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Kin Genomic Privacy Meter

This git repo is the companion to our paper KGP Meter: Communicating Kin Genomic Privacy to the Masses presenting KGPMeter. Here is the paper's abstract:

Direct-to-consumer genetic testing services are gaining momentum: As of today, companies such as 23andMe or AncestryDNA have already attracted 26 million customers. These services raise privacy concerns, exacerbated by the fact that their customers can then share their genomic data on platforms such as GEDmatch. Notwithstanding their right to learn about their genetic background or to share their genomic data, it is paramount that individuals realize that such a behavior damages their relatives’ privacy (i.e., kin genomic privacy).

In this paper, we present KGP Meter, a new online tool that provides means for raising awareness in the general public about the privacy risks of genomic data sharing. Our tool features various properties that makes it highly interactive, privacy-preserving (i.e., not requiring access to the actual genomic data), and user-friendly. It explores possible configurations in an optimized way and combines well-established graphical models with an entropy-based metric to compute kin genomic privacy scores. Our experiments show that KGP Meter is very responsive. We design and implement an interface that enables users to draw their family trees and indicate which of their relatives’ genomes are known, and that communicates the resulting privacy scores to the users. We then analyze the usage of the tool and survey users to better understand users’ perceptions towards these risks and evaluate our tool.

Getting started

This repository is intended for people that either want to add the KGPMeter web app to their website or are interested in using the KGPMeter codebase. If you want to evalulate scenarios of kin genomic privacy, head to our dedicated website If you want to learn about the scientific foundations of KGPMeter head to our paper.

There are 3 possible use-cases documented here:

  1. Integrate the KGPMeter web app into a website (using our backend or your own).
  2. Run the KGPMeter backend and serve the KGPMeter web app from your own machine.
  3. Use the KGPMeter python API to explore kin genomic privacy scenarios with code.

For 2. and 3., you will need to first follow the appendix guide to A) Download Netica and install python dependencies at the end of this README.

If you want to contribute to the project/modify the code/understand this repository's structure, jump to appendixe B) Repo structure

1. Integrate the KGPMeter web app into a website

You can find html integration examples in the KGPMeter_integration_example.html file.

The first and simplest method to integrate the KGPMeter web app is to add two tags to your webpage:

<div id="kin-genomic-privacy-meter"></div>
<script src="path/to/kgpmeter.js"></script>

Where path/to/kgpmeter.js corresponds to the frontend/lib/js/kgpmeter.js file (you can also use our publicly available kgpmeter.js file). The kgpmeter.js script looks for a <div> with id kin-genomic-privacy-meter. If it finds it, the script automatically creates a kgpmeter instance in it, using by default our api endpoint.

It is also possible to specify some options using optional data- attributes :

<div id="kin-genomic-privacy-meter" data-kgpmeter-api-url="" data-kgpmeter-lng="en" data-kgpmeter-max-height="1000" data-kgpmeter-remove-survey="false"></div>
<script src="path/to/kgpmeter.js"></script>

data-kgpmeter-api-url specifies the url of the used KGPMeter backend, here our default api endpoint endpoint. Once you have set up your own KGPMeter backend, you can use its url. The three other data- attributes allow to set the web app language, maximum height (in pixel) and whether to remove the user survey, if not present they default to "en" and 1000 and false. Available languages are ["en", "fr", "it", "de", "es"], the data-kgpmeter-max-height should be at least 600.

The second method to integrate KGPMeter in a webpage is to create a KGPMeter instance with javascript, the only advantage being the ability to use another <div> id:

<div id="kgp-meter"></div>
<script src="path/to/kgpmeter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  kgpmeter = new KgpMeter(

2. Run the KGPMeter backend and serve the KGPMeter web app

If it is not already done, follow the guide A) Download Netica and install python dependencies below to have Netica and python dependencies installed.

backend/ instantiates a flask app. It is ready to be deployed as a WSGI application for production use.

To launch it locally for testing, with the virtual environment activated enter the backend/ folder and simply do:

python -r

You can now browse to http://localhost:5000/app/ to see the embedable app. The proper URL to use for a website integration would here be http://localhost:5000/.

backend/ describes a default configuration for It shouldn't be modified, copy it into backend/ and modify this one instead. first looks for the backend/ config file and uses backend/ as fallback.

3. Use the KGPMeter python API

If it is not already done, follow the guide A) Download Netica and install python dependencies below to have Netica and python dependencies installed.

backend/demo/demo.ipynb introduces the kgp_meter backend: how to create a Sequenced Family Tree and compute its target's privacy score:

jupyter notebook backend/demo/demo.ipynb

A) Download Netica and install python dependencies

The KGP Meter backend depends on Netica, a Bayesian Network library in C. Netica needs to be download and compiled from Norsys sources. Notes:

  • for Mac OS X you will need to have the (free) Xcode developer tools and the compilation will fire some warnings that can be safely ignored.
  • for Windows, we don't have a download_compile script yet. If you write one, we would be very happy to add it!

In the repo folder, run the following commands:

cd backend/neticaPy/
sh download_compile_netica_<your OS: mac, linux64 or linux32>.sh
cd ../..

Install python dependencies:

cd backend/
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..

With the depedencies installed and the virtual environment activated, you can then follow with 2. or 3. . Once you're done, you can deactivate the python virtual environment:


B) Repo structure

  • backend/ contains the python code to compute kin genomic privacy scores and the flask app handling score requests.
  • frontend/ contains the HTML, CSS, Javascript code for the webapp: visually building family trees, sending requests to the backend as well as for integration in webpages.