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Development environment

Get the latest development version. Fork and clone the repo:

$ git clone<your-username>/helm-charts.git

Install Helm and Skaffold.

Install a local Kubernetes cluster:

  • Docker Desktop - recommended
  • Kind - it needs additional configuration to expose ingress 馃憞
  • K3d - not supported yet

Kind cluster

Kind does not expose ports by default. To enable this, you need to create the cluster with the following command:

$ kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml

That's it. You should be ready to make changes, run tests, and make commits! 馃帀

Running skaffold

Run skaffold in the root of the repo:

$ skaffold dev

Wait for the deployment to finish. You can check the status of the deployment in console. When it is ready, open the browser and go to http://localhost. You should see the Studio page.


Skaffold contains a configuration to install ingress-nginx for kind and docker-desktop. The profile will be used automatically when you run skaffold with the dev profile and the name of the current kubeContext matches kind-* or docker-desktop.

Skaffold profile - local

If you want to run skaffold with local profile, you need to create values-local-dev.yaml file in charts/studio/values-local-dev.yaml. The values should contain the overrides for the values of the chart.

To use the profile, run skaffold with following command:

$ skaffold dev -p local