \
           time_spent=None, extra=None, stack=False, tags=None, **kwargs)

        This method is the low-level method for reporting events to
        Sentry.  It captures and processes an event and pipes it via the
        configured transport to Sentry.


            capture('', message='foo', data={
                'request': {
                    'url': '...',
                    'data': {},
                    'query_string': '...',
                    'method': 'POST',
                'logger': '',
            }, extra={
                'key': 'value',

        :param event_type: the module path to the Event class. Builtins can
                           use shorthand class notation and exclude the
                           full module path.
        :param data: the data base, useful for specifying structured data
                           interfaces. Any key which contains a '.' will be
                           assumed to be a data interface.
        :param date: the datetime of this event.  If not supplied the
                     current timestamp is used.
        :param time_spent: a integer value representing the duration of the
                           event (in milliseconds)
        :param extra: a dictionary of additional standard metadata.
        :param stack: If set to `True` a stack frame is recorded together
                      with the event.
        :param tags: dict of extra tags
        :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments are handled specific to the
                       reported event type.
        :return: a tuple with a 32-length string identifying this event

    .. py:method:: captureMessage(message, **kwargs)

        This is a shorthand to reporting a message via :meth:`capture`.
        It passes ``''`` as `event_type` and the
        message along.  All other keyword arguments are regularly


            client.captureMessage('This just happened!')

    .. py:method:: captureException(exc_info=None, **kwargs)

        This is a shorthand to reporting an exception via :meth:`capture`.
        It passes ``''`` as `event_type` and the
        traceback along.  All other keyword arguments are regularly

        If exc_info is not provided, or is set to True, then this method
        will perform the ``exc_info = sys.exc_info()`` and the requisite
        clean-up for you.


                1 / 0
            except Exception:

    .. py:method:: captureBreadcrumb(message=None, timestamp=None,
                                     level=None, category=None, data=None,
                                     type=None, processor=None)

        Manually captures a breadcrumb in the internal buffer for the
        current client's context.  Instead of using this method you are
        encouraged to instead use the :py:func:`raven.breadcrumbs.record`
        function which records to the correct client automatically.

    .. py:method:: send(**data)

        Accepts all data parameters and serializes them, then sends then
        onwards via the transport to Sentry.  This can be used as to send
        low-level protocol data to the server.

    .. py:attribute:: context

        Returns a reference to the thread local context object.  See
        :py:class:`raven.context.Context` for more information.

    .. py:method:: user_context(data)

        Updates the user context for future events.

        Equivalent to this::

            client.context.merge({'user': data})

    .. py:method:: http_context(data)

        Updates the HTTP context for future events.

        Equivalent to this::

            client.context.merge({'request': data})

    .. py:method:: extra_context(data)

        Update the extra context for future events.

        Equivalent to this::

            client.context.merge({'extra': data})

    .. py:method:: tags_context(data)

        Update the tags context for future events.

        Equivalent to this::

            client.context.merge({'tags': data})


.. py:class:: raven.context.Context()

    The context object works similar to a dictionary and is used to record
    information that should be submitted with events automatically.  It is
    available through :py:attr:`raven.Client.context` and is thread local.
    This means that you can modify this object over time to feed it with
    more appropriate information.

    .. py:method:: activate()

        Binds the context to the current thread.  This normally happens
        automatically on first usage but if the context was deactivated
        then this needs to be called again to bind it again.  Only if a
        context is bound to the thread breadcrumbs will be recorded.

    .. py:method:: deactivate()

        This deactivates the thread binding of the context.  In particular
        it means that breadcrumbs of the current thread are no longer
        recorded to this context.

    .. py:method:: merge(data, activate=True)

        Performs a merge of the current data in the context and the new
        data provided.  This also automatically activates the context
        by default.

    .. py:method:: clear(deactivate=None)

        Clears the context.  It's important that you make sure to call
        this when you reuse the thread for something else.  For instance
        for web frameworks it's generally a good idea to call this at the
        end of the HTTP request.

        Otherwise you run at risk of seeing incorrect information after
        the first use of the thread.

        Optionally `deactivate` parameter controls if the context should
        automatically be deactivated.  The default behavior is to
        deactivate if the context was not created for the main thread.

    The context can also be used as a context manager.  In that case
    :py:meth:`activate` is called on enter and :py:meth:`deactivate` is
    called on exit.