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File metadata and controls

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Default Field Types


  • type: string - the type of the field. you can add more type using customFieldTypes prop on the <FormGenerator />.
  • label: string - the label for the field
  • childFields: [FieldType] - an array of child fields. If the parent field is invisible, childFields will also be invisible. useful for the section and group types.
  • conditionalVisible: ConditionalObject - the evaluated ConditionalObject controls whether a field and it's childFields are visible


Extends GenericProps

  • questionId: - the name property for a field. supports dot-notation
  • required: boolean - mark the field as required
  • disabled: boolean - mark the field as disabled (also skips required validation)
  • conditionalRequired: ConditionalObject - the evaluated ConditionalObject controls whether a field is required
  • conditionalDisabled: ConditionalObject - the evaluated ConditionalObject controls whether a field is disabled (also skips required validation)

Type: text

Extends GenericFieldProps. Renders a native <input type="text" /> component.

Type: textarea

Extends GenericFieldProps. Renders a native <textarea> component.

Type: radio

Extends GenericFieldProps. Renders a native <input type="radio" /> component.

Type: select

Extends GenericFieldProps. Renders a native <select> and <option> component.

  • options: [ { label: string, value: string } ] - an array of <option>s to render.

Type: array

Extends GenericFieldProps. Uses ReduxForm FieldArray component, and renders each item, as an arrayItem type.

  • item: (FieldType: arrayItem) - the arrayItem type that the array will use to render each item.
  • addLabel - the label for the Add button for adding a new item to the array.

Type: arrayItem

Extends GenericProps

  • label: string - supports templates for {index} and {indexOverTotal} ex: label: "Item {index}"

Type: group

Extends GenericProps. Renders a extra label for grouping fields.

Type: section

Extends GenericProps. Renders a header for grouping fields.


These are the library exports.

FormGenerator : React.ComponentType<FormGeneratorProps>

getSectionErrors: (options: SectionValidOptions) => Object

isSectionFilled: (options: SectionFilledOptions) => boolean

isSectionEmpty: (options: SectionEmptyOptions) => boolean

getFieldPath: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => string

isFieldHidden: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => boolean

isFieldVisible: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => boolean

isFieldRequired: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => boolean

isFieldDisabled: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => boolean

isFieldEmpty: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => boolean

isFieldFilled: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => boolean

isFieldValid: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => boolean

mapFieldChildren: (options: FieldValidatorOptions) => Array<FieldType>

getDefaultValues: (options: GetDefaultValuesOptions) => Object

injectGenProps: (React.ComponentType<ReduxForm>) => React.ComponentType

does the heavy lifting to validation, defaultValues, and lookupTable. injects props into a reduxForm decorated component (initialValues, validate) and uses getDefaultValues and getSectionErrors

buildLookupTable: (options: BuildLookupTableOptions) => LookupTable

isNilOrEmpty: (any) => boolean

checks if something is nil or empty (runs trim on strings);



fields: Array<FieldType>

customQuestionProps?: { [key: string]: Object }

For advanced use cases only, this object has keys which represent questionIds, and the values are a props object which will be spread onto the matching field. This should really only be used when passing custom event handlers. 99% of the time you should implement this inside of your custom field type definition.

visibleDepth?: string

customFieldTypes?: CustomFieldTypes

customOperators?: CustomOperators

display?: 'stacked' | 'inline'

disabled?: boolean

Will pass the disabled prop to all fields in the form.

lookupTable: LookupTable


type: string

questionId?: string

A dot-notation string representing the redux-form Field name prop.

childFields?: Array<FieldType>

An array of childFields. These fields will show/hide if the parent is visible/hidden.

conditionalVisible?: ConditionalObject

Controls whether a field and it's childFields are visible

conditionalRequired?: ConditionalObject

Controls whether a field is required

conditionalDisabled?: ConditionalObject

Controls whether a field is disabled

conditionalValid?: ConditionalObject

Used to check if a field is valid

requiredMessage?: string

If the field is required, this will override the global REQUIRED_MESSAGE

invalidMessage?: string

If the field is invalid, this will override the global INVALID_MESSAGE


An object, when evaluated against data, resolves to a true or false value.

questionId: string

defaults to the parent question, use this to override

equals?: mixed

lodash _.isEqual(value, param)

and?: Array<ConditionalObject>

an array of Conditional Objects that are logical &&'d together

or?: Array<ConditionalObject>

an array of Conditional Objects that are logical ||'d together

not?: ConditionalObject

takes the opposite of the specified Conditional Object (! operation)

filled?: boolean

if true, returns !isNilOrEmpty(value)

includes?: mixed | Array<mixed>

used to check if an array includes the specific param. runs lodash _.includes(value, param) under the hood.

greaterThan?: number

value > param

lessThan?: number

value < param

greaterThanEqual?: number

value >= param

lessThanEqual?: number

value <= param

length: number

value.length === param

minLength: number

value.length >= param

maxLength: number

value.length <= param

pobox: boolean

check if the value looks like a pobox

email: boolean

check if the value looks like an email address

regex: boolean

text the value against the regex param

compare: ConditionalObject

The compare operator is useful when comparing the value of a field to the value of another field instead of a fixed value. It accepts all the operators, except instead of providing a fixed value, you provide a questionId as the value. the compare operator will lookup the data for that questionId and evaluate the conditional object.

In this example, we have a min/max fields which reference each other for their upper/lower bounds.

    type: 'text',
    questionId: 'minQuestionId',
    conditionalValid: {
      compare: {
        lessThanEqual: 'maxQuestionId'
    type: 'text',
    questionId: 'maxQuestionId',
    conditionalValid: {
      compare: {
        greaterThanEqual: 'minQuestionId'

value : alias of equals

lt : alias of lessThan

gt : alias of greaterThan

max : alias of lessThanEqual

min : alias of greaterThanEqual


_genFieldComponent?: React.ElementType

This is the redux-form Field, Fields, or FieldArray component that this should use to render

_genLabelComponent?: React.ElementType

The component to use when rendering the label. Internally uses GenericRequiredLabel.

_genComponent?: React.ElementType

The component to use if you're not rendering a redux-form field component (using _genFieldComponent)

_genWrapperComponent?: React.ElementType

If provided, it will be passed props from GenField as well as the pre-rendered labelComponent, fieldComponent, and component

_genChildren?: FieldsType

If inner fields are not represented by childFields, you use this property to expose those inner fields to traversals.

_genDefaultValue?: mixed

The value to use when calculating default values for the form. (getDefaultValues())

_genIsFilled?: Function

fn({data, field, lookupTable, customFieldTypes}) => bool

Use this property to create a custom isFieldFilled function for this field type. Should return a boolean.

_genIsValid?: Function

fn({data, field, lookupTable, customFieldTypes}) => bool

Use this property to create a custom isFieldValue function for this field type. Should return a boolean.

_genSectionErrors?: Function

fn({errors, data, field, lookupTable, customFieldTypes}) => void set in errors

Allows a field type to set custom errors in the entire errors object during validation.

_genTraverseChildren?: Function

fn({iterator, data, lookupTable}) => => iterator({field, data, lookupTable}))

Use the provided iterator to traverse over complex children.

_genSkipChildren?: boolean

skip rendering of childFields

_genSkipCache?: boolean

skip clearing/restoring the field value when change in visibility happens

_genHidden?: boolean

skip rendering of this field and all it's children.

(...) props for _genFieldComponent

all props that aren't prefixed with _gen will get passed to the rendered _genFieldComponent. (such as name, names, component, etc).