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File metadata and controls

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Loading data to POS

By default POS uploads next models:

res.users,, decimal.precision, uom.uom, res.partner,,, pos.session, pos.config, res.users, stock.location, product.pricelist, product.pricelist.item, product.category, res.currency, pos.category, product.product,, account.journal, account.fiscal.position,

If we've added a new field in the backend and want them to be presented in the POS we can use load_fields method inside the PosModel initialize function.

In the next example taken from POS Debt & Credit notebook module we add some new fields to the account.journal model:

var models = require('point_of_sale.models');
models.load_fields('account.journal', ['debt', 'debt_limit', 'credits_via_discount', 'pos_cash_out',
                    'category_ids', 'credits_autopay']);

In order to upload a new model into POS we use load_models(models,options). Description's taken from odoo .

Loads openerp models at the point of sale startup.

load_models take an array of model loader declarations.

The models will be loaded in the array order. If no openerp model name is provided, no server data will be loaded, but the system can be used to preprocess data before load.

Loader arguments can be functions that return a dynamic value. The function takes the PosModel as the first argument and a temporary object that is shared by all models, and can be used to store transient information between model loads.

There is no dependency management. The models must be loaded in the right order. Newly added models are loaded at the end but the after / before options can be used to load directly before / after another model.

models: [{
    model: [string] the name of the openerp model to load.
    label: [string] The label displayed during load.
    fields: [[string]|function] the list of fields to be loaded.
            Empty Array / Null loads all fields.
    order:  [[string]|function] the models will be ordered by the provided fields
    domain: [domain|function] the domain that determines what
            models need to be loaded. Null loads everything
    ids:    [[id]|function] the id list of the models that must
            be loaded. Overrides domain.
    context: [Dict|function] the openerp context for the model read
    condition: [function] do not load the models if it evaluates to
    loaded: [function(self,model)] this function is called once the
            models have been loaded, with the data as second argument
            if the function returns a deferred, the next model will
            wait until it resolves before loading.

    before: [string] The model will be loaded before the named models
            (applies to both model name and label)
    after:  [string] The model will be loaded after the (last loaded)
            named model. (applies to both model name and label)

Example below uploads all records meet the domain account.invoice model.

The loaded function is a handler for uploaded data.

Here you can proceed and save this example which is taken from Pay Sale Orders & Invoices over POS module:

var models = require('point_of_sale.models');
    model: 'account.invoice',
    fields: ['name', 'partner_id', 'date_invoice', 'number', 'date_due', 'origin', 'user_id ', 'residual ', 'state ', 'amount_untaxed ', 'amount_tax '],
    domain: [['state', '=', 'open'],['type', '=', 'out_invoice']],
    loaded: function (self, invoices) {
      var invoices_ids = _.pluck(invoices, 'id');
      self.invoices = invoices;